• expired

[SA] Paris Creek Farms Bio-Dynamic Light Milk 2L $0.59 (Best before 13/4/19) @ Woolworths Brighton


Paris Creek Farms Bio-dynamic 1.5% fat light milk non-homogenised 2L $0.59

Best before 13/4/19 at Woolworths Brighton SA

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closed Comments

  • I'd wait 2 more days for the price to fall…

    • I agree. Since the retailer is now closed, the price will be cheaper tomorrow.

  • Seriously? Why is this a bargain? Why is this on a national forum?

    • +2

      I'm happy with it. Got some cheap milk (like old days with a lump of cream at the top). Thanks Op. BTW it was cheap at another woolies as well, so could be statewide at least. Not sure if Paris Creek are national.

    • Price increase to support farmers —> People buy less milk because expensive —> Milk reaching expiry date —> Reduce price or throw it away?

      • This wasn't "cheap" milk to start with, but is from a company whose products are on par with the likes of King Island and Margaret River..

    • its cheeaaaaaaapppp

    • State/location specific bargains are posted a lot

    • For those who are interested, our new front page is available and includes filtering for state based deals.

      Click on 'new' on the OzBargain home page https://www.ozbargain.com.au/ then go my account > settings > edit > deals to customise the 'Front Page (New)' settings.

      For example if you aren't in SA, you can add "SA" to the list of tags then de-prioritise it to the minimum. You can also increase the priority for the state you live in.

      • This would not even qualify as a state deal as it is single store in-store only. You need to add some more local filtering. Even online and in-store filtering would greatly assist.

  • +2

    There better be some left by the time I drive there from Sydney!

    • +1

      I just caught a flight from LA. Should be there in 16 hours.

      Not going to miss this deal.

  • What is 'bio dynamic'?

    • +1

      Complete pseudoscience. Very nice milk though

  • so someone is allowed to post this when there is 10 remaining yet when i give away 10 items mine gets thrown to the forums lol…

  • -3

    Sooooo wait … this gets posted at 8pm on 11/4 and the milk is going to expire in 40 hours time … and this is considered a "bargain" and a "deal" …

    hmmm …. everyone else can also go to their local super market and upload similar deals of food being discounted due to expiring??

    Great standards OZB mods and well done to everyone that upvoted.

    Love it how the 'deal expiry date' is 1130pm on the actual expiry date. Does anyone seriously buy milk on the SAME DAY that it expires? SMH.

    • +1

      its either that or it goes in that big blue thing they call a bin at the back along with all the other shrinkage items. Also its a best before as long as it refrigerated you have at least 2-3 days extra also some families go through 2lts every day or so

    • +1

      Yes. A member went to a local store, saw a really good bargain, and posted it. That the store wasn't in Melbourne are Sydney, as if often the case, has little bearing on it's validity. There are over 10 available.

      This milk is often given out, well in date, along with the delectable brie, camembert and fetta by the OzHarvest organisation in Adelaide since they have moved to a national protocol of only delivering "healthy" food. It freezes well, and I've found easily stays good if kept refrigerated and not slurped straight from the container for up to a week after opening.

      I happily pay the normal price for this rather than the watery substitutes at 1/4 the price.

    • It is legal to sell anything on the due date and we all know it lasts 5 - 7 days past this.
      This NEWLY RE-OPENED fully rebuilt store may be still sorting out stock levels and may have some in-store promtions to get some foot traffic back in there.

      • -3

        πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ @the people that negged me

        It is legal to sell anything on the due date and we all know it lasts 5 - 7 days past this.

        You cant be serious dude… πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

        The store MAY have alot of stock of different things. The store MAY want to promote some items or promote no items. All of this is speculation with no factual information … and is it even relevant??

        The point that I'm making is (whoosh straight over head)… if this is the type of quality deal posts, then everyone should walk into their local grocery store and post deals of expiring food.

        Totally different story if the milf milk had a 'normal' expiry date.

        Let's not to turn OZB into "Oz-expiring-food-Bargain"? Unless of course … that's what we all want to see as 'bargains' … innit???????

        • +1

          I have noticed many bottles of that same milk brand reduced, but at a much higher price point at the local Drakes.
          My point is relevent in terms of the special being in that particular store and for a particular reason.
          Are you here to make people sad? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  • This reminds me of the 2011-12s ozbargain deals with all the Woolies clearance stuff

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