• expired

Aqualove Alkaline Water 1L - $1.50 (Was $3.00) 50% off @ Woolworths


Hey everyone, Aqualove Alkaline Water is on sale this week at Woolworths for $1.50 which is 50% off the usually marked price.

"Aqualove Water is Australia's finest mineral infused alkaline water. Perfectly pH balanced, Aqualove helps to keep your body and mind, healthy and happy."

This BioSphere bottle is super "green" and biodegrades in just a fraction of the time of regular PET bottles.

100% BPA/BPF/BPS-free.

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closed Comments

  • +7

    Wow! That’s a 50% saving on pseudoscience!

  • +6

    I considered creating a new brand of bottled water. Turns out the market is too saturated…

    • +3

      Go back to sleep Dad 😴

  • Sounds like a crock. Any peer reviewed articles?

    je préfère Robinet

  • +1

    What advantages does this water have over say.. Evian? Which I could also afford

    • -5
      • +1

        That's nothing more than an advert.

        • -1

          Hi justtoreply,

          This is not a paid advertisement.

          Have a great afternoon.

          • +4

            @JakeGGG: First of all, no sensible person would believe you after reading that. The content of the link is a load of unimportant crap. She loves the name? The bottle? It's crisp??! Irrelevant, irrelevant and not possible, in that order. Even if it wasn't paid for, based on it's content, it's an advert.

            hellohello123 has a legitimate question: What does your product do that ordinary water does not? And will the test hold up to scientific scrunity?

            Your link does not answer the question.

            Ozbargainers are well informed and scrutinising. Don't expect to get anything positive here unless you deserve it.

            You would be better off if you dropped the marketing spiel from the ozb post and if you must say something, keep the bit about the bottle biodegrading faster. Because that is the only possible benefit of this product that I can see may be factual.

            • @justtoreply: Hi Justtoreply,

              Here is a link outlining the Biosphere additive Aqualove uses in its plastic.

              Essentially, during the manufacturing process, Biosphere is added to the plastic to enhance its ability to biodegrade quicker than most plastic bottles on the market.



      • What is eco friendly water?

      • +1

        That's one of the most vapid blog posts ever!

    • +1

      Well, you'll noticed how the heated bottle cap warms your lips whilst the shape of the bottle can massage your buttocks.

  • +1

    Alkaline water? Australias finest? I'm guessing all the others are pH neutral then.. you know, because pure water is, by definition, pH neutral (your body is slightly alkaline, sure, that doesn't mean you should drink alkaline water though)

  • … tap water?

  • i'll pass

  • Coincidentally my dentist just told me I should be drinking this stuff… Better for the teeth apparently.

    • +3

      Does your dentist sell it by any chance.

  • Hi Jake, how are the sales going. Those mugs on ozbargain will swallow anything. Best to continue to communicate in private otherwise we might get banned for sock puppeting.

    Talk soon, Pet e r.

  • Jake, you sound genuine. You have been an ozbargain member for 4 hours now. I trust yah.

  • I can't wait for a response Jake, I have to have a bath now, the butlers calling. Ohhhhhh that Lordes water is colddddd.

  • +1

    "Perfectly pH balanced" - what does that mean?

    • it's got what plants crave

      • Fertilizer? Sunlight? Bees?

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