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25% off All Keto Shakes and Supplements @ Keto Connection

Last edited 04/04/2019 - 09:56 by 1 other user
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Feel free to explain why
Probably need a good amount of exercise and together with these shakes for a better result
Probably need a good amount of exercise
Not for Ketosis…
But if these contain sugar, not much point.
Not for Ketosis…
Exercise is the quickest way into ketosis. Deplete your blood glucose & your liver glycogen stores then you'll be in ketosis.
They don't contain much sugar, but I'll agree they aren't for me. Plenty of better alternatives and I prefer real food. Without looking too much into it I doubt these are a complete source of protein.
As a couple people have already noted the levels of sugar and protein would require you to do a fair bit of exercise to remain in ketosis. The usage of these shakes recommends 2-3 times per day which would amount to almost 10g of sugar, the absolute opposite of what you want on keto. Excess protein also turns into sugar. These two things combined can kick you out of ketosis, unless you are trying to build muscle mass and aren't just trying to loose weight. While exercise is good for anyone it does make you hungrier thus making you eat more which is part of what keto is trying to prevent. This is why most of the time exercise isn't pushed on a keto diet as a requirement for weight loss. In no way am I a nutritionist or medical professional or an expert on keto for that matter, I have however been on a successful keto diet for 4 months and have looked into most keto shake/supplement products.
Its got sugar AND sucralose. One is definitely bad, the other could be bad depending on how pure it is.
Sugar in a keto product. Wrong!
Am I the only one that thinks sweeteners in keto products seems like the keto equivalent of vegetarians/vegans eating fake meat products? Probably.
Most of these keto supplements are a cash grab…
I recall you can have up to 20g of carbs and remain in ketosis. These shakes have about 3g per serving, and are high in fats, so not that bad?
It depends on the individual as to the amount of carbs that wil kick them out of ketosis.
It's not very high in carbs and won't cause you issues. exc3113nce is correct, you can have 20g of carbs (some say more, but I stick to no more than 20g). This won't kick you out of ketosis, and is fine.
However, I'd prefer to just eat something delicious instead of a health shake. The reason keto diet attracted me was because I can eat delicious, fatty stuff!
I really struggled on it. I know keto isn't for everyone. But I felt so tired all the time, and my skin felt like crap. There's only so much bacon and eggs for breakfast you can take hahahaha! I mean heck I lost weight, but just didn't see it being sustainable (especially for going out and eating).
Do they do Paleo shakes?
The protein is low, the cost is high and they contain sugar, better off buying some WPI from your favourite bulk supplier and that will do the same job better.
carb + Sugar = NOT keto, false and misleading
Is there a bone broth flavour?
negging because keto is the most annoying fad
and these are not even keto appropriate
How long does a "Fad" last? I"m keto 13 months and know plenty who are 3+ years. All loving it.
What do you dislike about keto?
Mainly because of peoples ignorance
Too many people I know do it wrong and fail
For one or two months pre-failure they act like high fat food is all of a sudden extremely healthy and all carbs are the evil
They will eat horrible fats, not do any exercise and talk about their new amazing diet non stopFyi nothing against keto diet if done properly just 90% of people on a 'keto diet' are idiots that don't take the time to research it properly
For one or two months pre-failure they act like high fat food is all of a sudden extremely healthy and all carbs are the evil …. talk about their new amazing diet non stop
Sounds like me at the start. I was pretty excited to find it. But hey, we all start somewhere.
high fat food is all of a sudden extremely healthy
What's wrong with high fat food?? I'll agree vegtable oils are terrible for you though.
90% of people on a 'keto diet' are idiots
Not my experience. Sure there are some loud mouths sprouting whatever the fk out there, but 90%…. likely a handful of people.
nothing against keto diet if done properly
How do you define "properly"
Mainly because of peoples ignorance
This is keto's fault … how exactly?
just 90% of people on a 'keto diet' are idiots that don't take the time to research it properly
Can't argue with this. r/ketoaustralia has as many morons as OzBargain does.
@mickeyjuiceman: Sorry I am confused
Lets continue this after I have finished my sugar and sucralose keto shakes?
What is annoying about it? I've had the most successful weight loss in years since starting keto, and finally realised after years of blaming being a parent for my fatigue, that carbs were actually the reason why I felt like I needed a nap after lunch every day. The additional energy benefits have been great.
It's not for everyone and I think there are many other valid ways to lose weight too (eg. calorie counting). Not really sure how someone else's weight loss method can be'annoying' to you lol
I personally wouldn't spend money on keto shakes though. Prefer to smash some roast chicken and some broccoli over a shake which probably won't taste as good as chocolate lol
negging because keto is the most annoying fad
try it… it works…
Far better alternatives out there. Sure you can fit this into a keto diet but there is just no need to be adding sugar.
If you're after a quick meal I'd suggest something like these:…
DELICIOUS, <1g carb per serve and filling. (although addictive)You can usually negotiate a box for $40 in most health food stores.
Cannot buy these by the box, or they get eaten by the box!
Medical opinion here
As long as calories out > calories in you will ALWAYS loose weight
Calories out = BMR + excercise
Calories in = food and drink
Only instance where this doesn’t hold true is those with metabolic conditions (I.e hypothyroidism, Cushing’s syndrome, being treated with antipsychotics and other meds etc)
Moreover, calories in is far more important than calories out. Controlling diet to less than needed will result in faster weight loss than an uncontrolled diet with excercise.
This is not to say that physical activity isn’t inportant because it is, especially resistance training in combination with aerobic excercise will increase EPOC susvtantially and aid in weight loss
For when ozbargain turns into the health channel.
Nothing of what you said is incorrect, however it doesn't account for people with trigger based eating disorders. Keto can help people by removing triggers and assisting with compliance to CICO. Whatever a person needs to stay compliant to CICO is the best advice I give people.Whatever a person needs to stay compliant to CICO is the best advice
This. A million times this.
People aren't bomb calorimeters.
Calories in = food and drink in - Calories outYou can east well in excess of CICO and still lose weight if you eat HFLC.
Although the physics of what you are saying is clear I suspect you are at least partially overlooking the role of insulin. Insulin production increases considerably more following carbohydrate ingestion as opposed to fat ingestion even if the same gross kilojoule amount is consumed. As a type 2 diabetic I can assure you from my own n=1 study that if I followed the dietary guidelines endorsed by peak Australian medical bodies my blood sugar would be unstable and often higher than desirable. As it is my Hba1c is around 5 and random, post-prandial BGLs are around 5.4 on a keto diet.
Significantly out-of-date medical opinion, though.
Also for a product marketed as keto, it's weird when there's better carb products around significantly cheaper from places like bulknutrients. I mean a discount is a discount, but it's only good value if you already are using the product.
Just a quick note that if you're wanting to use keto purely for weight loss, these shakes probably aren't for you.