Deal Compactor - Deal Aggregator

Hey guys,

Just a week ago we launched a new deal aggregator in Australia. We were previously just in USA/Canada/UK and just recently expanded.

I've since been polishing up our system and I think you'll be pleased with the results.

Features I've worked very hard to introduce to Australia:

  • finding company names for individual deals
  • finding and mapping addresses for deals (some websites are starting to get this)
  • easy sorting and advanced filtering of deals (you can enter specific keywords for the system to filter by)

Reading this forum, I've noticed that RSS feeds are in demand, a feature we do not currently have, but definitely will soon.

Let me know what you guys think,


closed Comments

  • any chance we can have a "national" options? Would be handy for people planing on holiday interstate and stuff

    • Yeah, we'll definitely have it soon.

      The reason we haven't done it yet is because "National" deals are pretty disorganized. A lot of websites don't properly label their national deals even though they are national, so we're trying to figure out ways to separate national deals properly on our side.

      Thanks for the suggestion.

      • I think I was a bit mixed up there. What I meant to say is having all the deals in Australia listed out on 1 page. That way, for example, if I'm looking for ideas for my next holiday, I may spot a hotel/resort deal over in Melbourne or Darwin etc.

  • Looks good shadow. I use allthedeals' RSS feeds. It's quite good but would love to have filtering available for the RSS.

    • +1 to the filtered RSS feed

      • +1

        Hey Neil, Quop .. we'll be bringing personalized RSS to AllTheDeals( in the next few weeks. Choose location & categories to get your personalized feed :-)

        • How are you guys going with the personalised RSS? My RSS seems to only update once a day now and often repeats the same deals.

        • Hi Neil,

          Apologies for the delay. We are having to re-write the backend to cope with personalised RSS :-( Should be ready in about 4 weeks. Will update this thread when they're ready.

      • OK .. it took a LOT longer than 4 weeks but our personalised RSS feeds are now ready :-)

        You can subscribe up at

        You do need to sign up to access the personalised feed but you can just use a junk address if you don't want to give your real details. The feed uses the preferences you set during sign up, and you can change these at any time.

        • Finally! Nah, just kidding.

          I signed up, put in my preferences and was then presented with a personal feed link. After realising that Health and Beauty included massage deals, I unselected it but now have no link to the personal feed. Any ideas?

        • Hmmm … not good. Will get the devs to check it out. Can you try logging out & in again?

        • +1

          OK, so I reselected Health and Beauty and the feed came back. I then unselected Health and Beauty and the feed is there.

          But, it's now showing me NSW deals instead of Victorian ones. Hmmmm.

        • Thanks Neil .. will get that looked at.

  • I think you are missing at least deal2day and ourdeal in perth. It looks okay, but the Perth yogurt deal came up about 6 times. That was annoying. Other deals came up multiple times as well.

    • Thanks for letting me know. I got deal2day and ourdeal working, added several of the more important websites, and fixed a problem with Spreets that was causing the Perth yogurt deal to come up multiple times.

      At this point, the results on Deal Compactor should be a lot more reliable.

      Also for the people looking for the filtered RSS feed, I'm working on adding it as soon as possible.

      Thanks again.

  • It's just not quite right. Not enough deals listed. All the deals has really gone downhill with their change, so I am looking for a new aggregator.

    • Not enough deals? There are more than ever. Are you looking at ?

      • I didn't see any for Our Deal or Ouffer. at all. At least in Perth. I also think there may be other GB companies missing entirely. You guys were my favourite. Now I don't have a fav.

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