From what I can tell, flavours available are:
-Extreme Milk Chocolate
-Cookies & Cream
-Double Rich Chocolate
Cashrewards for another 5% off, Shopback for 6%
From what I can tell, flavours available are:
-Extreme Milk Chocolate
-Cookies & Cream
-Double Rich Chocolate
Cashrewards for another 5% off, Shopback for 6%
Where did U get this price from, on their site it’s 149 $
ON 100% Gold has worse macros than Bulk nutrients WPC. 78.9g/100g protein vs 75g/100g, making BN a much better choice.…
5kg = AU$90 (AU$18.00 each)
I assume that's the one he means.
Isolated and concertante is 2 different type of protein in regard to how the process them… would love to buy isolate in this price, thanks for the info..
I have tried all sort of whey isolated in the last 4 years from lesser to high top brand , I normally take the protein 5 times a week after weight lifting and did find ON (Optimum Nutrition)whey isolate have zero bloating and no side effect on the stomach and test very well than the others in regard to artificial flavour.. however in Australia we pay very high price for ON while in the state they pay same price as the bulk concertante price mentioned by the OP in his post
Taste. I'm a big Bulk Nutrients fan but I find their WPC to be a bit watery and bland. I don't mind paying a bit extra for powders that, I think, taste better and mix a bit thicker. But if you don't care about taste or like the taste of their WPC then it's hard to beat.
how did I miss this :(
It's been on twice in the last year from memory
Still have 2 bags at home.
Gotta stock up when it's cheap :D
$124 is no deal.
my protein (the brand is actually called my protein) is a better alternative for cheap, tastes pretty good and always deals for 30-45% off. chocolate smooth is a really nice flavor.
Sign up to their newsletter and they'll send you % off offers
$20 delivery, not good
Thanks OP. Still a very good price
Why don't they just bloody make a 5kg Australian bag!
Think the price has gone back up?
Why would anyone get this over Bulk nutrients, at $90 for 5kg?