I’ve just gotten into MTVs “The Challenge” series - currently in series 32/33 shown on Foxtel. How can I get access to the previous series - they are available on MTV USA website but - due to my complete lack of IT skills I am unsure of how to get bingeing on these for freeee! Pls help
MTV Shows - Access to US Shows from Aus

LChewycaramels1990 on 01/04/2019 - 21:47
I used to binge watch the challenge all the time, I'm pretty sure the only place you can buy it is Amazon Prime video (Not the streaming service).The way I used to watch it was through canadian mtv (MTV.ca) they have A LOT of the past season but not all, just need to use a VPN to watch it(Hola used to work for me). I hope this still works
Interesting thanks so much for your responses.
Apart from accessing MTV/ via VPN, how can I get this on my TV at home? It’s a “smart” Hisense TV, so smart in fact that you cannot mirror your phone/tablet onto it…..I normally used my chromecast and have google chrome cast it to my TV, But if you don't have a chromecast and your hisense doesn't have that ability the only other way I can think of is via HDMI.
I don't follow the show but I'm pretty sure it will be available on iTunes, Google Play, Microsoft Xbox etc. I know that's not the optimum answer to pay up on Ozbargain but the alternative would be to advocate something that is not all that legal. The problem is that you should have access to the show as a Foxtel customer and it sucks when you can't for what you pay. What is more frustrating is that the episodes that get aired here are regularly several weeks or months old. iTunes, Google etc. also have to play by the rules and can only air episodes when allowed to by MTV, so that puts the customer in an interesting position. A lot of the sites that provided access to wares such as those that you're looking to acquire have been blocked by ISPs in recent times but I think that there are still one or two out there that they don't know about. The quality of many of the videos is actually better than on Foxtel Now. I gather most of the releases are first made available on the dark web and there are people with fairly simple setups that are setu to download their favourites as soon as they are made available. If you're really into it and you value your time, its probably easiest just to go out and buy iTunes or Google Play credit when on sale at one of the grocery/ retail stores for 15-20% off and either buy the series immediately or wait until there's a sale on these shows. The price is roughly the same as renting a couple of movies or a trip to the cinema. I keep thinking about cancelling Foxtel, especially after they lost the EPL, and just putting that money towards paying for good content I actually want to see