PooTube is a Biodegradable Nappy Bin liner which fits the Sangenic (re-use cassette) and Angelcare (with adaptor) Nappy Bins.
Save up to 74% compared to the original Angelcare Refills (RRP) and up to 36% on the original Sangenic Refills (RRP). Big discounts still to be had with our current sale when compared to the lowest price we could find! Don't forget - We are Biodegradable!
RRP Comparison:
PooTube = $0.71 per metre
Angelcare = $2.71 per metre
Sangenic = $1.11 per metre
Sale price comparison:
PooTube = $0.63 per metre
Angelcare = $2.56 per metre
Sangenic = $0.69 per metre
** Comparison valid as of 31MAR19 - See www.PooTube.com.au for more comparison details.
While there are a few generic options on eBay, key points of difference to highlight for our product are:
- Biodegradable & Home Compostable according to EN 13432:2000 - only product out there as far as we can see.
- Plastic Free Liner - Corn Starch Bio Material.
- Antibacterial protection - not all have this.
- Scented - not all have this.
- Pre-compressed to fit cassette - not all have this.
- Length per refill is the same if not longer than the originals - not all have this.
my kid fills the nappy bin for free..
why would i need refills ;)