Centrelink Assistance - Please Help


Apologies if this not the correct platform for my question. I have been working full time as a Teacher for 2 years, however, I am struggling to keep my job as my teenage daughter is suicidal and I am battling depression of my own. The situation with her is very serious and she is currently under a 24-hour watch in the youth unit at my local hospital. I am concerned as I could lose my job as due to the amount of time I have had off to care for her as she desperately needed it. I am heartbroken and concerned that whatever I can apply for won't be enough to cover my bills. I am a divorced parent of 3 children and I do not receive child support on a regular basis.

Can anyone advise where I might stand with Centrelink if I was to resign to sort out my family? I would essentially be choosing unemployment as I don't know what else to do. Unfortunately, I don't have any support. As a result of this, I am also experiencing burnout from work on top of all the issues going on at home. I know that Centrelink recipients receive a lot backlash but the service exists for a reason. I would like to think that I have paid a lot of taxes and would be grateful for just a small amount of assistance.

I have tried having a look at the estimate calculators and they don't make any sense. I have 3 children (15, 11, 8). Does anyone have an idea about what assistance I could get? How much? I am so worried.

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  • +13

    Find out your leave/compassionate options are…

    AEU NT Guide to Personal Leave

    Then https://www.humanservices.gov.au/individuals/subjects/crisis…

    • +3

      +1 on this. I would see what you can do within the framework of the job, particularly if it is with Government schools, before kicking it in. Given they are working with kids the school may also be able to help you with assistance to help with your children’s issues. You have every right to be stressed by your circumstances so asking for assistance is the best way forward. Absolutely the best of luck going forward.

  • +31

    This is probably a case where you should make an appointment to see centrelink. There are so many variables and personal questions that need answering. I doubt you will get a solid accurate response here.

    I hope both you and your daughter are OK.

    Please see a gp to see what services you are entitled to for your own mental health.

    All the best.

  • +5

    This page might help, it outlines your options. https://www.carergateway.gov.au/carers-payments-explained

  • +3

    Is your daughter eligible for anything under the NDIS? I have heard were family members can become full time carers and be paid by the NDIS.

    Good luck your situation sounds like every parents worst nightmare.

    • +1

      Hello, no she isn’t at this stage. My youngest son has NDIS because he is special needs.

  • +13

    Make an appointment to see your GP, this is the starting point in getting mental health help.
    I don't know about compassionate leave that holdenmg mentioned, but your GP can evaluate you and provide you with a sick leave document, I think the max you can get is one month, after that you'll need another review.

    The unemployment support from Centrelink is Newstart.
    To get it you either have to be studying an approved course, or join a job search provider and apply for X(16?) amount of jobs per fortnight and attend any job interviews that you get.
    I'm not sure if there is a waiting period before one can apply for Newstart if one quits their job.
    So it looks your best course is to apply for compassionate leave as pointed out by holdenmg.

    Your kids will be eligible for Youth Allowance, however if the combined income of the parents is more than $53,728 it'll reduce by 20¢ for every $1 over $53,728.
    This webpage may be of interest.
    Like TightBottom said, it would be best to see Centrelink.
    You can pop by a branch without an appointment, depending on the time there could be quite a long waiting queue.

    There are community mental health services that can provide mental health support.
    I'm not sure about NT but I know of Eastern Community Mental Health in Adelaide provides services free for a friend of mine.
    Some of the services they provide, helping the client get to school/uni/doctors etc. by driving them, helping with shopping, providing the client with social activities.
    This looks to be the NT equivalent Carers Northern Territory listed here

    Headspace provides free mental health support to people between the ages of 12-25, it's possible to see a psychologist or psychiatrist weekly, fortnightly and monthly.
    They also provide a mental health service where one can chat via phone or web chat.

    Here's a list of 24h mental hotline services

    I hope things improve for you op.
    If you'd like to chat anytime I'm always open :).

    • +1

      This is very helpful, thank you so much.

  • +10

    If you're leaving work and have depression etc, check with your super fund to see if they have any income protection options. I know of at least one friend who had serious depression and when they quit work (it was that or continue to deteriorate mentally) they got paid a portion of their income for two years. They had a continuing psychologist and a lot of paperwork to support their claim though, but it was a lot more than centrelink would have paid.

  • +4

    You definitely need to make an appointment with Centrelink. Even then, getting consistent and or complete advice from any random Centrelink employee may be a challenge and you may wish to speak to a manager. If you must leave work to care for your daughter, you may be eligible to apply for Carers pension - this is not much, maybe comparable to the aged pension but you'll need to check this. If you get it, then there is also Carers Allowance which is a supplement to the pension. If you struggle to pay your electricity or gas bills, look up EAPA assistance on Google or ask your energy company and they'll give you the nearest place. Often Vinnies or Salvos. You can get water help through Sydney Water if you are in Sydney.

    • +1

      I get $65 a fortnight for my youngest child because he is special needs. It looks like I will have to go to Centrelink to find out where we stand. This is so daunting :(.

  • +2

    You need to speak to people at work and explain your situation. They'll be understanding.

    • +2

      I did and then my daughter all of a sudden deteriorated for the worst. I worry because I don’t have another source of income and at the same time she’s battling more than me.

      • +2

        Keep them informed. Carers leave will be part of your contract.

  • +7

    Sorry I don't know anything about Centrelink, but I just want to say stay strong and hopefully you can sort this out asap.

  • +3

    I'm very sorry to hear about your situation. Centrelink have social workers you can chat with to discuss your options financially and make referrals. I really hope all things work out and you keep strong. Please make sure your looking after yourself so you can keep it together for your family. All the best.

  • +2

    Sounds like you're not well yourself on top of everything else. If you have illness/injury and can't do your usual job you should try Sickness Allowance. If your employer is willing to let you take sick leave and/or leave without pay and confirm that you have a job to return to when you're well enough, I'd definitely recommend Sickness Allowance. You have to be employed with a job to return to to get it and there's no looking for work or having to study to get the payment. You can even get to the point of doing a graduated return to work and still get it, depending on the amount of the income from work. It's worth talking to your doc and your employer to see if this is an option before quitting as you'll still have your job at the end of it. Or, see if work will let you go part-time and check how much Newstart Allowance you could get on those hours (best to negotiate for at least 30hr per fortnight and then you don't have to do any other activity for the Newstart cos of the age of your children). If you do have to quit, make sure your doc is aware that your health is a factor in your decision (a) primarily for your health and (b) cos if claiming the Newstart Allowance you'll be asked your reason for quitting and if you have proof to back it up. Looking for 30hr per fortnight work or doing 30hr per fortnight study (due to you having children under 16) would be the kind of activity you'd have to do for it.
    Also, if you aren't on it already look at claiming Family Tax Benefit for your children. Doesn't matter if you're employed or not employed for it, it's based on income you think you'll make in the financial year. So claim it regardless of whether you quit work or not, may as well check if you can get it.
    And yes, like others have said look into Carer Payment and Carer Allowance.

  • +3

    Everyone has given all the suggestions I would have thought of and more besides, I just wanted to say hang in there, it does get better.

  • +2

    Sorry to hear it, just found out today a friend is battling a similar problem with her daughter. All the best, hope you have a good outcome.

  • +2

    Surely the hospital can refer a case worker for you and take it from there? Good luck and stay strong.

  • +2

    the other thing to look at would be to see if you can get a career break from your position to look after your daughter. Some places give career breaks and this sounds like a pretty good reason to get one. That way you will have a job waiting for you once you get past the crisis. I've had a couple of career breaks over my time and my reasons have been less compelling than yours.

    • +1

      I wish that was an option but I’m currently only on contract.

  • +2

    You method of resignation is not relevant. All Centrelink wants to know is your fortnightly incoome.

    Apply for Newstart. You can still be employed and get Newstart, but the rate is reduced depending on your income. Even if you get Newstart for 1 day you are eligible for a Health Care Card.

    You will probably be eligible for Parenting Payment.

    You need to go to a Centrelink office, ask for an interview, explain your circumstances, and they will give advice on payments. The office staff do want to help you despite the negative press.

    Off the top of my head with 3 kids you should be eligible for at least $900 per fortnight.

    • +1

      The negative press is not really about the average Centrelink employee, it is more about the clueless management and even more clueless Government. The new Government needs to, urgently, review things like Robodebt.

    • +1

      Thanks for replying. I called Centrelink and I would be eligible for Newstart at $505 every 2 weeks. I don’t qualify for parenting payment because my son turned 8 this year.

      • +2

        It really isn't a lot, is it? It makes my blood boil given how the Government wastes our money on other things but doesn't look after the people struggling at the bottom.

        Is there anything you can do to supplement your income; like tutoring online from home etc? There are websites who do this sort of thing, but I don't have any person experience with them.

        • +1

          I will certainly look into tutoring. They said I would also get family benefit A and B but it’s unclear how much that would be because it’s based on the previous years income. Apparently on Newstart you need to be studying or looking for a job. In my situation Centrelink would not force either due to my compelling circumstances.

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