Part of Sri Lanka New Year Weekend, free entry for all this weekend.
[NSW] Free - Costco Non-Member Weekend @ Costco, Lidcombe

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Do you need to have the original flyer to qualify? If so where can you get the flyers from?
I tried calling cosco, i was advise it needs to have a flyer or come with a friend with a flyer but also mention theres another way which is to speak to their marketing staff. The person didnt elaborate, if i need to apply membership or what or if marketing will do hard selling.
If someone can confirm if we can go without a flyer and what they did to get in would be great as i dont want waste my time driving and not allowed to get in.
Don't think so. They handed us the flyer at the entry and asked us to spread the word. And they weren't checking membership card at entry either.
How did u pay at the counter with out a membership card?
I didn't need one, I'm a member. But they were handing them out at the entrance yesterday.
Do you need to prove your sri lankan?
Free entry may not equal to able to buy. Will non-members be allowed to buy with free entries?
I'd say you can buy things as the poster says "shop without a membership for two 2 days only"
Sounds like a heads up for members to stay away - however, there might be some interesting demonstration tastes going. One of the good things about wandering around Costco, apart from getting your step rate up for the day, is being able to taste a bunch of stuff.
someone been there? and report please~
had to go get the flyer at the entrance to be scanned at the register when buying stuff. they took the flyer after scanning.
There shouldnt be aproblem if they give it out at the entrance therefore everyone shouldvbe able to make a purchaelse if they givingvit out at the entrance.
Is there a bar code on the flyer?
Isnthe code the samw on all flyer? Maybe a screenshot shld be accepted?
How much does it cost to become a member normally?
$60 per year, and I think $55 if you have an ABN and can get business membership
Thanks OP!
Are they giving out the flyer at the entrance today/sunday?