• expired

WD My Book Desktop External Hard Drive 10TB $228.45 + Delivery (Free with Prime) @ Amazon US via AU

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An unbelievable price for a 10TB WD My Book external hard drive. Limit to 2 per customer, and remember to use cashback.


  • Auto backup with included WD Backup software and Time Machine compatibility
  • Password protection with hardware encryption
  • Trusted storage built with WD reliability
  • USB 3.0 port; USB 2.0 compatible
  • 3-year manufacturer's limited warranty
Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

    • You can RAID 8TB with 10TB as 2 x 8TB plus remaining as separate 2TB volume.

      I'll buy this 10TB rather than waiting for 8TB, IMO.

      • Depending on your application, and if your hardware listens to TLER for detection of failed disks, you may have issues with WD Whites, since they disabled TLER on these.

        Most NAS implements either software raid or a gimp version of hardware raid which uses their 'own' detection of failed disks and ignore TLER.

        Do some research on your intended application first to ensure that you don't need this feature.

    • What is the storage capacity of a 'crypto'?

      • -4

        Lol that's a silly question, can't store anything in a crypto coin.

        I ended up going for $350 in Ethereum :).

        • -1

          Well, if you can't store anything in a crypto, and you need storage, you've wasted $350

        • ok

    • +1

      Why not both, there are storage based crypto currencies

      e.g. https://www.burst-coin.org/

      • -1

        Looks interesting, gonna have to have a deeper look when I get some free time.
        There's The decentralised cloud storage Sia too, though I really don't know much about that coin.

        Cheers Tiger ;)

    • +1

      They're both depreciating assets which took precious resources to manufacture, the difference is that the drive has a use.

      • I think crypto has a future, but most cryptocurrencies won't have a future.

        Guessing by the negs a lot of people got burned :(, I was just lucky and got in before the spike and just rode the crash out.

        Cheers :).

        • +1

          There might be an argument for decentralised currency, although I'm yet to see something compelling enough, however crypto currencies as they are at the moment very closely fit the definition of an economic bubble. The vast majority of the interest in them is in people trying to get rich - rather than use them as currency.

  • Damn, so cheap! I was planning 8x8TB though, and already bought 2x 8TB.. ;'(

    No efficient way to mix drive sizes with redundancy… D:

    Edit: Ended up biting and grabbing two anyway, too good of a deal! Guess I'll be using these as 8TB drives for now, unless I can come up with a better solution.

    • On some systems like Synology, using SHR can avoid wasting that 2TB by forming another 2TB RAID-1 Array. YMMV

    • Not sure what system you're using but if you are on something like unraid or snapraid, you don't really lose any capacity (the parity drive just needs to be >= the biggest drives in the array)

      Although i guess you could count that as losing a single 2TB block

  • How does this compare to this popular one from Seagate.

    • +3

      This one overtakes the popularity so far. ๐Ÿ˜‰

      • I was actually expecting this exact comment to come.

    • I am interested to find out as well. I bought the Seagate one but it hasn't been shipped yet. Am thinking about cancelling the existing order and buy this one instead if they are similar.

    • Seagate version has faster RPM, higher RRP $ + better specs. I would get the Seagate ones over WD My Book white drives any day.

      • Can I ask you to explain why, for the sake of reasoning to everybody?

        Personally, I'm of the opinion that neither WD nor Seagate are inherently better. Backblaze reports no notable statistical difference.

        There have been bad models and batches, but it usually comes down to doing the research to find out the specs of the drive inside each.

        • The Seagate is 7,200 RPM, 5yr warranty
          WD is 5400 RPM, 3yr warranty

          • @noshopping: Generally, at this kind of data density, RPM matters less, while also increasing risk of failure. Aren't Seagate 10tb SMR, or is there a non SMR model?

            Warranty is a valid point, but at this kind of price, I'd rather just buy an extra drive and plan for redundancy - many people will be shucking these, and have little chance at warranty.

            • @runean: really depends what you're using it for. If for storing media and archives (NAS), 5400rpm is sufficient. If using for video editing or server storage than you would want 7200rpm. I have a friend who owns a datacentre, out of the 5000+ servers he hosts, he's never had a single company deploy a production server with 5400rpm HD unless it was specifically setup as a backup server.

  • What is everyone storing that needs 10TB lol

    • +1

      years of photos & videos

      • +4

        5months on NBN :D

    • Man, The PC society we live in…

      4k media is what a lot of people are storing. Whether that be media, or 'media'.

      • Those โ€˜mediasโ€™ are streamed from site so contents are always fresh :)

    • +1

      TBH, I don't see myself filling up 10tb anytime soon, but I still bought one. I have about four old hard drives ranging from 1tb to 2tb, storing non-important data. I can remove all of them and copy their contents to this single drive. I have two 2tb drives that I use for important data (photos mostly); one active, one backup. I can store the contents of that onto this as well, and then use the two 2tb drives as backups for that important data.

  • +1

    So these are good to go in a synology 918? Or should i wait for the reds to go on sale?

    • Depends on whether you want the warranty or not.

    • To me it's worth the risk. You'll lose warranty though. Give it a full scan before taking the HDD out to prevent any DOA scenarios.

  • Will I need to reformat the drive to store file sizes larger than 2GB? Or can the HD take files 5GB and over straight out of the box?

    • +1

      You don't have to reformat the drive. It is formated as exFAT and doesn't have a file size limit.

      • +1

        Thanks Pielo

  • +7

    Oh I wish I didn't see this deal…

  • +1

    Grabbed one for the family photo archive. Thanks OP.

  • +1

    Does this have a 7200 rpm drive?

    • Not guaranteed since there's no official rpm spec, but it has always been a ~5400rpm class drive

      • That's a bit of a dealbreaker for me.. :(

        • From my experience, for the 8TB version anyway, it is the exact same performance as a WD Red (generally suspected to be identical), for 7200 rpm you really need a higher end drive, for > 2x this price

  • 300 1* and 900 5* review. Quite high the 1* feedback

    • just saw too,
      will re-order to get the extra 4% Cashback.

      • Will reordering be ok with the purchase limit if you ordered 2 originally?

      • -1

        i think it is only 5%?

        Please note that from midnight, Amazon AU via Cashrewards moves to a tiered rate system. What this means is that Apparel, Shoes, Handbags, Jewellery and Watches will all be at 10% Cashback, while everything else is 5%. This gives us greater flexibility to promote certain categories going forward. We hope you enjoy the change, and thank you as always for your support.


        • It clearly stated the new rules effective from midnight, so it's 10% cashback till midnight!

        • Looks like "from midnight" it will be a tiered rate so "9pm until midnight" should be 10% as non-tiered.

    • Just wonder if there'll something better after midnight? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • If shucked would this be any good for a DVR or Blue Iris system?

    • -3


      these are not suitable for dvr

      there are drives made for that..

      • Read elsewhere if the WD was a red it'd be okay as they are similar to purples?
        Will wait for a shuckable red :(

      • You are wrong, not sure where you heard that.

        • these are white label drives,

          not meant for 24/7 recording which is what I assume he wants to do..

          Blue Iris - Video Security Software


          • @pinkybrain: Yeah "not meant for" meaning they want you to pay extra money for a special drive for no reason.

            Any kind of drive, including white level will work perfectly with 24/7 recording.

            • +1

              @samfisher5986: It really depends on how much trouble it is if you lose the data. If it's just recording footage of your home then it's probably not that important - just replace the drive when it dies. If it's recording footage of a high security environment with high likelihood of incident or high penalties for failure - then you probably want to fork out money for the best available.

              Seeing as the OP is asking the question, I'm going to bet that he's not recording footage of a high security environment.

              • @macrocephalic: Not really, both have similar failure rates.

                Surveillance drives are more about enterprise use, for example they won't spend much time on any problematic sectors, it will just skip it straight away so the recording keeps going.

                They are also about very hard workloads with many many cameras that you simply won't see in a home environment.

                • @samfisher5986:

                  both have similar failure rates.

                  And I'd like to see you argue that to someone when you've just been slapped with $10k penalty for missing an SLA. There's a reason that industry often overspends on things, it's because the penalties of something failing are often so much more than the cost of the equipment that it doesn't make sense to take any risks.

                  Of course, for non-critical uses you're completely right.

                  • @macrocephalic: If it was enterprise and important, I wouldn't be relying on just one drive to hold video recordings.

    • +1

      These are practically WD Reds, unless you get the more expensive user serviceable WD enclosure version (the duo?), you're not getting Reds in shuckable drives anymore, they're super rare now, usually just old sock

      Practically it'll probably be fine, as you should do with any drive, periodically check to make sure your recordings are working

      I mean if you were risk adverse, you probably shouldn't be looking to shuck drives in the first place…

    • +3

      Don't listen to anyone telling you its not, they don't know anything.

      Literally any drive is perfect for DVR/Blue Iris.

      The write speed for HD cameras files are very low, you won't find a drive that can't handle it.

      You can get special surveillance drives, red drives or anything else, but the only useful thing you'll get is a longer warranty for a lot more money.

      I know this because I've used various drives for 1440p security cameras and the hard drives barely do anything.

  • thanks op, got one to put in old ds213, replace one of two 3tb wd red that's still going strong @ 6 yrs, 46k hrs ish! The old one will become offsite backup family pics!

  • Doesnt it take ages to rebuild a 10tb array ?

    I got 2x4 tb in my unraid atm. Very tempting to upgrade.

    • Imagine so. It took several days for each 8TB drive i initially added when creating my array (first time, NAS/RAID noob).

  • Price went up?

    • It's remain the same to me.

      • yeah dont know why - i clicked re-order but the price doubled. If i clicked through the ad, it is still the cheap price..

        re-order to take advantage of 10% cash back but the wait time is now 10 more days as well.

    • There's 2 different links somehow. When I click the link on my order, it shows $434.65 - but the link in this post shows the correct one.

      Just Amazon's site being weird

  • Wondering if I should jump on this since there were reports on WD 10TB Elements Desktop Hard Drive USB 3.0 being these drives WD100EMAZ-00WJTA0.

    Which are helium, they have not been on sale since the end of February though and from what I have read its debatable if helium is better or not long term?


    • Same here, cross fingers.
      Just ordered two.

    • It should but they have an enquiry system if it does not, so you can lodge a manual one if they don't register it?

  • how does the US warranty works in AUS?

  • oh it's gone back up to $400+.

    • +1

      It's still the same to me.

      Uses the link of the OP!

      • you have to pick the other Amazon US as the seller

  • +10

    Don't need, was not going to buy, Cashrewards doubles to 10%… hook line and sinker. Again.

    • +2

      Me too

    • +1

      Just did the same thing. I feel ashamed at my lack of self control.

      • I got to checkout and just thought, Why. I don't need extra shit especially bulky HDDs

        The cloud is my friend!

        • +1

          i brought 2 lmao

  • +1

    I am not very tech savy but I have a Qnap TS-431+, can I shuck the hard drive and put them in there without any issues. Just like installing a red drive? They would be used for backup purposed only on for things not as overly important (those have red drives backup and offsite BluRay backup's as well). Thanks for your help.

  • Great price. Ordered 2

  • For those seeing the price go up to $450 odd, make sure you choose "3 New from $228". There you'll see Amazon US and the $228 price is still available.

  • Thanks! ordered two. was going to swap out my 4bay 8TBx4 but this 2per customer limit means i'll just put them in my PC. For those wondering, I shucked my 4x8TB WD's last time and they work perfectly well in my QNAP. For these drives, please remember to bypass the 3.3v pin else it won't load in PC

    • Can't you ask your double friend to order 2 for you? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Thanks Nadstar, so you placed them in your QNAP without having to do anything special, is that right?

  • Hey guys

    Bit of a strange question but has anyone had any experience using these as an external expansion drive for Xbox One (X in my instance) I currently have a 5TB Seagate External Desktop Drive plugged in the thing spins itself up for 15 seconds after 45 seconds of inactivity. The only setting combination that works is switching it to power down when Xbox is in standby and also to stop automatic game and system updates, which can be somewhat annoying when Iโ€™d prefer them to auto update. Iโ€™m more so worried it spinning up constantly like this will do damage to it in the long run, and will just stick with the Seagate if people see it happening with other brands too.

  • is this contain a helium drive?

  • How is this drive compared to Seagate 10TB Backup Plus Desk Hub - Mac & PC. I bought the Seagate one for $250 some time ago. Not sure if I should cancel the existing order and buy this one instead.

    • I think they may have a helium drive in them, do some research if you can?

      • I did some research and found that this one is more expensive, so I just cancelled and purchased this one! Thanks.

  • Trying to make use of this deal… is there a code to use I'm missing? Sorry but I click to go to this deal and the price is $434.65

    • fNo code needed. Try use the link on the OP, it works!

    • click other sellers - amazon US

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