Does it worth buying blueray GOT discs rather than streaming from google play HD? On home theatre .
Google sell it for around $67 but the discs are around $144 in JB or Amazon. Or Jb or Amazon ever sell discounted GOT box set?
Does it worth buying blueray GOT discs rather than streaming from google play HD? On home theatre .
Google sell it for around $67 but the discs are around $144 in JB or Amazon. Or Jb or Amazon ever sell discounted GOT box set?
Hmmm, If you add each separate bluray for each season on jbhifi its only $124, cheaper
It depends on where you will be watching them. I have a good blueray player so i prefer disc.
But if you want to watch them on mobile phones/tablets then google might be a better option.
Disc media is higher bit rate, but it comes down to whether you would notice the difference on your setup or not.
Maybe wait for the box box set of every season that will inevitably come.
Streaming is lower quality but you'll get less piracy warnings.
I have an atmos setup so for me it's blu ray all the way :)
The disc set will be better quality sound and vision, so worthwhile if you have a good set up.
I don't keep hard or soft copy of anything these days, and no intention of watching it 2nd time, so NO