This was posted 6 years 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Dentitex Advanced Whitening Toothpaste 140g $0.99 (Was $1.49), Sensitive $1.99 (Was $3.99) @ ALDI


Saw this when I went shopping the other day. $1.99 for sensitive toothpaste is super cheap considering Colgate when it’s half price is $5!

Can vouch for the quality too

Link to Dentitex Sensitive Plus Whitening Toothpaste 110g

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closed Comments

  • Who makes this for Aldi?

    • +13


      • +13

        No, I'm just the middle man… I supply at the normal price.

        • +1

          It ain't much but it's honest work

      • Who?

    • +2

      Does Aldi ever reveal their suppliers, really?

      • +3

        No, but it should be possible to work it out.
        I am not up to date with my toothpaste manufacturers. Is JV an Aldi company, or do they make toothpaste elsewhere?

        • +5

          Yes. Jv is like a smaller GSK

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: The Dentitex toothpaste and whitening used to be made in a small laboratory/factory in Sydney. When I first tried it, I noticed it was substantially better than the midrange Colgate variants and the No-Name Brands. It's as good as the higher priced stuff (based on the ingredients, the consistency, and the results).

            I'm not sure if things have changed, they may be producing this in China now with lower QC/Attention to detail.

            • @Kangal: Still made in Australia. I bought it last month

            • @Kangal: I don't like toothpaste that can't take a joke.

              How is the whitening only version?

    • +6

      Probably a co-packaging company that makes Colgate as well. I used to work in a factory that made its own brand, Coles, Woolworths and Aldi “brands” as well. Very minor difference in ingredients due to specifications but same equipment and process just different boxes.

  • -1

    Are these made in Australia? Noticed some are made in China these days

    • which one taste better?

      • +1

        Funny you ask, of the ones I've tried, the Australian made ones have had a better flavour.

      • +3


    • +1

      yes they are made in australia. it has the green badge on the tube

  • +1

    Is this the new normal price? It used to be 99c years ago and when they stopped selling regular nonwhitening toothpaste it went up to $1.49.

    On a side note according to The Checkout labelling a toothpaste as whitening allows the manufacturer to dodge some required testing because it is now considered a 'cosmetic' product rather than medicinal (or something along those lines).

    The only issue I have with this toothpaste is that I feel like I need to use a bit more than some other brands

    • Likely not. They usually do these price drops for a limited time, before putting them back to the normal price, or even jacking the price up a bit. So stock up now.

    • +1

      They use it as marketing, only the Colgate Optic White one contains actual ingredients (Hyrdrogen Peroxide) proven to whiten teeth. The checkout concluded that none of them contain ingredients that actually cause whitening.

      • Good info. Thanks.

        That show should be compulsory at schools. Very informative.

        • +2

          Agree. Too bad it was axed.

        • +2

          The curriculum is already full to the point of bursting. All it takes is one more wafer thin mint.

          • @Daabido: Surely a taster would overlap with other social/development skills everyone needs in this anon/fake digital world.

            I heard the other day about a Russian neighbour country that builds anti-propaganda protection into their children's education.

            Promoting truth & transparency would benefit every aspect/class.

          • +1

            @Daabido: Consumer rights are a part of the HASS (Humanities and Social Science) curriculum, within "economics and business". Definitely in WA, but our curriculum is 99% overlapping with the Australian curriculum for 7-10 (diverges slightly for y11-12). There's a good bit of time allocated to looking at budgeting, credit and debt, consumer rights and protection, entrepreneurs, marketing etc. As a HASS teacher, and knowing a fair few other HASS teachers around the state (WA), I know that many teachers continue to use segments from the checkout in the classroom.

            But in general you're right, there's already too much to pack in to a limited number of lessons, and it's hard to give enough time to any one topic as is, let alone add in every extra thing that people decide it would be handy for schools to "add in"!

  • +2

    If you're looking for toothpaste for sensitive teeth, I can recommend their Dentitex product. I've tried a few and the only good one I used asides from this was Sensodyne, and it's substantially more expensive.

    • Cheers, much appreciated.

    • +1

      are you comparing it the original sensodyne?, ie, the pink one which has strontium chloride as its active ingredient. original sensodyne is no longer available in australia and it's the only toothpaste for sensitive teeth that's worked for me. the other brands i've tried are colgate, oral b, and cedel.

  • I got 99 problems but toothpaste ain't one.

  • +2

    Should add "140g" to title?

  • Did Colgate change their name?

    • +1

      Never been to or had a good look at Aldi packaging before?

      • This one is particularly straying close to the line in terms of branding. But I’m sure their lawyers have ensured its just different enough.

  • +4

    From what i understand, all Aldi toothpaste is made in Australia. No other toothpaste brand manufactures in Australia. Not only is it cheap, i like it more than the $7 Colgate varieties which come from Thailand.

    • +1

      So Aldi started a toothpaste manufacturing in Australia? I highly doubt it, it’s not aldis way of doing things.

      • No, its just an OEM, Coles generic brand ones used to be made in Australia as well, before they moved to China sourced ones.

        • Exactly my point, so ifrxjb says there are none in Australia, but Aldi,he is clearly talking about something he doesn’t know.

      • They are manufactured in Australia. Has the green badge of 'Australian Made' on the tube.

    • Thanks, this is what I was asking about and someone negged me.

    • +1

      No other toothpaste brand manufactures in Australia

      WTF, dude?
      Grants of Australia
      White Glo

      I'd be surprised if there aren't even more.

      • +1

        He probably works for Aldi.

  • No sensitive toothpaste is as good as sensodyne is it? I usually just go sensodyne

    • +1

      Seems like you’ve decided without trying. Shame. Hardly an expensive/risky trial.

      • -1

        Maybe Mrgreenz didn't know about Dentitex, hence the question.

      • I've tried a few other sensitive's and they're ok at maintaining sensitivity issues, but if your teeth go sensitive they cannot bring it back so to speak as fast as sensodyne.

  • +2

    It’s made here with imported materials..

    • +2

      Almost all local pharmaceutical and cosmetics companies use significant amounts of imported material. We just don’t make most of the ingredients.

  • Colgate sensitivite can be bought for $2 at the reject shop sale, never paid $5 for it

    • Pics or it didn't happen

      • +2

        Lazy, it was posted on Ozbargain.

        Funny how the branded stuff gets less attention (votes) than the copy cat fake.

        • -1

          Dentitex isn't a copy cat fake?

          If anything the Colgate you've posted would be grey import at best.

          • @bemybubble: If it isn’t why does it try to copy the design so much of Colgate? Hmm,?

            Also, it’s been confirmed not grey import. Your continue denial/defence is obvious. It’s ok, just admit the branded stuff you try to compare it to can be obtained for same price.

  • +1

    Reject shop also sells (Vietnamese i think) colgate for $1

  • The last lot I bought was Australian made, one of the main reasons I buy it. Cadel is the only other Australian made brand I can find, so am guessing the Aldi is made by Cedel.

  • It's worth noting that the Colgate Optic White toothpaste (the ones in the red boxes, actually contain an ingredient that whitens your teeth - Hydrogen Peroxide) all the rest of the kinds of toothpaste that claim 'whitening' are just using it as a marketing term, and contain no actual whitening products. From what I can see this Aldi one doesn't contain any Whitening ingredients either (from the front of the box, it's not listed as an active ingredient) but I can't find the full list.

    The Checkout did a bit on this.

  • thanks OP, will try it out, have been stocking up on the Colgate one when it's half price

  • Toothbrush twin packs are only 99c. They’re made in Germany.

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