Geronimo Jerky

Hi, has anyone got their Jerky from the last 50% off deal?? I have sent off some emails and tried to contact via phone but get no repsonce from either and it's been 2 weeks.


  • +1

    One more day until the end of this month.. haven’t received a shipping email yet so I assume I won’t be receiving anything this month… maybe our batch is still cooking up in the dehydrator…. haha Why didn’t I think to pay through paypal… I did it through direct deposit.. so i guess i’ll just have to wait it out…

  • +1


    u'll have to respond to this
    4 people dont have their orders

    • +1

      Thanks, #906 is me. It should be noted though that shadowfang (#932) has his order, strange why mine still has the status "PRINTED", maybe cos I ordered both buckshot and original.

      • I ordered buckshot and original too

    • +1

      1004 as well…… I also ordered both original and buckshot.. but I don't know why that would make a difference

    • +1

      cheers, i'm 940! haha…yea i'm starting to get annoyed again!!!

    • +1

      Order 975 still hasn't arrived! Come on Mark!!!as tourism Australia would put it…." where the bloody hell are you?"
      Just wondering whether buckshot has priority over original….cause I ordered original.

    • Please I have not had a direct response to any of my Questions. I find it strange that we were told people should get there jerky in 12 days on the 18th when they clearly knew that people who ordered on the 2-4where obviosly not getting their jerky in the next day or to then suddenly they say they have supply issues.

      Given paypals 30 days dispute resolution I will be opening one shortly.

      • Disputes need to be lodged within 45 calendar days of payment…, but thanks for the reminder. If I don't hear anything in the next couple of weeks I will be starting one as well.

        • Hmm, I ordered on the 2nd of May so I am now coming up to the 45 day mark (14th June). Has anyone received their order lately or should I be considering lodging a paypal dispute?!

      • I dont see how you guys are still waiting. 22 days waiting was enough. It is now day 29… 4 more days before paypal review my claim anyway and refund me..

        • I have never tried Geronimo jerky before and I'm torn between cancelling my order and trying out some jerky which I've been craving for a while. Figure I might as well give them a chance…

  • +1

    Still bad service? I started my dispute last week. Looks like they don't want to refund, and I have to wait till Paypal review it. Its already been escalated anyway so the 4th of June. If only these guys would make it easier.

    Anyay I think this has shown the true colors of this company.

  • I emailed on Monday last week asking for an update, but no reply. Emailed again on Friday and got a reply on the same day from Mark confirming he will look at my order and see if it ships on Saturday but if not, it will be sent on Monday.

    It's Tuesday now and still no update. I was order 885.

    Not looking good :(

  • It's a real shame about you guys having such poor customer service from a company that had a good reputation on OzB previously. Your support obviously gave them a boost, but it's a shame it has come crashing down with a lack of customer service and responsibility shirking. Talk about biting the hand that feeds it.

    I hope your orders/problems/queries get addressed soon. Open a paypal dispute asap, and if they don't respond/rectify it within paypals time frame, you should auto get your money back

    Too bad the "Big Chief" has gone AWOL after being so defensive earlier in this thread

  • +2

    Hello All,

    I am home sick (I know, I know) I have been replying to emails from info@, orders@geronimojerky .com and it has been going back and forth on order numbers because of the demands. I have forwarded order numbers to guys at shop and if I haven’t responded to you please email direct to me mark@ for me to chase it up.

    I have responded to all emails that I can see from all addresses but if I have missed out please also hit me up on above email (mark@geronimojerky .com). Geronimo jerky has been cooking around the clock to fill orders believe it or not and I even dragged myself out of bed for the night shift at 1am (I know, I know).

    I really am sorry for the delay which doesn’t help anyone but we have sent so much already but still have a lot more orders to fill. I cannot express how ridiculously stupid it is to have a half off sale on ozbargain . An expected 100 orders surged to over 300 – I have underestimated ozbargain…… it is crazy and stressful and has now tarnished our very good name with you and I am deeply sorry.

    Kind Regards,

    The Big Chief

    • Thanks Chief. Appreciate the response. Get well soon and I look forward to trying out your jerky - am a huge jerky/biltong fan here.
      PS. I guess you're now familiar with the term "ozbargained", as in "you've been ozbargained", too bad it happened the hard way!

      • Hello Kati :-)

        Thank you - still feel like yuck but the show must go on-Whats your order number?

        Please email it to me.

        Kind Regards,

        Mark aka "The Big Chief"

    • +3

      Personally with such a large discount, I would still consider making a purchase AND waiting a few weeks for the order to come….. IF there was extra info/warning telling me that it may take up to a few weeks due to pre-estimated demand as you do make them fresh.

      An order update would also have been good maybe you could have done it through batch numbers on your website/fb eg orders 1-100 are ready n posted out… and then another update once you reach 200 ect ect that way we can get an approximate idea on where our order is without having to shoot you an email and you spending the time to reply to all the emails when you are already busy cookn up our orders… not sure how your system works, but just an idea~

      That way, I wouldn’t be waiting day after day to see if it comes. It’d be more a pleasant surprise when it does…

      • +1

        I agree, I wouldn't of minded waiting IF you warned us. To say MOST will be shipped by XX date, and then that date pases (and another 12 days) and there are STILL people waiting.. that doesnt work haha

        • Anyway got my refund back :) Having said that, next time they have a special I will still give it a go. Hopefully thou wont take 1 month + but im sure that wont happen again :)

          Guess im happy with the outcome, hopefully lesson for everyone here

        • -1

          i thought about going the refund route and waiting for another sale, but it doesn't make much sense to do that. I.e. now you have to wait for next sale, go through delays again if it happens etc. May as well wait it out now, can't be too much longer. Anyways, hope big chief looks after us in future.

        • @random123

          If they were to do another special sale, and once again they have the same delays (1 month +), I would never shop there again. I already made my own haha got my jerky fix <3 Im happy to wait, and hope next time it goes smoother :D

        • Agreed Massari

    • Just to report back~ a friend of mine offered to pick up my order as she was in that area.. gave a quick call to GeronimoJerky and talked to Mark. After a bit of mix-up with payment looking for invoices/order payment number ect, seems the payment didn’t go through properly… I contacted my bank to double check, all details were correct but for some reason it didn’t go through….(and yes I did have $$ in my account) and here I was sitting here the last few weeks thinking everything was fine… In the end I got my friend to just pay/pick up for me first… ( sorry I jumped the queue guys. But beef jerky today vs beef jerky in a couple of days/next week…. not a hard decision)

      My payment status has been on ‘printed’ for quite a while.. maybe a payment confirmed status would be good??… not quite sure what ‘printed’ actually means… does it change once the payment goes through?? Anyways Mark was very friendly, and easy to deal with over the phone and the problem was fixed up in no time.

      • Hello Jujumui,

        It was a delight to speak with you today-You seem like a really nice person and I hope you love your Beef Jerky.


        The Big Chief

        • Yes I did love my beef jerky~.. having a late night snack on it right now… If only my boyfriend did buy me a couple of kgs would be a nice surprise hahah.. hope you get well soon~

    • The orders would probably be less than a kilo average so we are talking about only 300kg or so. Not good enough.

      • with respect to your comments Voteoften it is more then 300kg as most people have purchased over 1 kilo and there is a reduction of weight of
        over 66% (3 kilos of beef reduces to 1 kilo of jerky). But I agree with not good enough and I am sorry-I will give everyone an update tomorrow.

        Kind Regards,

        The Big Chief

      • you have no experience with these guys yet you know how much they've got to cook? you've made the loudest criticisms when you only have anecdotal evidence and you represent the people? do you work for a competitor?

    • Being unable to handle demand is one thing. Complete lack of communication is unacceptable though. I could have tolerated the 5 week wait if I at least got even a single email reply saying "Yeah hey sorry we're swamped, it's crap but we're trying, it will take a couple more weeks" or something like that. It would be annoying still but nowhere near the complete confidence-breaker the actual non-handling proved to be.

  • +1

    looks like he has forwarded all ur order numbers
    my work is done lol

    • nice work

      • Just got a email with tracking number and my jerky is on the way!!!!! WOoT!!!! Hope it was worth the wait!!!!!!

    • lol thanks pal!

  • Hello All,

    We have shipped out lastnights cook and if you have been snet jerky you should have a confirmation via email-again today Neill and the guys have done a massive cook and more will go out every single day. I will personally get back to every email as I have been communication with some of you guys for close to two years now. Again if you havent had a responce for one reason or another please email me personally mark@geronimo

    Kind Regards,


    • Thanks big chief,
      Got the email that it has been shipped out today!
      woohoo can't wait for that sweet sweet jerky!

      • Shoot me now I feel so sick..

        I hope you enjoy it and very deeply sorry for the delay.

        The Big Chief

        • hope you recover soon mate, i think you still have a good support base here, would just appreciate keeping the communication lines open earlier! p.s. i'm sure there isn't much you could have that some flaming arrow couldn't cure? haha

    • Any idea how much longer for order 910?

  • -1

    I fill like stupid (somehow I missed the last deal from Geronimo Jerky, but don't know how!!!)

    Hei Mark AKA TBC - I live in Brisbane. If I come to your store to buy some jerkey, can I still get the special 50% off? Or I have to wait for the next OzBargain special?

    Much appreciated

    • Dont feel silly Bappy-I will see what we can do for you at a later date-would not be right to give you jerky at the moment that should be going out into orders.

      Keep in touch mark@geronimo jerky. com

  • Hello All,

    Sorry for the quiet Big Chief today "Woe is me" sick as a dog…
    - we tried to get out some of the massive orders today(one customer ordered 8 x 500 grams of buckshot and 4 x 500 grams of Original)I must admit that put a dent in stock. Another day another cook but we are knocking orders down. Again if I have missed you or not responded please kick me up the back side (gently) mark@geronimojerky .com

    Talk tomorrow-

    The Big Chief

    • Ordered some Jerky post sale Chief, hopefully I get it before i leave for o/s on the 24th June :)

    • Have sent two email now still no responce??

  • So how is everyone going busy chewing or still waitng for you order?? Still no sign of mine yet waiting to hear something.

    • Mejutty,

      What email did you send it to?
      What is your order number?

      kind Regards,

      The Big Chief

      • Thanks you have now sent a reply

  • Hi Big chief,
    finally recieved my jerky but i found it is extremely crumbly in texture, basically breaks into tiny little pieces as soon as i bite into it and no real chew?

    I'm no jerky expert but this isn't like any jerky i have had before and it is actually kind of hard to eat?

    Look forward to your response

    • Sounds like it was cooked to quick

      • No Mikinoz,

        In a lot of causes if it is cooked to quick it will get what is called casing where the outside is hard and the inside is still raw. We always cook our product at a certain temp and time (17 hours) to insure we dont get casing. Crackly jerky is a timing issue as it stays on too long but we havent changed anything and all dryers are on timer so I am puzzled. Maybe a beer will moisten it up ;-)

        Talk soon and have a good weekend.

    • Hello Random,

      Have you had our Jerky before? I am just wondering because alot of the jerky sold in the shops is soft and full of preservatives- Ours is traditionally cooked with no preservatives or artificial flavours. let me know fi you can on my email mark@geronimojerky .com and i will see if we can sort it. it should have a bit of chew I agree.

      let me know.

  • My jerky is on the way. I hope it's better than all the bad reports I'm reading.

    • Mejutty, I hope you eat it with an open mind because if you dont then I am sure most people can find fault in anything in the wrong mindset (I am not talking about previous comments). I just hope you enjoy it after waiting for so long.

      Kind Regards,

      Mark (The Big Chief)

      • now that just sounds whiny

        • -1

          got a black kettle there natt?

  • :O

    and I thought my comment was too subtle there and noone would get it

    I love ya too (see above for context) ;P

  • -1

    got my jerky last Thursday. First impressions were it was a little overcooked…but as the days went by…….I love it! Its 11pm and I just had some jerky…tastes good and has ample amount of protein..almost more than my wpi!
    Just hope next time I order it wouldn't take that long!

    • agreed, first impression bit overcooked n salty as well… but now I'm addicted! a pity for those who still haven't received theirs though…..

  • everyone got their jerky?

    • Nope. I'm still waiting for the email to say mine's shipped. I'm #910.

      • ok wow :|

        • mines #1060, but wasn't ordered under the half off special :P

  • Also, still waiting. Sent Mark an email. Order # 1006.

  • +1

    order #903 here, still havent received it :( just sent an email off to find out if it's still coming :)

    i ordered 3kg so i kind of expected some delays, i just hope it's not lost. it's turned into a bit of a game in the office with me checking the parcel pickup point every few hours for the last couple of weeks, there's a few people really excited to find out what beef jerky is now! :D

  • Got an email saying it got shipped. Ordered 1kg original order #900.
    Hope its been worth all the wait!!

  • Was anyone here any of these order numbers and receive the shirt?

    order number 826, 828, 829 and 830

    Because I was order 827 but didn't end up getting one, was wondering if anyone else did.

  • -7

    I made two orders, one on the 3/5 and one on 4/5.
    Received the one from 3/5 with no problems, however my order from the 4/5 is arriving today.
    Order 1024 (lolbinary) is enroute.
    That's what happens when Geronimo offer such a great product at such a low price.
    I'm tempted to put in another 1kg order already!

    Not sure what everyone else is complaining about but I've made several orders, and I know my local posties think their quarterbacks and like to throw my packages hail mary into the drive way, and I'm yet to receive a packet that's open. Can't fault the big chief at all.

    As for this "The jerky's not chewy enough" - I'll be the judge of that. If you're comparing it to the rubbery sponge you buy at pubs, you clearly don't deserve to be enjoying geronimo jerky.

    • +2

      So your saying when Geronimo offer a good product at a low price, that justifies the > 1 month wait? lolol

    • +1

      have to agree with massari's sentiment here, I can't say i would go through the same level of treatment to buy their jerky again. Even when i expressed my disappointment in their product, after only recieving it 1 month after i purchased it, I got zip - not even a proper response.

      Now, what if i was a customer that didn't frequent ozbargain? the quality of the product in the single 500 gram bag i had was so hugely variable I cannot say that it was a quality product. I had thin bits so dry they crumbled, i had thick bits so thick when broken in half you could see raw looking red meat. After biting into a couple of pieces like that i started to break each piece to check for 'raw' bits.

      Now i may not be some jerky connoisseur but I'm pretty certain jerky is not a) meant to be that dry, b) have red bits in it and c) be so varied in quality/texture in a single pack.

      If i walk into a store and come out with a pack of jerky, either the crap supermarket stuff or this "premium" stuff, i expect it to atleast be consistent, if this jerky is meant to be THAT dry then what's with the thicker raw parts?

      With the lack of response from Big chief (and i did give him the benefit of the doubt - he seemed like a nice guy with a good attitude, plus i like to support aussie business) I am pretty dissapointed. The whole oh well next time mate excuse is kind of B.S. I mean for a product which is marketed as a premium good, you don't just palm off customers when your product fails to meet expectation. if you backed yourself and your product half as much as you make out to, you would compensate your unhappy customers now, and not if/when they make another order.

      • -7

        I'm saying that obviously he didn't estimate how many orders he would receive by offering half off.
        And seeing as how I only finished my first order a couple days ago, the wait doesn't bother me at all, so yes, the wait is justified.
        I advise you both to do a bit of reading on supply and demand.

        Hot Tip for those idiots playing at home, when demand outweighs supply, lengthy waits are going to occur. I've contacted the chief 2-3 times and each time I've had a reply within 24 hours so I can honestly say you're probably just unlucky. That being said, I can see your post on OzBargain, and within 3 hours the chief responded to you, telling you to email him.

        • supply and demand aside, the customer is always right :P

        • +1

          yea and i emailed him, do you think i got a reponse? or a response to my other two emails?
          his estimation errors aside, how about the quality issue?

          If i'm going to wait 1 month for a product to be delivered without being notified and having to chase things up myself it better be a damn good product once i get it otherwise i'm really not going to be impressed and then order from them again.

          And what did you just learn about supply and demand today? hot tip for the idiot thinking he's the only one who's heard of the concept, you're not.

        • Mine arrived today and no sign of your "uncook thick pieces" or brittle thin pieces.

        • +1

          actually if you check the topic
          he only started to respond when i wrote messages lol

          gave him bad reputation that all these people werent getting orders so he replied fast

        • yea i noticed that djones!

        • +1

          Wow. I am surprised. Anyway, I am glad I got my Paypal refund after waiting 20 + Days, and made my own beef jerky :) I guess some people are happy to wait >1 month (you).

          The problem here was also lack of communication, which is what lead me to the Paypal dispute as I got nothing from phone calls / Emails sent.

          Having said all this, I still think next time a special comes up I will give it a go.

          And good way to summarize everything random123

    • Are you saying your order #1024 is getting shipped? where as my order #992 from 3rd of May still getting delayed?

  • so who is still missing orders?
    from reading the topic

    have u guys got ur order?
    anyone else?
    have u email mark? mark@geronimojerky .com

    • I haven't received mine yet. (#906) Emailed Mark 6 days ago but no response yet…

      • Yeah that concerns me, as someone with #917 got his.

        • have u emailed him before

        • Yeah I have sent 3 emails, 1st) no response 2nd) follow up no response 3rd) nothing yet.

      • 908, haven't received mine yet.

    • order 1019 I have mine and I have eaten it. Wasn't something i'd rush back to purchase but none the less I ate it all.

  • Order number 958 here, still no jerky. Disappointed that order 1019 has been fufilled but others under it have not.

    • u guys al emailed mark

      send him anotehr email
      attach this topic in the response

      then post what date u sent the email here

      once mark sees the bad reputation he is getting in not responding to people's emails
      he'll respond

      we will show him the power of the internet and the common people! lol

      if he wants free advertising on this site, he has to wear the consequences when he does meet expectations and also does not respond, 1.5 months is no longer a supply and demand issue its damn right not good enough

      if they are like a backyard/gargage set up with two mates cooking jerky it might be acceptable (are u guys like this?)

  • hey mark more issues


    mate its been over 1.5 months whats doing!

    • Wow and I thought i was waiting a long time…and that was weeks ago…. I’m already munching on my 3rd pack….. anyways thanks djones145 for tallying up all the awaiting orders mentioned and chasing Geronimo Jerky up for us in this forum through this whole thing~

    • Don't forget 992

    • +1048…


  • Got mine today (#910). Tastes alright. Like everyone else said, it's dry/overcooked, but not inedible. I've had much worse. Not really worth a 1.5 month wait though.

  • Alright… been 7 weeks, I'm still waiting for mine… anyone received theirs recently?

  • +1

    u guys been emailing mark
    mark this is not acceptable

    very poor actually! 7 weeks mate! grab some of those indonesian cows and cook like crazy

    • Email doesn't do any good if he doesn't reply. Might have to take it up to their Facebook page.

      • +3

        espam it up to him
        post this forum to him

        once he sees more bad rep he'll come

        if he doesn't this will be the last time he'll post a offer here
        and we can like these to other discount sites if he doesn't respond
        to whirlpool and other forums

        thats the power of the internet

  • +1

    Yeah still nothing…

    Order 985.

    Emailed and no response.


    • +3

      Okay wow. Terrible Geronimo Jerky..

    • +1

      Yeah I even called their Brisbane number this morning, after 2 transfers I got a lady that take messages for Mark Hoyle to return my call. Surprisingly, I still haven't hear from him.

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