Latest special from the Maccas app.
Selected McMuffins include Bacon & Egg McMuffin, Sausage & Egg McMuffin, Sausage McMuffin and BLT McMuffin.
La la la la
Latest special from the Maccas app.
Selected McMuffins include Bacon & Egg McMuffin, Sausage & Egg McMuffin, Sausage McMuffin and BLT McMuffin.
La la la la
Would just be amazing if i didn't have to use the app. I have never once used the app, every time i went to use it, it would crash or just not let me place my order. Admittedly it's been months since i tried using it again.
You can just use code/qr with the kiosks or even show the counter staff.
The app was very buggy in first months. They rebuilt and re-released it. Works pretty flawlessly for me often (I'm guilty of bad diet but can't resist a bargain). Worth giving it another try
The app is still absolute rubbish. I have an item stuck in my cart which cannot be removed. The only fix is to reinstall the app.
@sparkles: You can go into app options (on android) and clear the cache which solves most issues with a lot of apps
@jakerowland54: After saying no bugs, I've got that bug too this morning. Clear cache was the workaround as no option exists to remove an expired offer from cart. Error 8206 in case a McDonalds app rep reads this.
@sparkles: try logging out within the app, and logging back in. I have found that works for me when I get cart errors
It has been complete garbage but been stable by 10 fold since release. Every now and then I still encounter weird bugs.
Would be great if it included free coffee too !
Yeah they did. It was free for a short time.
anyone else have an issue wiht the app on ios where you can't remove an old offer that was added to cart but has since expired?
Yes, same problem. I commented on this above.
Happened to me with the free cheeseburger day.
Either clear the cache or clear the data. Might have to do both. You'll need to log in again.
Holyschitt sausage egg mcmuffin!
I only see 'Bacon & Egg McMuffin' and it says 'This offer is currently not active'.
Multiple use or just one?
single …. but can always make another account
Or scan your Code on the kiosk first, and then complete the order on your phone
Limited time offer? Expires when?
1 week
Hope someone posts a deal telling me how to remove an ingredient to get this even cheaper!
DAE get a Bacon and Egg McMuffin and add extra egg for $1? Really increases how filling the muffin is and the value.
Great idiot.. Got the double sausage and eggs for extra 1.90
Idea*? Hahaha that was a funny typo
Hahahaha sheieie8eit my bad
Sorz Auna I meant great IDEA
Or $2.90 for a double patty sausage egg muffin
Ummm. Is this a certain state? I am in Sydney and the prices are normal for me via the app.
EDIT: Oh ok, it's in the offers, 1 max by the looks of it. Damn, sorry family, breakfast for me only mwahaha
I hear they might have a pickle mcmuffin too!
Is there a limit?
Struggling with the app. Why so hard?
Thank you, on my way there now
Aka the price it should be until Maccas realised people were willing to pay more :/
Same can be said for all these deals really lol
What the trick you can do to get more than 1 on the same order? Something about rescanning it fast at the kiosk?
Scan at multiple kiosks but don't close off and pay for any kiosk order until you've done all you want. Code will be invalidated after first order closed off and paid for, open orders on kiosks at that point will be able to progress to completion.
Warning: If you're paying with a credit card some banks will reject multiple, same-value, consecutive transactions at the same retailer in a short period of time (to stop accidental dupe processing)
Possible to do one kiosk at the same time as mobile ordering?
deal for BLT for $2 (Normally $2.50) not a good deal the rest are pretty good. I wish there was such thing as a bacon and sausage muffin.
BLT used to be $2 and I would get an egg for $1. Bargain.
What's inside BLT muffin?
People have breakfast at McDonalds?
Yea, only till 10am tho #bigdaddy
No, they don’t. They have a breakfast menu and not a single person utilises it……… idiot.
cheaper than some cafes if you want and egg and a muffin and they have lots of locations.
only cheaper option is breakfast at home.
Got the sausage egg + extra Pattie + ketchup $2.90 !
Do you know which ones u can get after morning? thanks
All the ones in OP were showing for me as available at the kiosk.
I think you can get all the ones in the morning except the BLT muffin
What's included inside BLT muffin?
BLT has bacon,lettuce and tomato with. Aioli sauce
Would be amazing if it includes the Big Brekkie/Chicken Brekkie/Mighty McMuffin options too