Does anyone know when these will be available to buy in store? So far it appears to be pre-order only.
Does anyone know when these will be available to buy in store? So far it appears to be pre-order only.
Not a very good crystal ball if it didn't predict you needing to answer this question …
Hence it being in the shop.
I believe 'Spruce' implies cosmetic work, shouldn't impact performance
Address it to "Tim Apple"
Address it to "Tim Apple"
Or his brother "Pine Apple" j/k
What did Apple say when you called them?
What did the Bricks & Mortar stores say when you called them?
The hilarious part is if you've tried this for most Apple products you'll find the answer is unsatisfactory. Apple will not tell you, and the stores can't tell you because Apple doesn't tell them. Apparently, they just get a shipment from Apple show up one day and they have to scramble to put it on shelves etc.
When the iPad Pro's came out I asked two of my local (JB) stores about the cases every couple of days for four full weeks, every time the answer was, "we'll be getting them, we don't know when, Apple doesn't tell us" from multiple people at multiple stores.
On the other hand, that means no random on OzBargain will know.
Bloody hell OzBargain.. you're a grumpy bunch today.
I suggest you all go to bed early and try to be nicer tomorrow.
Theyll be in apple stores already - but to other stores will be on case by case basis ..
yes, they are all fairly unhappy, but it took me 2 minutes of googling to find out
The tone of the replies is very neutral, jovial with a heavy pinch of sarcasm but grumpy it is not.
You just don't like to hear the phrase "you're privy to the same information as us so help yourself".
Hey.. i felt my reply was also jovial.
And you've all assumed I didn't try to help myself. An incorrect assumption as it happens.
The crystal ball is in the shop, but not iPads.
honestly, you should have just made it a poll
Our Apple suppliers are saying stock due to land with them 04/04, so I would guess it will be available in retail stores the week of the 8th if they got their orders in early enough…
Thanks a lot, the Apple chat was suitably vague about an in store date.
If you buy it online, you can get them to engrave it for free :)
I asked my friend (works at apple in US, 15% discount) to order online with pickup at Apple Canberra. I already got "ready to pickup" email. I'll be going to pickup at around 5pm. SO i guess, it should be there in store.
Thanks a lot. Yeah think it hit apple stores today.
I'll go this weekend. Just need to find a friend at apple as well…
Let me pop Tim Cook an email and ask 'im. My crystal ball is in the shop for a spruce up, unfortunately