Cost to Change a Will

We foolishly decided to make what we thought was a minor change to our will, but it has turned out to cost us over $700 to have some paragraphs removed. This includes a $300 administrative fee by the lawyer firm and over 1 hours fee by the lawyer.
For those in the know, is this a fair price or did they just see us coming?
As background, these lawyers prepared our original will and hold it in their office.


  • +3

    That's normal.

    Next time ask the dollar amount before asking ppl to do stuff.

    Same goes to everything.

    • Friggen lawyers charge an arm and a leg to do anything. But for Wills it's better to be safe than sorry. Ensuring that the lawyer reviews and correctly applies the changes saves a huge headache later on when the Will is being interpreted.

  • "As background, these lawyers prepared our original will and hold it in their office."

    First question that comes to mind is; What did you pay them last time? and how does it compare to this amendment?

    Lawyers can charge you whatever they want for their services.

    • +1

      They really can’t charge “whatever they want”. Legal services are one of the most regulated professions around. There are statutory rights for bill review and mandatory notices on invoices etc.

  • A small law firm generally charges between $200-300 per hour. Depending on the size of the law firm and the seniority of the solicitor it could go to around $500 per hour. So your 400 per hour is in the range but on the high side. There will be an admin fee, but that also seems to be on the high side.

    Did you ask what fees would be involved, and provide an estimate?
    Did you meet the solicitor in person to discuss the changes? if so how long were you in their offices?
    Did you use a small local firm, or large 'known name' firm?

    • This is a pretty big firm. I sent through the changes required via email, and they got the relevant pages changed & rebound the will & our only visit face to face will be the signing in the their office (with the lawyer).
      By the sounds of it, this is a fair fee. So I guess I'm good with it.

  • The firm advised potential fee before we actually did it. Just that we were short on time (our fault) so went with the firm who held the will. It was quite involved the first time when we got our will done. Health directives, Enduring Power of Attorneys, Trusts. So we paid heaps - but feel that it was worth it then. This time I feel that we are just getting jipped so such a minor job. I was prepared for about $300 because it is with a lawyer, but more than double seems extreme.

    • If they advised the potential fee. Was the advice around $700 or $300?

      • I have yet to sign the changed will. From advice they provided -it looks like a minimum of $700+. Made up of $300 administration & $350-450/hr lawyers time. I was advised that they expect to charge more than 1hr of time. As stated just now to a comment above - and judging by advice from fellow Ozbargainers - it seems like a fair price from a mid to large firm of lawyers, which they are. Just have to accept that this is the price of doing business. At least, I don't feel jipped now. Thanks for the help

        • Just keep in mind, what you consider a minor alteration could be very complex.

          Unlike paying a plumber to put in a pipe and being called out later to fix a minor leak, a solicitor can't fix a Will as often it will be too late. They will spend considerable time to ensure it's correct and pursuant to your wishes as they face a heavy insurance hit if they stuff it up.

  • +1

    It would have been cheaper to 'make' a new Will ;)

    Take original will to new lawyers, tell them which paragraphs to delete.

    Maybe $300 ;)

  • This includes a $300 administrative fee by the lawyer firm and over 1 hours fee by the lawyer.

    $300 for admin, $400 for an hour's time. Sounds about right.

  • +1

    Lawyers charge hourly rates, and for them to be able to advise you they have to read the document. Easy changes probably take 2-3 hours.

  • Interested what the admin fee consists of (if they advised)? That part seems excessive to me. An hour for the lawyer's time to review the wills, amend and have re-signed seems reasonable.

    • Some firms charge an admin fee for just opening the file (rather than billing for individual things for small matters).

  • This is a pretty big firm

    That's it really. Anyone smaller is obviously doing well at $300/hr, they don't need a minimum charge of $700 for one hour of work.

  • just create your own codicil if a simple change

    • I'll keep that in mind if we have to do another change. Thanks

  • +2

    Just an update. I went along to the lawyer to sign the changes. I had sent in very detailed instructions on what I wanted taken out of the will. They said because it was only a simple change and I had done been very specific, then they ended up only charging me the admin cost of $330 (incl GST). I thought that was pretty good actually.

    • Good result, and thank you for the update. It's always good to hear what happens after someone posts and are given advice.

    • Lawyer here. I was going to say you were probably overcharged but now it's reasonable.

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