1-Day Return Ski trip, Thredbo, Jindabyne, Perisher?

Hey folks,
Pretty much what the title says,
Heading up to Sydney in June, and girlfriends want to see snow.
Soo…I'm Looking for a 1-day return to the snow in NSW
I have been told thredbo
but i did a search, it doesn't really matter where, Just need snow.
The trip is pretty much just to see snow
rather than ski/board (hence the 1-day)

Any of you guys
gone with any bus companies as such which do offer 1-day returns
from Sydney CBD/ surrounding suburbs

oh P.S sadly we're not driving either..

Thanks heaps guys

im sorry i havent made this clear
im flying to sydney from melbourne.
and then going and see the snow from Sydney.


  • It'd be a REALLY short day… Thredbo is about 6 hours away from Sydney, so including breaks you'd be travelling for about 14-15 hours.

    • yeah i know
      i google mapped the distance
      and it would be a long ass ride
      but they were willing to sit the time to just take a glimpse of snow.
      what else can i say…

      would you happen to know any travel agents/centres
      (im from melbourne, so not a clue)

      • I do this all the time, normally we leave just after midnight and get there with breaks just after 6 hours.

        Then sleep maybe 1-2 hours in skitube carpark and your set to go….Buy a full day lift pass or half depending how tired you are

        Normally go to perisher as it supports learners and people that arnt used to steep slopes (thredbo)

        When its late in the arvo or your too stuffed, then head back home……

        This is the red bull method ;), make sure to go to skitube and park there dont drive up to perisher, also buy lift tickets that include skitube ;)

        • problem is we're not driving T_T"

  • That's a lot of pressure for such a short trip. Have you tried going to some of the snow fields in Victoria eg falls creek, mt buller (pardon me if I get the names wrong).

  • Heading up from where? Up would imply you are going past the mountains anyway (Hume Highway)

    • OP is from Melbourne, so it might be easier to see snow in their home state. The drive down to the snowies from Sydney is really long and tiring for a day trip.

    • Trip will start from Sydney CBD sorry about being so unclear

  • looking for something similar except ill be skiing. did u end up finding something?

  • Checkout the 10 Bus lines listed on the Thredbo webpage, most of them seem to be offering 'daytrips' from Sydney. http://www.thredbo.com.au/village-life/about-thredbo/getting… 12 hours there and back is a lot of bus time for a couple of snowball fights, a selfie or 2 and an overpriced Hot Chocolate in a cafe.

    If you are super keen to cut down on travel time and you can get a good deal on a cheap flight to Canberra you could meet your friends at the airport and jump straight back on a flight to Canberra. I am sure there are folks on here that could find you super cheap flights. The Bus from Canberra to Thredbo is only about 2 hrs or so. I am pretty sure the bus can be caught direct from the Airport.

    I havent checked out the Canberra bus link but I have seen it advertised before. If you ask on the forums over at www.Ski.com.au there will be folks three that do it all the time and will know the ins and outs.

    Why not get your friends from Sydney to meet you in Melbourne. Buses in Melb leave from Southern Cross station and go to a range of pickup spots along the way for daytrips to Mt Buller. Buller is a 3.5 hr drive from Melb.

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