NL's Delft Uni's well-Funded research project - the improved P2P BT Client: "Tribler"

An acquaintance has been showing us
some YouTube videos by TechGumbo, eg,
lots of short advice talks on Win 10
which she's just begun to tangle with.

One of them lists ~5 BitTorrent clients
one of these is is a product of Delft Uni:

This may surprise you (I didn't know this):

"Work on Tribler has been supported by
multiple Internet research European grants.

In total we received 3,538,609 Euro
in funding for our open source self-
organising systems research.

Roughly 10-15 scientists & engineers
work on it full-time.

Our ambition is to make darknet technology,
security and privacy the default for -all-
Internet users."

(Of course, it's an Open Source project.

As of 2017 they've rec'd 146,003 lines of code
from 56 contributors.)

'dunno if / how the newly passed EU Copyright
Law may affect this, but Tribler's work can,
of course, be used for legitimate file trans-
fer (eg, Linix / BSD / etc. Software distr'n)


FWIW: NL ranks Very Highly on var. "Happiness Scales"

(Meanwhile, in Outback SA, yet a pair of
Suicide Prevention meetings take place,
1 for men & 1 for tradees, across several
Outback towns.)

IMO: "AU needs more NL"

The Dutch aren't Afraid of Nuclear (dunno
if they're big on it yet, but "you wait"
until Safe, Small, Liquid-Fuel MSRs arrive
[ due ~2029 ] & show their stuff, both AU
& NL will be trying to buy some, I bet):

While AU continues its 1999 Nuclear En BAN,
the World hasn't FORBIDDEN its Scientists
& Engineers from using our Highest Energy-
Density, Green way to make Electricity.

"Nuclear energy in the Netherlands, per Wikipedia:

The Netherlands' only commercial nuclear reactor
is Borssele, which became operational in 1973 &,
as of 2011, produces about 4% of the country’s
electricity according to the world nuclear ass'n.
IEA statistics, however, identify only about 1.3%
of total primary energy supply (TPES).

The older Dodewaard nuclear power plant was a test-
reactor that was later attached to the national grid
but was closed in 1997.

A 2MW research reactor is located in Delft,
as part of the physics department of Delft Uni
of Technology. This reactor is not meant for
energy provision, but is used as a neutron- &
positron-source for research."

Perhaps I should say: NL is Not afraid of Science

(When I first visited NL I noticed a Renewable
Energy display facility, that all visitors see
when they [walk or drive] off the UK ferry…

Wind Mills, Solar Panels, colorful flags, etc.)

WATCH THIS SPACE (ie, in NL), as 2029 is coming.. ;~)


"Sorry, Qld, NSW & Vic, Coal is a Dinosaur
best left to examine in Museums, IMO"

/End HappyRant :~)


  • +7

    Please, not again.

    • "Nothing to see here, folks… move along…"

      In a nut shell:

      I didn't know of any Open Source
      Peer-2-Peer (P2P) S/W projects B4

      (If you did, you're ahead of me.)

      I name the program that EU, etc.
      [helped to] fund, FYI only

      That's all…

      PS I tried the program… It's S-L-O-W
      (likely due to using TOR for privacy?)

      Save time; Skip the /Happy Rant

  • +6

    This was very difficult to follow…

    By the way, capitalising words does not place emphasis on them. You can do that with italics or bold text. Capitalising is for proper nouns and beginnings of sentences only.

    • What he's shouting those words at us?

  • +2

    Are you OK?

  • +4

    Why do you always post such weird threads? The only reasonable one you've recently posted was the Barefoot Investor one? I mean, is there a point to this?

    • Weird is in the eye of the beholder…

      Because I can…

      I like to write

      U needn't read 'em

      Only some get 'em

      Enjoy Life… Don't Waste Time on What You Don't Enjoy! ;~)

      • OzBargain isn't your personal blog.

  • What did I just read ?

    • Pointless SPAM from Professor Ratbaggy.

      • It's not like you to be wrong, Baysew.

        The real Professor Ratbaggy -

        Enjoy. It's a great track.

        • +1

          I was thinking about the original Professor Ratbaggy, the character the band derived their name from.

          • @Baysew: A bit before my time to remember The Tarax Show, but do recall the brand! Thanks

  • The Tribler project wAS INTERESTING BUT THE REST????…….and the format??????????????

  • Huh?

  • +1

    I enjoy your rambling posts and see them becoming increasingly decipherable. Not a bad thing if they go a bit further down that track.

    You and Ziggy Swit would be great mates, I reckon.

    The Dutch aren't Afraid of Nuclear (dunno
    if they're big on it yet, but "you wait"
    until Safe, Small, Liquid-Fuel MSRs arrive
    [ due ~2029 ] & show their stuff, both AU
    & NL will be trying to buy some, I bet):

    Don't bet too much.
    Unless combining truly dramatic reduction in time to bring on-Z-line and a somehow even more dramatic promise of a reduction in ultimate decommissioning cost relative to conventional plants, all other factors aside, will be a non-starter. Certainly in Australia, well beyond unlikely.

    Long-promised wave and tidal power, may both get a proper go on before that happens.
    Geo-thermal, especially in your neck of very non-woods, as well.

    Be more enthused about solar-efficiency research by various in Australia, especially, and combination of renewables with adjunct-storage and co-generation technologies.
    Solar/wind > electrolysis for H2, will become important in mix of things, alongside current and new battery and capacitor tech, coming pumped-hydro, hopefully molten salt before too much longer in Australia, etc. All good, IVI.


    There's use of an interrobang not seen too often! :)

    • Terrestrial Energy Inc. (from Canada) have IMSR,
      which delivers pre-fab cores, that may be able
      to store the (minimal) spent fuel, after each
      ReFueling (set to be every 7 yrs) [for up to
      56 yr] per a French animated video

      Bloomberg has some company details:

      (I presume paying members get more info from B,
      than I get from that link?)

      The big News from TEI is their merger with a co.
      who seem to have (among other areas of interest)
      a subsidiary that works with Defence.

      Armies, for one, don't want to have to shlepp
      fossil fuels around… a single nuke, to power
      their operations is far more efficient, albeit
      puts "all their [generating] eggs in 1 basket"

      I hope TEI will be able to supply Non-Defence
      buyers, so we can all be duly exposed to MSRs

      "Gotta See 'em to Believe 'em"

      A Bloomberg search for ThorCon Power yielded
      a few links to article…

      As did 1 for (UK-based) "Moltex Energy" (mak-
      ing "SSR")

      PS We expect some MSR(s) to begin to appear

      Companies advise IAEA of details & some status
      of their Small Modular Reactors (in which class
      Molten Salt Reactor reside) in a Free PDF book:

      • IAEA's Free-to-D'load book: SMR-book_2018.pdf

      Ask Google where it lives

      Note: NuScale's Fuel-Rod based "dinosaur" (IMO)
      is listed in a First section of the book, likely
      due to their apparently strong funding.

      (You can guess, that the existing Nuclear Indus-
      try WANTS to drag the Costly + Wasteful Fuel-Rod
      ("Razor-Blade" business model) into the future.)

      BTW - South Aussies Note - NuScale is designing &
      (presumably) building its reactor in a US State,
      (Oregon?) that BANS Nuclear Energy, just like AU
      does, today.

      So, living under a "Nuclear Energy REPRESSIVE"
      gov't, likely in the pocket of AU's fossil-fuel
      co.'s, is Not an excuse to stop thinking Nuclear
      and - better - making it so (in AU).

      • Hi there. Could well be too early on a Sunday morning for Fate of The World type discussions relating to energy policy, or anything else.

        Countries heavily invested in existing nuclear infrastructure for both power and military purpose (even absent a search pretty sure France starkest for the combo) will undoubtedly dabble in the new tech when and where feasible to incorporate. Time factor and others mentioned will likely still nix in most places including various with existing facilities. Probably, but you could be on the money and exciting research to ponder regardless.

        Various tech mentioned above still main key for some, hopeful, mitigation. Just needs to be scaled-up, vastly, and quickly.

        This kitty would fit into a harness suited for all manner of species, but could still benefit from a little scaling-down
        Bonus Sunday morning similarly relaxed-cat video :)

        Like those very zen cats would, ignore select relentless others, who may offline as well as on, be real pieces of work.

        Have a good day there in SA, IVI

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