This was posted 5 years 11 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Gigabyte RTX2060 6GB OC Gaming $479.20 + $15 Delivery (Free with eBay Plus) @ Computer Alliance eBay


Hi all,

First deal, hope it's OK, I know there's a lot of video card deals posted.

Following the original PCA20 20% off Computer Alliance on eBay Deal Post by @tightarse I noticed computer alliance had some RTX 2060s for $599 which brings them all the way down to $479.20 plus $15 shipping. Just ordered a whole new build to celebrate.

Not quite as cheap as the Futu Online deal from before but Computer Alliance have a better reputation for customer service & quick shipping I think, and Futu are out of stock.

They also have the Mini ITX version for slightly more for anyone out there thinking about a micro build.

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closed Comments

  • this or 1660 ti?

    • +5

      So lemme get this right, you paid more, and this isn't a bargain? The price jack is a mute point.

      • +10

        While I agree with you, the term is "moot point", lol.

        • Lol thanks, I was wondering when I typed it… Now I can't edit :)

          Can I blame auto correct? Haha

          • +1

            @scuderiarmani: Hey it's u from my Whirlpool Thread! I thought I recognised the username…

            • +1

              @scrambledeggs: I reckon Linus Tech Tips on YouTube has a good review on the merits of the two cards. Could be wrong. Either way, whoever it was suggested the 2060 is the better option. And the price difference was greater than it is here too…

              So you made the right choice. And these guys ship quickly too :)

  • Pulled the trigger last week on the MSI one, haven’t actually played a game with it yet…

    • I paid 543 for this card back in Feb. I still haven't played a game yet

  • +2

    Does the Nvidia "triple threat" offer (selection of either BFV, Anthem or Metro exodus for free) apply here?
    Presumably Computer Alliance would need to be a reseller authorised for this offer?…

    • +1

      The listing on their website does mention this offer, so I'm guessing it will still apply……

    • Do you know how to get the promotion code for the games?

      • It’s fairly easy to sort just need to buy before the 4th

    • Anyone manage to sort out the redemption for this? Received the card today but no code.

  • Is it worth paying extra for the triple fan model?…

    • +1

      This one has 2 heat pipes over the GPU, and 2x 90mm fans.
      The card you've linked has 2 heat pipes, and 3x 80mm fans.

      A happy medium between the two should be this:…

      2 heat pipes, 2x 100mm fans. If you really want a triple fan model, Gigabyte's Gaming OC Pro has 4 heat pipes with the same cooler as the Gaming OC card, but I'm not sure you're going to get a great deal of performance out of that.

      Essentially, I think it comes down to fan noise under load, and how much that's a factor for you in your setup. I've got the Windforce OC from the last deal, and it's very quiet at stock (NVIDIA's in-built boost takes it up to 1925-1950 Mhz clock).

      • I was mainly looking at the one I linked because it says it has a faster core clock and for the light because my GTX 970 G1 card has a light lol

        I am just not sure if the slightly faster core speed is worth the extra money

        • +1

          Like I said, NVIDIA's GPU boost drives things pretty high by default (listed boost on mine is 1770, but it just goes straight up to a steady 1925 under load).

          Triple fan will drive that higher, but so will running OC Scanner, or manually tweaking an overclock even further. I'm sure the difference between all three cards is around 100 MHz, with the more significant factor being the fan noise.

          If you want to take things further, you need to look at better heatsinks and liquid cooling units, but at that point you're probably paying a >25% premium for say 10% more performance and 20-30% more power draw. And if you're doing that, you might as well be looking at a 2070 or 2080.

          So just check reviews for info on fan noise, because it's by far the most significant factor between the three aside from price, then decide how much of a premium you want to pay for that (assuming you can fit the larger cards in your case).

          • +1

            @jasswolf: I ended up ordering the triple fan model ^_^

            • @GerrardLFC: Installed the new card and it is so powerful compared to my GTX 970 G1 Gaming card :D

  • With these new cards, should the price for a RX 570 drop soon? Best price for RX 570 is $195 at MSY

  • +5

    If you're in the business of selling video cards, at least get the name of the product correct, and don't be misleading. This isn't the "Gaming" version, which has a 1830Mhz core clock. This is the less powerful model with 1775 Mhz core clock. Source: Gigabyte website.

  • this or GTX1080?

    • this

    • 1080 is more powerful however it's second hand now…. I'd probably stick with new.

      • +1

        I am still using 8 years old EVGA 560ti no problem at all, so I guess 2nd hand GPU is not a bad option?

        • Well in that case… it'll be a monumental jump. I'd still go new given who knows how people have treated it…

          What CPU though? What resolution/refresh rate monitor?

    • The older models don't support freesync nor the new nvenc encoding improvements.

      • +1

        The 1000 series do support free sync. Its the 900 and below that don't.

    • 1080 is the faster card.

  • +1

    Probably worth getting other brand i think.

    I got the 2060 windforce edition from the last deal and that card runs hot, made me regret getting a Gigabyte card :(

    You can google "gigabyte rtx 2060 runs hot" and also look at amazon review for it.

    As a comparison my older Tri-x R9 290 runs cooler than it although that card is triple fan as opposed to the dual fan on the gigabyte windforce 2060
    On a 28c room running the ffxv benchmark goes to 82c. Right now the weather is getting cooler so it stays 79c which is not too bad. The Tri-x 290 goes to 75c on the same case.

  • When i see deals like this makes me wish I still had time to play games..

  • Anyone got any funny rtx on/off memes?

  • i was going to then i found reviews on amazon…

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