New to PCs and looking to get a completely fresh setup for good value. Budget of like 2000 but if that’s not reasonable for what I want to do then give me a heads up and I’ll know I have to save up longer. So, I’ve got to get the whole kazoo:
Processor (something durable that can run 144-150 average frames smoothly just with one game like Rainbow Six Siege, CSGO, Overwatch);
Graphics card (see processor, gotta work with the processor I guess looking for gtx something which I think is Nvidia);
Cooler (no RGB money wasters please and no liquid, value but work with above’s heat);
Motherboard (can overclock) hard drive, SSD, power or PSU I think it’s called (value but also quality, looks don’t matter, suggestion for all but going with other parts);
Ram (no RGB/pretty money wasters, 16GB, work with other stuff);
I think that’s all you need for a PC setup right? Also, have amazon prime so yeah. Lot to ask for but I’d really appreciate help and deals. Cheers, Zach.
Edit: not looking for prebuilts.
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If you want the education:…
I have read recently that Intel CPU's is a better value proposition over AMD.
I recommend 16 Gb Ram for the bloatware that is Win 10.
Definitely make sure WHAT EVER you do it has a SSD drive as the main internal hard drive.'' Intel CPU's is a better value proposition over AMD.''
If you want to pay %50 more for 5-10% gains then sure.At stock clocks some of the Intel's CPU's can be better performance value such as the 8400.
But AMD CPU's can be overlocked when the Intel's at the same price are non K and can't be overclocked, then the value flipsHere is one article I read to make my case, and I would make it clear I am not a rusted on user of one brand of CPU or the other.
Recently I was considering building a PC myself and was doing some research.
Having said this I would recommend what phunkydude has said below and getting a built unit.
CPU - Ryzen 5 2600 - Can usually get for $212 or thereabouts
GPU - 2060 - Sub $500
RAM - 16GB - Slowly getting cheaper. Anything under $150 is good IMO
MOBO - B450 - I got this when it was on sale. A quick google shows them around $150~
SSD - Anything m.2 - I'd personally find a 500gb one to save some money
HDD - Anything 7200 - Just get one of these and rip it out
PSU - Should be fine with a 550W - Spend extra for a fully modular if you wantKB+M and Monitor are personal preference.
The above build would be around $1200
If you want to save some money, wait for the next TechFast deal and grab a full system with a 2070/2080 for $1500~ with peripherals.
We can all give you different advise. Best I can offer do reasearch on part picker also put the builds suggested through part picker . Its not that hard.
as above, stuff it & just get a RTX2080 system build from TechFast for 1.4k
no need fancy mobo for OC , it's fast enough for everything even on stockspend the rest 600 on 144hz monitor
Alrighty, thanks heaps people. Phunky, I’ll check out that build tomorrow cause it sounds great, 2080 setup for 1.4; is that pricing always doable or was that just when they made it? Also, why not OC for extra performance, do you then need better cooling and other safety measures etc.? Thanks everyone for helping fast track me on knowing some shit when it comes to PCs so I don’t (profanity) up a $1000+ investment!
Also phunky, or anyone else, how to I check out this 1.4k build? Not super ecommerce savvy :/
Alright, I thing I want to build it myself rather than techfast. Liking your ideas Snow Dragon, can you OC that Ryzen or do you need better than the stock cooler? And can someone explain how to cool RAM if overclocking it or is there no need? Finally, what is meant in Snow Dragon saying, for the hard drive, to get anything “7200 and just rip it?”
All Ryzen CPU's can be overclocked. and generally yeah, if you are overclocking a better cooling solution is required/preferred. no real need for cooling the ram. 7200 = 7200rpm drive.
I assume you need both a hard drive and ssd l, ssd for games to run quick smart and hard drive to store the rest of the shit computers will end up having, yeah?
You don't 'need' both, but yes; the most common setup is having the operating system and some applications/games you use a lot on the ssd. The rest can go on the hard drive (mainly due to it being cheaper than using an ssd for large amounts of storage). Personally on my setup i have a 512gb NVME SSD and a 1TB 2.5" SSD - no hard-drives.
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