Hi all, fairly open ended one here but I'm hoping to Dona road trip for my next holiday from melbourne up the east coast. At the moment I'm thinking the trip will end at Jervis Bay as don't want to travel much further but looking for as many as 3 stops on route.
I have no real preference for mountain Vs beach towns (bit of both maybe?) and most likely will Airbnb at each stop.
The only real options i presently have in the mix are Cowes and lakes entrance but keep to hear of lesser known destinations or towns with something unique to offer!
Suggested holiday travel stops on way to Jervis Bay

Jervis Bay is most definitely in NSW. I live there!!
Jervis bay is in jervis bay territory not nsw
The tiny Jervis Bay Village is in the ACT ( but bordered all around by NSW. The tourist area of Jervis Bay, including the Bay itself is in NSW.
Not part of the act, just uses its laws afaik
Batemans bay,
Hayden’s pies @mollymook,Check out Tarthra and Mallacoota for sure, some of my favorite places. The volunteer run Tarthra wharf museum was great. There's an amazing secluded beach five minutes up the road from Tarthra too, Nelson Beach.
Eden and Ben Boyd national Park are well worth a visit.
Assuming your're taking the coast route the whole way I've only done that drive once some time ago so memory is a bit foggy but I do recall Eden being nice. I think that's where we found a fish and chips (we had a lot of fish and chips on that trip) where the fish is still to this day the best fish and chips takeaway I've had.
Bega is another obvious stop if you like cheese. The heritage centre is the only place you can buy the heritage reserve which was a personal favourite.
Thanks for the responses all, you've given me plenty of options to look at for my trip :)
Well Jervis Bay sure would tick the unique category given its oddly not even in NSW…