Help with Project Management

Hi all

I am currently working in software as a senior developer but would like to go into project management side of things. Not sure but are any courses likr pmp, prince2, scrum of any help ?. Do the employers favor experience ?
Please advise.


  • Get your company to fund your Scrum training.
    Let your manager know that Project management is your interest.
    If you're already a project team member, prove to the project team you have initiative. Proactively interact with the team.

    Don't be that random guy who applies for the internal role, where the manager doesn't even know what you currently do.

  • Essential if you want to make Project Management your career.

    Your career experience may help (where a project involves software development), but the courses are almost mandatory now.

  • +2

    PMP+Agile is what you need.

    However I recommend to reconsider why you want to become a PM, software development is much less stressful with the same or higher levels of income.

  • completely agree with the other comments. however, the certifications are definitely essential alongside the experience. if you don't have project experience you may need to step into a project delivery type role.
    i would also suggest to start a free trial on linkedin learning - lynda they have a lot of online courses around the Project management space and that will give you some more insight

    • Agree with this, there is also heaps of cheap or free online study materials. I would suggest getting the knowledge first from them, for free, then sitting the exams.
      PRINCE2 was based on the UK standard, and is well thought of globally.
      PMP is based on pmbok which is American.
      Judge who predominates in the industry you are interested in, but either will be ok with some experience.

      I also question if you are sure you want to make this change.

      • Yes, do want to make that change as i think it would be less stressful.

        • I think you should try some project management before you make the change.
          PM roles are the most stressful jobs, I think. A large part of the role is absorbing the stresses to shield people like developers!
          Can you look after the project management of some part of your current role? You need great influencing skills, extreme organisation, no procrastination and an ability to work under pressure.
          You won’t be able to be a top class project manager unless you perform well under a lot of stress.

          • @mskeggs: Thanks much. In the current role there is little scope for project management . The reason for going down this path was that i dont wish to stay behind the pc catching up with emerging technologies for the rest of my life. But you are right, i need to see the whole picture or probably move down some other role.

          • @mskeggs: Well said. PMing is about taking the high moral ground and absorbing stress and failures of those around you and keeping your eye on the prize. Endlessly driving forward while managing peoples emotions is a hard job. I don't know how why anyone would want want to be one

      • Your comment may imply to some that PRINCE2 & PMP are equivalent but originate from different countries. This is not the case.

        PRINCE2 is considered a 'lesser' or 'step' qualification to obtaining PMP or APMP (now called PMQ) in the UK. This qualification itself is only one of the rungs towards Chartership.

  • Thanks much everyone. Great inputs.

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