[April Fools] Webjet Brexit Sale. $1 Flights out of The UK

Moved to Forum: Original Link

You may have heard about the UK’s decision to leave the EU. Hell, you might even be one of the lovely people who voted for it. It’s tough out there for you Brits; no one knows what is going on. Even your political pundits aren’t shocked anymore.

Why would you want to go to Europe after this? Forget that package holiday to Benidorm, who needs it? Try something a little further afield. We understand. Our prime minister changes almost daily, but we’re relaxed. That’s because it’s so bloody beautiful over here. No dramas – just palm trees, sparkling shores and rad waves.

Webjet Australia are here to help so you don’t have to stay and deal with the no deal. Get out of the rain and come on over to sunny Australia on one of our $1 international flights, departing daily from all major UK cities!

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  • +3

    What a bunch of wet blankets you lot are. Literally the one single day of the year this post is allowed and you all can't help but bitch and whine. Lighten up.

  • +1

    Just bait and switch advertising

    • -1

      What did they switch it with?

      • +2

        Brand recognition SPAM

        • +2

          You're in for a bad time in 5.5 hours when the USA hits April Fools Day :)

          I suggest staying away from the internet then!

          • @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: As long as The OzB mods continue deleting the new appearances from being posted as actual 'Bargains' … it's cool

  • From today forward, everything on ozbaragin is April’s foolz..

  • -1

    Not a real offer - doesn't belong on the bargains page.

  • +2

    Not a deal

    I want my 2mins back

    • +3

      It took you two minutes to read [APRIL FOOLS] in the title?

  • 90 v 25. Looks like the negs are going to lose this one! Bad luck spoil sports.

    • Looks like it ended up where the majority of the negs wanted it - in the forums.
      Can’t speak for the others, but not that I was lame enough to see it as a competition though, was merely sharing my 2 cents in a pool of opinions.

  • +5

    I came here for the comments. Was not disappointed.

  • Waste of time.

  • +3

    I got Flight Centre to price match!

  • We don't need this trash on the frontpage.

    • +6

      Funny, easiest way to get something off the front page is to not vote and comment on it :D

  • +1

    The biggest joke of the entire thing is the EU. Good for nothing extra layer of government puppets

  • A joke is not a deal.

  • Stop wasting people's time with this rubbish. Post a deal, or keep jokes to the forum.

    How did this end up as the top 'deal'…

  • +1

    Even if it was $1, your added service fees would make it more expensive than everyone else.

  • +6

    I have never seen people take April fools so badly before!
    FFS its april fools!
    Expect joke posts and don't sook out if you get sucked in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • -1

      Agreed but did seem weird that this post got to stay on the deals page when others didn't. Almost makes the site annoying to use for the day.

  • +4

    Worked, paid with PalPay

  • +1

    I'm not sure if this should belong in the deal page

  • Damn bait and switch

  • Not a valid deal IMO

  • +3

    So many fun people on this forum. People still complaining even though it's labelled April Fools. Just ignore it and move on…

  • +3

    Crappy joke from a business with a crappy business model.

  • +1

    [ ] funny
    [X] lame

  • +3

    I got tickets!

    • +1

      Have fun sitting next to jv and family! ;-)

  • Ha ha, i love all the whinging. Its Aprils fools FFS. Its like no one has ever been pranked on Aprils fools day before.

    Come on, neg my comment from me exposing you for being butt hurt

  • +1

    Negging - no deal

  • +1

    Should be in forums.

  • +1

    Not a deal.

  • +2

    A lot of salty people here who don't understand what a joke is.

    • +2

      It's actually more about the post:

      1) Taking up valid space on the front page.
      2) Being free advertising for Webjet without any actual discounted product offered.

  • Can someone post something like $1 iPhones? 😂

  • +2

    Bugger, I paid 2£. I got ripped off.

  • +2

    Not actually a deal, flight prices from UK are as expensive as ever.

    EDIT: (Yes I saw the notice, put this in the forums.)

  • It's about time people realised Webjet are fooling people.

    From my calculations, you could probably get a flight from the UK to Australia for about -$145.67 if you book directly with the airline to avoid Webjet's exorbitant fees.

    You'd be a fool to book this flight for $1. An autumn's fool.

  • +2

    Any tickets left?

  • +1

    GOTCHA!! :)

    I stop looking @ozbargain today :)

  • +1

    Put this in the forums please, be consistent as the Ozbargain April fools entry is in the forums.

  • Spam

  • +2

    ozbargain being paid by webjet to keep a spam post up

    Clearly doesn’t belong on the front page

    This post offers nothing

    • You might be onto something here.

      Imagine the money OzBargain are making in affiliate commissions from all these $1 Fares…

  • I'm sure its an affiliated deal , Ozbargain is absolutely cleaning up .

  • Now in the forums

    • +1

      Very surprising since the mods basically said "We don't negotiate with Terrorists" (no pun intended) with the Shotgun Shell Belt deal!

      • Take it up with the newly elected Mark Latham ;-)

        The mods, like Mark, love it when peeps 'engage' I'm sure

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