What is your average time you eat dinner ?
Having a debate with a friend who says 6pm is early ?
What Time Do You Eat Dinner?

Poll Options
- 305-6pm
- 436-7pm
- 297-8pm
- 168pm+
If working from home we have the main meal early afternoon and just have something light in the evenings.
Me too, on holidays my meals are generally breakfast 11am lunch/dinner 3-4pm (main meal) and a snack (eg 1 piece cheese on toast) 8-9pm
Coming from an Indian background we eat our dinners late. More usually then not after 8ish and sometimes even 9ish.
My Chinese relatives (by marriage) demand that dinner (largest meal of the day) be eaten at 2pm. There are no meals from then until next morning. It's all apparently about losing weight, as they believe eating after that time makes people fat. I wish I was joking. It's painful.
Yeah, there is a saying in Buhddism that 'no food intakes after midday' as it'll interfere with meditation. Some small groups of Chinese took that as holy grail for weight loss because monks are usually quite fit.
This is, probably, not a bad way to limit calories as you aren’t hungry in the evenings.
I think there's merit to that, as it increases insulin sensitivity. That's probably how the 5:2 diet, intermittent fasting and OMAD (one meal a day) work. Not sure about the timing of the meal though, but I imagine it makes sense to have the most food intake at a time of the day when you'll be most active and the metabolism is higher.
6pm is early. I understand having it that early when working full-time with only a small lunch though. You're starving when you get home. We're only part-time atm and our bodies tell us 8pm.
When I lived closer to the city we'd eat past 8pm every single night. Still do actually. Too much snacking after lunch to need dinner so soon.
Couldn't vote as no option for 4-5pm. Start cooking from 4pm sometimes 5pm. Wouldn't get the kids to bed at 7pm if we started any later.
+1 for 4-5pm
On days I am home all day, happy to eat at 5-530. After work usually around 6.
Not sure if timetable is skewed by my sleep cycle but bedtime is 930PM - 530AM (ideally)Ask those with young kids what time they eat dinner…
Anyone in a rest home?
Whenever I feel hungry
5:30 but we have 2 kids under 3. Before we had kids it was around 6 - 6.30
I would say 5pm is the starting time for eating dinner.
I eat dinner at 8:00pm because that’s what time my dinner break is at work. On the weekend I eat dinner at about 6:30pm.