I plan to purchase a book that has a bound spine. But I want it to lay flat so it will sit on a piano music stand without closing up or falling off. Where can I get the spine sliced off, holes punched or drilled through the cover and pages, and some kind of plastic of wire spiral fitted instead? Does Officeworks do it?? Are they the cheapest???
Where Can I Have a Book Spine Guillotined off and a Spiral Fitted Instead?

Did you look up if officeworks does it? Because I just did and got an answer
answer withheld
.You won't believe the answer. It's so simple!
I did actually. All I found was a page that seemed to be saying they have to be PRINTING the book at the same time. And the pricing of that wasn't clear (their wording - they didn't use the word 'page' or something like that - 'face' maybe!?). Anyway, it SOUNDED like they meant it's 10 cents per side of every page - which just can't be right… a 300 page book would be $60 - which is why I asked here. I thought maybe someone had done it, instead of being 'the forum police'.
Okay, that's a more specific question about the officeworks service that indicates why a link to the first google result wouldn't have been a complete answer for your situation.
Now that I look at that page again, I can see why you might think that. I read it the other way, that since it's possible that they should be able to do it. But never a bad idea to confirm about custom jobs at your local store anyway.
Their site seems to indicate that guillotine would be $1 or $2, comb binding would be $5.15, which might be the correct one. Seems pretty cheap, and hopefully can be confirmed by a store without needing that printing bs since they are already charging a premium on 20cents of binding material and the effort of lifting a blade up and down.
Thanks. I will phone them and ask. But I like to check with other people first. Because I live ~70km from Officeworks, have been told things on the phone before, only to get there and find the situation completely different.
You need a book binder
Search binding services
Ah, of course - thanks.
Give your nearest Kwik Kopy a call tomorrow but don't expect it to be cheap.