This was posted 5 years 10 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PS4 Dualshock 4 Controller Black/Red/Blue/White + Battlefront 2 $59 (Free C&C or $4.99 Postage) @ JB Hi-Fi


Credit to kunaguero who mentioned this in his/her $59 Amazon deal.
Extra savings if you have the $10 receipt voucher.

Add any of the below colours to the cart:
PS4 Controller - Black
PS4 Controller - Red
PS4 Controller - Blue
PS4 Controller - White

Then add Battlefront II:
Battlefront II

Should be plenty of stock around for free click and collect.
Offer ends on the 14th April.

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • Can vouch for the black ones. They work great.

    I'll never go back …

    • That's what she/you said…

      • -7

        She has a pink one.

    • +4

      I like how you got a +1 for that comment here, but a -1 from the same comment in the other deal

  • WOW! Thanks!!! I was about to pull the trigger on buying full price last night as i couldn't find a deal and didnt want to wait

    • +2

      Lucky you snoozed…

      • yyyeeepppppp!!!

  • +3

    the game is $5 at big W ( instore at some WA Branches )…

    • -2

      What's the trade-in value at EB games?

      • +27

        it's the amount they give you when you trade in your game

        • -1

          That is a description of the value, not the value itself, which is what I asked.

          • +3

            @jv: It's 1 value

          • @jv: the value comes in the reduced price of the game you are purchasing (trade in)

    • Amazon AU is selling for $5 as well.

  • +2

    Post updated as red, white or blue also come with the free Battlefront II.

  • +2

    Can confirm this is offered instore also.

  • V1 or V2?

    • +3

      V2, V1 stock was cleared out a long time ago.

  • Does the battery life on these still become significantly shortened over time? I’m currently using one with a cable plugged in it’s that bad.

    • +1

      Of course, like any rechargeable battery….

      • +1

        To be fair, the battery life of a ds4 is super pathetic even when it's brand new though.

        • +1

          Did you try dimming the light of controller form the settings ?

          • @Anonymous101: Yeah, years ago when I first got a PS4. Battery life is still abysmal with these controllers.

            edit: I haven't tried the V2 controllers though, so I don't know it the battery life improved. I seem to remember hearing that it was still similar, but I'm not sure.

            • +1

              @Fappo: Not sure why people are complaining about battery life on these.

              Perhaps it's the way in which some are charging them?

              I have a rotation of 8 DS4 controllers used between 2 PS4's (regular & PS4 Pro)… when one or more controller are completely dead, I pop it on the official Sony DS4 charger, takes a few hours, and it's good to go for another 10-15 hours of gameplay, meanwhile using one of my other controllers.

              I have a mix of v1 and v2's… and haven't noticed any significant difference in battery life, just the analog sticks on the v1 wearing out if they're not covered by grip-its.

              I think if you're charging them via the USB cable, it's not only slower, but you're probably not doing a full charge either. I don't know. Just going by personal experience!

              • @Graffin: My PS4 has been gathering dust for a while, but I don't remember getting anywhere near 15 hours from the controllers. More like 6 or so. Even 15 hours isn't exactly great compared to other controllers though. I've been using a WiiU Pro controller on my PC lately and that thing gets something like 80 hours, and the Xbox One, PS3, 360 all crap on the DS4 battery too.

                • @Fappo: Nah, I find the PS4 ones outlast the PS3 ones. I noticed they changed the voltage and battery capacity in the last batch of DS3's, so they definitely outlast the original ones.

                  I've got an XBOX One S as well, but aside from Forza Horizon 4 and Forza Motorsport 7 I don't play it that much, so i've yet to have to change the AA's that came with the controller.

                  When it comes to Sony controllers, i've always found they charge quicker and hold that charge longer if you use a proper charging dock, instead of a USB cable where the charge cycle can get interrupted and takes so much longer.

                  I only ever had issues with the Move Motion controllers on the PS3. They wouldn't hold their charge, or perhaps it was because they got used so infrequently, but the Move controllers for the PS4 are definitely better. I go months without playing a VR game and they're still almost fully charged.

        • If you plug headphones/headset into the controller it's going to drain it alot faster

    • +2

      You've just highlighted the cause of your problem directly in your comment. If you leave these plugged in, they're constantly charging and eating up potential charge cycles.

      Any battery-powered device should only be charged when flat to get the most cycles out of the battery. If you leave it plugged in full time, you're actively reducing the life of the battery.

      I've had DualShocks since the launch of the original PS4 in 2013 and they still have 4-6 hours use per charge (with rumble enabled too).

      • Most people don't know what they're doing with rechargeable batteries. Ideally you'd want to maintain a charge somewhere between 30% - 70%. That puts the least amount of stress on the battery and keeps it at better health for longer. Worst thing you can do is leave them plugged in all the time.

    • If the only problem with your controller is the battery life, consider replacing the battery. You can open the controller casing with a few screwdrivers, and the battery pack is easy to disconnect. You can probably get a replacement pack shipped for ~ $10 or less.

      Even if you do buy a new controller, this might be worth doing so you've got a spare.

  • +2

    Went to EB right after purchase to ask: trade-in value of the game is $6.

    • Does then equate to $53 which is alright

    • +9

      Life hack for infinite money:
      1. buy battlefront 2 from big w for $5
      2. sell at ebgames for $6
      3. repeat steps 1-2 infinitely for infinite money

      • +1

        where is this Bis W store that has infinite copies of the game?

        • just buy from EB Games via price match, line up again and trade in…you get single carrots for original purchase, double carrots for trade in, double carrots to buy back trade in.

      • You meant arbitrage?

  • Kinda wonder what the trade in price in jb…

  • +3

    Seems like an odd combo, but whatever it takes to clear out their BF2 stock I guess.

  • -2

    Version 2?

  • +6

    Lol people asking for v2 like it's 2016. You can't buy v1 even if you tried.

  • +2
  • +3

    Good timing, my near 2 year old son played with the controller last night and I've found it in the toilet this morning………I was wondering wtf was vibrating.

  • anyone aware of any offers on PS4 500GB slim? $409 on Jb and I am hoping to use 5%off gift cards?
    And do you know if JB price matches Amazon as its $399 there? - not big difference tho

    Do these things go on sale over easter? Need to buy this by 21st April

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