Travel Insurance - "Known Events"

I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on how long travel insurers keep 'known events' excluded?
Here's my story - got cheap flights PER<->Lombok with Air Aisa.
I usually use Insure and Go - with the 20% Groupon code. I have never really had to make a claim so I don't know how good they are, but Choice rates them so…
Anyways, as some of you may know, there was an earthquake in Lombok last August.
I get online to buy my travel insurance with Insureandgo, up pops an 'option' to get Natural Disaster Insurance. Well, yes - of course I want Natural Disaster insurance. I am going to an island that is dominated by an active volcano. That's an additional $10 - per person! Well, I guess I just have to suck it up, I think to myself. Natural disaster insurance is precisely the reason I want the bloody insurance.
And then I notice a little hyperlink: The Natural Disaster add-on will not provide cover for known events. Go to the list of known events to see what is included - surprise, surprise - the Lombok earthquake is on the list.
No problem, I think to myself. Surely it just means that they won't cover for stuff causing by the OLD earthquake. But I think, I should call to make sure.
I call them - and they tell me, no - if there is a new earthquake it also won't be covered because it is on the known events list. They will consider it 'an aftershock'. I say, 'surely that will be a decision for a seismologist?' They don't care - it won't be covered.
So, because an earthquake from 9 months ago is on the list - there is no cover for a new earthquake?
They tell me that the warning MIGHT be removed, but they still have a cyclone on there that was over a year ago!
So, does anyone know how long the warning will stay up?
If it doesn't come down soon I will just have to try a different insurer.


  • If you want an exact answer, look at the Insurance PDS or contact them directly. Insurance companies vary with what they do or don't cover.

  • +1

    Sounds fairly straight forward to me, they are explicitly excluding it because of past occurances. If you want to be sure I would go for a different insurer that is OK with insuring you for this.

  • +1

    I looked a while back & couldn't find any insurer that would cover volcanic activity in Bali (in fact one mentioned they explictly exclude all volcanic activity worldwide!), but would appreciate if you let us know if you find anyone that will cover you.

  • +3

    I just went through this - we are travelling to Bali next week and had the same queries with regard to Bali's Mt Agung volcano. After searching, TravelCard seems to be one of the only ones that offer coverage for flight cancellations, delays due to Volcanic activity. I called them and the guy was quite helpful and said they only do not cover if the Smart Traveller website says "Do not travel", it is only on High Caution today.
    You may want to give them a call - 1300 123 413

    • +2

      Travelling And Natural Disasters
      Travelling to new places can be very exciting, but
      it is essential that You do Your research before You
      go. Natural Disasters can happen at any time and
      it is important that You understand what may be
      happening, e.g. if certain regions are prone to certain
      events including Natural Disasters and if they are
      occurring (known) before You book Your travels.

      It is important to know that this Policy does not cover
      any event that occurred or was public knowledge prior
      to purchasing this Policy.…

      Hope you got it in writing….

    • When i looked into it - can’t remember the company - cancellation only applied before the trip began. Ie if you get stuck there due to volcano then no coverage for you. Is Travelcard like this too?

      • Yep double checked this morning - they definitely cover Bali at the moment, the only way they wouldn't cover is it the Smart Traveller website says DO NOT TRAVEL.

  • In regards to "So, does anyone know how long the warning will stay up?"

    I've got no idea, sorry OP

    However, what i will say is every time I've traveled i've used SCTI (Southern Cross Travel Insurance) and never had an issue. I've only claimed 1-2 times in the past, once in Bali due to volcano erupting while we was there, and it was super easy. I claimed on things like the plane tickets, accom, clothing (like laundry), sunscreen etc. Basically necessities needed while there. What surprised me was I didn't think of the sunscreen etc but when I called while being stranded they advised me of these type of items to claim.

    SCTI do get love on ozbargain too, so maybe check them out if you change, but of course either check their website or call them in regards to this type of issue.

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