[AMA] I Am Working in a NASDAQ Factory in Hong Kong & China

Currently, the manufacturing base of the world is no longer say as China, that new concept of China extend to be one belt one road China covering more and more nearby countries to be part of the China manufacturing base too. Like my working company, my boss is a German, and invest also the factory in Myanmar too else of China.

Try to ask me anything about that new China manufacturing base, the core is Greater Bay Zone, then, extend to one belt one road.

As per my acknowledgement from China, the world exist 4 Greater Bay Zone:

  1. New York Bay Zone: mainly serving for finance industry.
  2. California Bay Zone: core if Silicon Valley mainly serving the hi-tech innovation.
  3. Tokyo Bay Zone: mainly serving for precision components hardware
  4. My Current work, China Greater Bay Zone: mainly manufacturing the finished products & serving one belt one road.

closed Comments

      • I really appreciate OP's honesty. A lot of past AMAs were for marketing reasons but nobody likes to admit it even though everyone knows.

        • Thanks for your appreciation!!
          Frankly, for me, I am never the enemy of money nor enterprise. Enterprise can create fortune to the world rather than distributing the money which can do better by the government. And the enterprise is an organization that knows how to make profit can increase the productivity, also, rather than the NGO, school, political party, think tank, family, etc, only enterprise can make profit and make the organization to run substaintially.

          80% of the jobs in the world and the feeding of the population is mainly contributed from the enterprise. Like me, I certainly respect a lot of my boss, he R&D the product with the customers designed the best output, then, use the China lowest production cost to realized to be a good products that most of the people or family can buy. The world is usually respect such kind of the boss and enterprise.

          We can have low-price-air-tickets, cheaper touring in the human history, much more life quality options are all due to the enterprise to realize it and the government knows how to find the right bosses and enterprises to make and form the own good country. If a country full of scammer enterprise or corruption, that's a curse not even any blessing. So, embrace the quality enterprise and bosses. Such quality can see from any consortiums that take the business trip with the prime minister, usually, any countries welcome them due to they are the such quality enterprises.

          Really, I am going to post the ad of the stock offer after got the order from my boss, they are really the very worthy stock, should not exist the shame to announce it. If not worth, people would have the negative comments anyway!

  • where is the best food in HK ? Would it be Tai Po Hui Market ?

    • May I know any preference of the food from you, lets say Japanese food, Thai or the local village people cafe?

      • well I would probably say local HK food.. (local village people cafe then). Definitely having a craving for HK food & snacks now. I need to book next trip to annual China via HK next time :P

        • Please let me as a local guy to recommend something unique locally in Tai Po Market and its nearby zone:
          1. Chi Shan Temple, to have the Buddist vegi food there, that temple is one of the best in Hong Kong, need pre-book to enter and take their vegi food too.
          2. Lam Chuen, which is a famous village locating near the countrypark of tai po market, a very local hk food with the local style cafe. They would not be as delicious as famous cafe, they represent of the local stlye only.

          Personally suggest to ahve something different than the touring guild book, hope to be useful for your reference of planning the trip!

          • +1

            @kayserltd: normally I would just google search must have food in HK or something. I will definitely try your suggestions. thanks :)

  • +3

    why do main lander burp, spit, piss and shit in public?

    • +1

      ^This, need answers.

      But I never seen shit in public… yet.

    • They have no toilet training during the kid's time especially in the village, usually the kids comes the trouses with a but-our-hole below, so, the kids can have toilet anytime ANYwhere. As we compare with the same DNA Chinese from Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Singapore, never have such problem in the past, nor even needing a warning label stating: NO SPITTING, due to no body would do it. And in the places like Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan & Singapore are with the good toilet training.

      According to Sigmund Freud, it's the anal peroid problem making people ignore the personal hygenie behaviours. Since the 80 generation, such problem get improve a lot. I must say before 80, such problem is even more serious in the villages.

      • I can voucher for the anytime anywhere thing. my mother in law lives in a country village, and during winter when its super cold outside (0 degrees or close). my niece gets to go to the toilet (number 1's) only in the old kitchen (dirt floor) with open fire place. which surprised me on a whole new level on my last trip, when I thought I couldn't be surprised anymore over the years I've visited and seen very different things/practices in China.

        • +1

          I must express that when use the highly developed country to see China or any developing country, people might feel strange & even joking about it.
          However, when we can use the innovation VIEW to see it, there is a sort of the village wisdom, they know how to deal with the bad condition and keep substainally live there, just their wisdom hidden below the poverty.
          For me, when I was kid, my family were ever in such condition, when I can have my British education, somehow I respect my parent are able to take care me under such bad condition.

          • @kayserltd: yep thats true, they definitely know how to take care of everyday living even if somethings dont make sense at first :P always something interesting to see and experience :)

            • +1

              @Dr Techno: it sounds like an an experience i would rather not experience

  • Has your company been affected by Trump's tariff's? And if so, by how much (e.g. have you had to relocate/retool factories to outside of China)?

    • +2

      Trump's hammer is almost everywhere, my working company exist also the factory out of China, it comes better. Else of the domestic business in China, most of the foreign enterprises got the problem of increasing a lot of the cost. In fact, he makes really many foreign enterprises to think about accelerating to leave China. That impacting from Trump is more about trade war, he give a questions to many foreign enterprises in China shall they keep of investing there.

  • +5

    Be nice to the OP guys. He’s working hard here typing in Chinese and translating to English.
    P.S. I got headache reading his replies though. Gotta go

    • Whao, I was thinking whats up with the replies. I also got some headaches but all good. :P

    • At the first moment I try to read all the thread, but sometimes I don't understand what OP replied. Now I know the reason :D

    • +1

      Nah, there is spelling mistakes. Wouldn't happen with Google translation

  • Nasdaq has more than 3,300 company listings… no idea why you had to point out the Nasdaq listed.
    FYI, NYSE has 2,800 companies…

    • I specify NASDAQ due to my personal respecting to the companies listed there, they create a lot of the job and feed many people in the world. They are the engine to the world's innovation and technology.

  • -3

    Do Chinese have small packages ?

  • Is Ricky Gervais an atheist?

    • not sure about my response to that AMA is a proper reply, what the keyword I captured is: atheist.
      In China, in fact never exist of atheist even Mao was never the atheist. Like in the past 3 days, we were in the Tomb day, which means also never be the atheist.
      We believe the ancestors are always with us and living with various souls or spiritual powers such as Devi.

  • Thanks for taking the time to reply to these questions OP.

    I was curious about the work ethic in China compared to western practices. Are you allowed to use the coffee machine at your work? Or is coffee for closers only.

    • +1

      The work ethic is China is obey, which is semi-military. The Obey is about obey to the salary, who's pay. People in China still operate with the demand-supply trade relation mainly.
      My company do not exist of the coffee machine, we mainly use the instant coffee bag or tea bag. In China, no employers would request of it, due to all people are supposed the work place is for the productivity not even the quality-coffee-break.

  • is Xiaomi launching NASDAQ model soon?

    • Xiaomi is publicly-listed in Hong Kong stock market already, the terms and conditions that Hong Kong government gave them is even slightly better than NASDAQ, and they do not demand the huge money that only NASDAQ can serve.

  • How do you manage credit risk for Indonesia and Thailand customers?
    As a NASDAQ company, I understand trade compliance and FCPA are ultimately important. How do you make sure ultimate destination of goods stay outside U.S. sanctioned countries?

    • In the trade there in Indonesia and Thai only cash or western union, or bank T/T in advance, just duo to no credit system.
      That's the services and even the value-added service from the logistic vendor that would do for us. They know any universal trade forbidden and even Taboo.

  • You are really Joker of the month !

  • "你在OzBargain有另一個賬號嗎"

    And using that example, does Google translate work from English to Chinese?

    If so, we can all use Google translate to show solidarity.


    • Seems like eng-chinese translation by google was perfect.

    • Not, I have only that one, for the work.

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