
My microwave has just blown after 6 years and I was after some help finding a new one (at a good price of course!). Chasing something up to 1000W, medium to large size and a cost of anywhere between $150 - $300. Mostly for re-heating, defrosting, etc (don't cook often with it). Location is Melbourne.

Any help with models, prices, where to buy, etc would be appreciated.

Many thanks


  • Look up Panatech, where I bought a refurbished/repack buyer remorse unit for around $120 - inverter model.

    Shop T32, Supa Centre Tuggerah, Cnr Wyong Road & Bryant Drive TUGGERAH, NSW, 2259 (02) 4355 4504 (You can call them for other locations around the country)

    • Thanks ozpete, will look into it

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