I am trying to reach out to anyone who ordered a Synology 918+ from Amazon.com.au in January and February at under $600.
Did anyone actually receive a unit?
The posts for the bargains [2 posts] are filled with people like me who ordered to then have amazon just cancel a month later.
I believe a breach of the Australian Consumer Law [ACL] has occurred as they advertised with an insufficient amount of stock to make the sale.
If you were one of the cancel victims please PM me your order number details so I can add them my complaint when lodged.
Amazon.com has the product for sale and fulfillment to Australia right now so they cannot pretend they are unable to source the product. They have made and offer to market, had it accepted and simply reneged.
Has this happened to people with other order products and Amazon just decided to cancel?
Dodgy Amazon?
Seriously dude?
I wish you the best of luck and I think you should fight them all the way to the High Court. Noone should be a victim of this kind of umm.. "abuse" - You definitely deserve to get your Synology 918+!