Normally $10.95 a month, get your 6 months of Game Pass for only $42AU
3 months + bonus 3 months digital delivery
Applies to established accounts
Normally $10.95 a month, get your 6 months of Game Pass for only $42AU
3 months + bonus 3 months digital delivery
Applies to established accounts
Before Brexit is completed, you can play EU games. After that, only British games.
That makes sense… thanks…
Relax .. Brexit has been allowed to extend to the end of October! :-P
With the 3 months for $1 AUD deal still on for another month, not sure whether this is worth it. Not to mention the 3 months for $1 was introduced after $2 for 2 months deal. So basically, $3 AUD for 5 months (Feb - July this year).
monster hunter world life is strange 2 prey etc coming soon…
That's if your account is inactive. Having a current subscription means no go for that.
Is this just for British games?