I was really close to buying this deal until i realised how many people bought it!
I don't see how they can service all 2000 vouchers…
While they are open till 9pm and weekends, you have to do the math and considering the deal is for 3 hours… anyway here is the breakdown.
Amount of hours the shop is open for per week - 85.5
Day the deal is valid for - 6 months - 24 weeks
Vouchers sold x 3 (how long the service goes for) - 6000 hours
So this means they need at least 3 people working consistently to service everyone.
Now keep in mind a lot of people would want a weekend booking or would book towards the end of the 6 months
Also keep in mind they do have other customers right?
Fast forward 4-5 months and can you imagine the 2000 people or so getting a booking?
They should have really capped this to 1000 at most and based on my experience these shops normally have more than 1 promotion with other group buy sites.
vsia, With all the problems you are having with Scoopon, why do you continue to purchase from them?