Does anyone know where I can buy Flamin Hot Cheetos at its lowest price?
I've had a look on eBay by sorting price from low to high and the cheapest for a small bag is still about $7 + $8 shipping = way too much to be paying for about 250g :(
Where can I buy Flamin Hot Cheetos at its lowest price?

I mean you have to include to cost of flights to the US.
I thought flights must be free. I see a lot of people claiming they are going to get the TRS back on OzBargain. "I bought a new washing machine." "Don't forget to claim TRS."
all the korean shops sell them in melb
Im in SA :(
Can you tell me any specific ones, preferably in the west?
not sure in the west, but I know that KT mart sells it and also across the QVM theres this little asian grocery shop that have it too.
Haha nearly 100k supporters. Guess I should give them a try!
Out of someone's burning ring hole.
Good news! Only 89c a packet from USA Foods!
Bad news? None in stock until mid-May.
http://www.usafoods.com.au/product/11612Thank you, i'll check back in May! Do you know how much shipping usually is? i know it says its calculated by weight but would be good to get a rough $ if you've bought from there before?
Since Costco opened and became my preferred source of Canada Dry I haven’t bought anything from them in years, so I’m unsure of shipping costs. Sorry!
What's a cheeto?
Is it like a Twistie?
Where are you located? IGA in Leederville (WA) has the big packs for $8 from memory.
SA :( i've only seen regular cheese flavoured cheeto puffs at supermarkets but not the flaming hot ones.
Go to the US and buy it in bulk… Is probably cheaper than the ridiculous mark up here for them!!