M&m’s $0.82 /100g
Chocolate to tide you over till the easter clearance begins.
Don’t forget Cashback.
UPDATE: milk chocolate unavailable but peanut still in stock.
M&m’s $0.82 /100g
Chocolate to tide you over till the easter clearance begins.
Don’t forget Cashback.
UPDATE: milk chocolate unavailable but peanut still in stock.
Buy one get one free
Share with significant other.
Buy one (bag of m&m's) get one (diabetes) free.
Can you please ensure that if I eat this entire bag that i'll get diabetes? I don't want to be cheated on this deal…
It's made in China.
Then the diabetes will be fake
is this made in australia? or imported? i remember some chocolates in my local supermarket, like snickers, is made in china now
I actually got good news on Snickers. It is being made in China only temporarily as the factory is being upgraded in Australia.
Untill they see the profit margins and decide to keep it there, haha
Is there any way to find out?
look at the back picture, 2 lines above "PRODUCT SHOWN NOT TO SCALE" it is made in Australia from imported peanut for peanut version…
Thanks, you really have sharp eyes.
Ordered one.
Made in Australia from Chinese products and the cheapest cocoa and peanuts on the world market.
@josho9: True. But that'll never happen with the sky high employment costs required in the process. Maybe one day when machines take over…
My kind of party.
Party bag? Don't act like you know what I'm about Amazon, this is a typical Tuesday arvo bag at best.
Good timing. Just finished the last bag from before xmas just last week.
# Goals
Exactly. I'd eat a bag of this size within maximum 3 days.
3 days, 3 hours same thing basically…
If I buy this I'm going to finish this in a few days. So I'm not going to buy it.
Days, Hours same thing…
sugar 53.3%
fat 26.3%
sum 79.6%
And 100% delicious?
110% *
Wish they would sell crispy M&M's in this size.
This price is pretty close by weight.
98c vs 84c per 100g
At $5/305g, it's $1.63 per 100g for the crispy M&Ms. Almost double OP's deal.
They were $3 an hour ago, gone back up by the looks.
I always sigh at the health crew posting negative comments on OzBargain about confectionery and takeaway.
This is a bargain website, not a health one.
We all know this is bad for us. We're not stupid.
Keto diet this, keto diet that etc etc bla bla yea we get it you're a F45 ambassador.
Real talk.
We all know this is bad for us. We're not stupid.
Speak for yourself!
Yep! Always a comment like "comes with free diabetes"
Because eating some chocolate gives you diabetes smh
Apparently 1 kg in a sitting is the trigger!
Yeah. They should go and marry a carrot.
Well a health warning is a good reminder that at 65.9 grams of sugar per 100g really is not a bargain in terms of money or health.
Yes, it is a nice flavoured confectionery.
There is an old saying by Virgil "The greatest wealth is health."
Also for my money I would like more cocoa mass in my chocolate.
I guess having had the effects of sugar addiction is not enough for you hey?
Particularly when the health warnings were around fat, for so long and not sugar, as they should have been.
If you can control yourself then excellent.
@marcozmitch: Does your finger-wagging at others trigger the dopamine release that the sugar highs used to provide?
Think you might have replaced one bad habit with a more socially unacceptable one.
@SporadicUser: Well the peanut varitety does reduce the sugar consumption, but I do wish the dark chocolate variety of M&M's available in the US were available here.
So I don't know if this is finger wagging or just an appreciation of the notice that others have said.
Sugar consumption does not cause diabetes, but excessive weight issues does cause a variety of health problems.
@marcozmitch: Yet the comment to which you were replying had literally pre-empted, perfectly, the exact same inanity you spouted in response to it. Go figure, huh?
@SporadicUser: If I was a troll I might say exactly what you are saying,
if I was a troll that is…
so please find someone else to insult, "Think you might have replaced one bad habit with a more socially unacceptable one", why not be the moral aribiter on society, I am sure I need it.
@marcozmitch: "why not be the moral aribiter on society, I am sure I need it."
lmao whoosh!
The fact that you are so oblivious to the irony of your own comment is very amusing.
Cheers for that.
Back in my day 1kg was a fun-size pack of M&Ms and cost 15c. If you wanted to share you'd spend 40c on a regular pack and wear it to school.
This isn't a bargain, just another sign of how the big companies have been screwing us over the years.
1KG was the fun size? Did you grow up at the top of a bean stalk?
40 years ago?
If you wanted to share you'd spend 40c on a regular pack and wear it to school.
Would you wear it beside the onion on your belt? ;)
Certainly not in lieu of the onion, as that was the style at the time.
Nah this must be more recent as he referred to the price as 40c, not 8 bees.
He’s off yelling at clouds now.
I think $8 for a kilogram of candy is an extremely reasonable price, especially for those who get a lot of deliveries out of their prime subscription.
Picked up 2 thanks OP!
Thanks! Got my work colleagues to buy some as well for combined free shipping. Bought 9kg between 5 of us
Cool cover story.
We all know you are going to go home with 9kg of m&m's and fill the bathtub up and dive in it Scrooge McDuck style.
Must resist🙄
Tried not clicking for 2 hours, then failed miserably.
God damn it I failed miserably too after looking at this comment! Ordered 2
Thanks. I remember when Catch used to have excellent deals on chocolate.
Hopefully Amazon can fill that hole.
anyone without prime order 6 bags for $49 for the free delievery? I'm tempted lmao.
Ordered 10 to use the 20 off monopoly code.
If these haven't sold out soon, i'm afraid what my up at 12am self might do.
Just sell out and make the decision for me!
I ordered 5…….diabetes here I come!
Odd question.. Anyone know/estimate how long these would 'stay fresh' if I opened the packet and put them in a bowl for guests?
Can you cover the bowl / use an airtight clear glass jar instead? I wouldn't leave them out for more than a couple of weeks.
Depends what you mean by 'stay fresh'.
They'd probably be edible for a few years. I dare you to write the date of packet opening on the bowl, leave it for 12 months, bring it out when the mates come over and within a 2 or 3 beers, I doubt that no one is eating them.
Caved. Expected delivery between the 1st and 2nd of April so I have a few days to diet before they arrive😀
Ended up getting a bag for $3.24. A $5 promo was added to my order automatically - I think it was a Mastercard promo.
bought 10 thnx
Lat time I bought the peanut M&Ms kilo pack, nearly all of them were crushed and broken.
Ok for me, I wasn't fussy,still ate them…
Buy if they're for visitors or in a bowl, they'd be crap.
Buy if they're for visitors or in a bowl, they'd be crap.
But would still be eaten!
Thanks OP ordered 10
Perfect timing for Easter for the 3 kids.
The deal comes with free diabetes.