I'm no fashion guru, some of this stuff looks hideous and overpriced to me but maybe some bargains for others.
2019 season items only, excludes sale, NOS & Barfly Items.
Free shipping over $100, below $100 its a flat rate of $10.
Mens Classic Lightweight Quilted Jacket $284.96 after discount (full price $379.95)…
Womens Military Jacket $277.46 after discount (full price $369.95)…
This is one of my favourite brands and yes, some of it is totally not my style, but as far as the stuff that is, it's very well made high quality clothing, it fits me well (slightly tall skinny guy), and I like the quirky detail. There's always something interesting in every item. At full price it's too expensive, but I buy a few things each year when it's on sale and sometimes I find it at second hand clothes shops.
It's worth noting that many of the items in this sale are also available at the Iconic which has a deal on at the moment, and their shipping is probably a bit faster and their returns policies a bit more friendly. I bought an S&S jacket from Iconic a couple of days ago and paid the same price as I would have in this sale.