Recently found some fungus gnats on my pitcher plants and was wondering where to find a product like Mosquito bits or dunks in Australia. Or any other products that has Bti (Bacillus thuringiensis serotype israelensis)as an active ingredient to it?
Fungus gnats where to buy Mosquito bits or dunks in Australia?

They're attracted to light so yellow sticky traps with a light aimed at them at night works.
where do i buy yellow sticky traps?
I have found them at Bunnings.…
I'd like to know where to find Mosquito Bits also, but haven't had any success (there are a few online from the US but they are very expensive as most don't ship to AUS). I am planning on using neem-oil on my houseplants instead.
Did you manage to find a place in Australia that sells Moqsuito Bits?
Been trying to find some but can only see it shipping out from the US on Amazon.
Might be a year late, but BTI is sold in Australia as vectobac G. Try pond shops.
Yates Natures Way Caterpillar Killer Dipel Insecticide’s active ingredient is Bacillus thuringiensis. Available at Bunnings for approx. $20
That's the wrong strain of BT - it won't do anything for fungus gnats. There are multiple varieties of BT. For fungus gnats and mosquitos you specifically need BTI, which is Bacillus Thuringiensis variety Israelensis
Do you have any sundews? There are even some native sundews in Vic.