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Vittoria Mountain Grown Coffee Beans 1kg $15 (Was $36.50) @ Woolworths

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Was looking for some cheap beans to experiment with a newly acquired Aeropress from this recent deal.

Vittoria Coffee Organic Coffee Beans Organic 1kg is also better than half price at $18 (was $37).

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  • +9

    get the aldi beans.
    cheaper & better.

    • What are they called?

        • Thanks, I'll try them in my aeropress.

          • +4

            @Looty: also the Lazzio medium roast or dark roast. I get it ground - cost about $6.49 for 500grams. or cheaper as beans ~$12.50 per kg.

            I'm more than satisfied with the taste of these.

            i've yet to see negative comments about these beans (or even ho-hum comments).

            • +9

              @altomic: I have tried saying I enjoy commercial coffe beans as a comment in one of the expensive, single origin coffee posts we see here often lately and I have been buried with negs. Hipsters are so sensitive.

              • +1

                @Laziofogna: I drink single origin organic coffee that supports local growers in PNG.

                Thing is, it's $18kg and is the nicest coffee I've ever had. That's the kind of reasonable premium I expect on coffee, none of this $30kg crap. If I can't get the above (and I regularly can't, it's from Enga Coffee in Ballarat, don't get up there that often) there's nothing wrong with decent supermarket stuff. It's like anything, sometimes I like a recently roasted, freshly ground espresso on a rainy afternoon. But having it all the time kills the specialness of it and most of the time I just want to feed my brain caffeine juice.

            • @altomic: how did you get the Lazzio beans grounded?

          • +2

            @Looty: I've found those both a bit too dark for aeropress; even the lazzio medium roast is imo. You can use darker roasts for press styles, though I recommend steeping the grounds no more than a minute or else it will taste muddy. Would be nice if there were lighter roasts available at supermarkets - the good stuff gets expensive :(

            They're all great for espresso however (i get good results with my nanopresso)

        • Which do you think is better of these two options ?

        • Thanks. Which is the more intense of these 2?
          I tried Aldi beans long time ago and didn't enjoy but definitely wasn't these 2

    • I like the organic ones though.

    • +2

      Personal opinion of the taste of the supermarket coffee beans that I have tried:

      Lavazza Oro >> Vittoria Mountain Grown >> Lazzio Colombia >> anything pre-ground

  • +3

    I bought some over the weekend, can't say I'm a fan. For a similar price I usually buy Harris, which IMHO is fresher and tastes better.

    (BES920 and smart grinder).

    • +2

      Shhh Harris is the best kept secret.

      I mean…. supermarket trash!

      • The Harris beans seem to have a very short cycle between being roasted and appearing on the shelf (due to high turnover I'm guessing). The Harris bags are often "puffed" up indicating the beans are still releasing gases…..a sign of freshness.

    • +2

      Out of interest, have you tried the Aldi Lazzio Brazil? Usually my go to as I prefer natural beans as opposed to washed and can't often find which type the "Supermarket" beans are.

      Keen to branch out though.

      • I haven't tried Aldi beans for about 5 years. But I might give them a go based on the reports from OB members.

        I haven't found a very strong correlation between price and quality when it comes to mass roasted beans (case in point these Vitorria beans that are usually $36!), so I'm more than happy to trial the cheaper brands.

        • +1

          They are definitely worth a try, the turnover is rapid similar as you mentioned with the Harris. I still slightly prefer Harris but Aldi is fantastic for it’s price point.

          • @[Deactivated]: I'll definitely give them a go after I'm done with these very uninspiring Vittoria beans.

  • +6

    Another vote for Aldi medium roast(better than the Peru and Brazil imo). Was a long time vittoria coffee user previously.

    • Hell yeah, Aldi Medium Roast beans have such a nice consistent flavour. Used to pay $40+ for "Single O [Brand]", but for $11 kilo these are great!!
      For those that like a stronger brew, the Dark Roast is definitely stronger, however the Medium just has a nicer flavour, even a hint of chocolate.

  • +2

    I go for milder roast but use double amount ….the mountain coffee tastes great.

  • -1

    you're far better off purchasing from a local coffee shop.. they will usually sell ground/unground beans to you if you ask.. anything in a supermarket is at least three months old.. in this case likely six. crema will be virtually non-existant in even the very best of machines. go on, support your local!

    • +1

      Nice to do but double the cost, sometimes more

    • I like my coffee and I live 5 minutes walk from King St Newtown where there are dozens of coffee options.

      I'd love to support the local coffee roasters but $35-$59kg is nuts. I have bought beans from a few local places in Marrickville, Botany, etc and for the money I can taste no difference. Maybe my palate isn't refined enough.

      • +1

        I can taste the difference and yet stick with my supermarket favourites, carefully shortlisted and selected to be only a week or two old.

        The “artisans” can keep their overpriced inconsistent ashtray tasting crap, some other gullible fool can contribute to their rent and harley.

      • shop around and you can usually get $30/kg. pretty fair for beans that are roasted only a few weeks ago.

    • far better off purchasing from a local coffee shop

      All well and good, but at the end of the day, unless you consume your fresh beans very rapidly (in a week or so) or buy in very small batches (extremely expensive) you end up with coffee that tastes no different to high turnover supermarket coffee.

      • +1

        I used to believe the same, however since using Lazzio Medium Roast from Aldi, I can have use the same beans for 3 months (not that they last that long) and the coffee is very good and very consistent with an impressive crema. I find it difficult to get out on weekends to a local for a morning and afternoon brew.
        I work all over town, and must say there are only a few places that make a consistent good coffee during peak times.

        • Yeah you can get decent shots for a few months. The quality will dip a little and you can definitely tell when drinking espressos but if you're drinking anything else you can't really tell the difference.

  • aren't all coffee beans "mountain grown"?
    I thought coffee only grew at higher altitudes, no?

    • No, Robusta grows at lower altitudes, and there are Arabica varieties that are growing lower as well.

      "Mountain Grown" is likely pretty much advertising puffery though, your point still stands.

  • Revolting coffee, the worst I’ve had. Also putting in a vote for Aldi Lazzio which is also cheaper!

  • Last time I bought this it was terrible. No matter how fine the grind was or how tightly packed there was just no pressure, haven't had the problem with any other bean.

    • That's stale beans for you.

      Have a look at the bottom of the bag for a "Best Before" Date; it's often 1 year from the roast date, so "10 SEP 19" was roasted 6 months and 2 weeks ago. This of course may vary, but it has been true in my experience.

  • Anything Vittoria, Lavazza or Grinders belongs in the garden as Nitrogen! I'd rather have Nescafe instant coffer than any of that garbage (I despise instant coffee!)

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