found on facebook ads:
- gentle exfoliating pad + vitamin jelly sheet mask
- strictly one per customer
- limited stock
- usually $8 I believe
enjoy x
NOTE: the site is a little slow, please give it a minute to load with the sign up part
found on facebook ads:
enjoy x
NOTE: the site is a little slow, please give it a minute to load with the sign up part
I don't think it's a sample sachet, I'm pretty sure its the full 2-step product - so $8 is usually the expected price
It's a lot to pay for snake oil.
squeeze an orange on your face
More expensive than free though.
where do I sign up? there's nothing that pops up on the site
I signed for nothing, couldn't find it either after signing up
Has anyone managed to successfully claim this?
I signed up at 6:16pm and got a confirmation email saying the mask was on its way. Whether it will arrive is another story
after I signed up, I received an email :)
Your free Rojank Vitamin C Jelly face mask is on its way. Thank you for responding to our introductory offer.
Here’s to your glow,
The Rojank Team
Signed up and got the on screen confirmation. A follow up email confirmation would be nice.
Also, out of curiosity tried the skin care quiz thing. Needed to submit email address for the results. 20 minutes later and still waiting. Feeling a bit suspicious.
hmm that's strange, I definitely got an email
I eventually got an e-mail. Maybe they just need to throw more money behind their backend tech, lol.
Clicked on the deal, link not found….
Please use the report link in future.
Received yesterday
Received today - such a great quality mask!
received mine last week and used it today and it was of really great quality! just ordered some more on their website, thanks OP :)
Got mine today! Can't wait to use it :). Though it's a vitamin c mask, they use a derivative (so no antioxidant properties) and it's almost the lowest ingredient so I don't think the trace amounts will do anything. The instructions say step one is the exfoliant, but ingredients say that step two contains glycolic. I think they're mixed up? Can't hurt though.
Lemon oil also makes skin sun sensitive and more prone to damage so prob won't purchase.
Strange haven’t received mine. Anyone the same?
I got mine yesterday.
Thanks, possibly a delay as not got mine
Did you get the face mask from this post or from the other one below:
This vitamin C one, I didn't sign up for the later one.
Hmm, I didn’t get the vitamin c one but got the latter…
$8 for a sample sachet? You got to be jokin