Evening OzBargains!
For those looking for Japan flights… this is the cheapest I've ever seen. Might have to take some anti radiation pills but never the less. Great deal.
Have a look.
Evening OzBargains!
For those looking for Japan flights… this is the cheapest I've ever seen. Might have to take some anti radiation pills but never the less. Great deal.
Have a look.
lol, atleast i thought it was funny.
Smart Traveller:
Note: USA is "Exercise caution" so Japan is only one step higher.
To travel is the consumer's decision, for those wishing to travel to Japan this is a very good deal.
We can leave it at that i think
Vote me down without any justicfation, hope your heads are nice and warm in that sand.
So true.
Eh, you are displaying the characteristics of a typical ignorant Australian. It is not expected that the nuclear situation to deteriorate much. And if you stay south of Tokyo such as Osaka you will be safe even if Fukushima Daiichi blows up.
I'm sure you're familiar with the geographical size of the country of Japan, and have done a great deal of research regarding the particulars of the current "nuclear issues", as you expertly phrase it, including the likelihood of the situation becoming worse and affecting the safety of the entire country in any relevant way. Yes I'm sure you're terribly well informed.
I'm sure you're not just reacting hysterically to the word "nuclear" appearing in the media and just reacting impulsively, assuming the worst like an ignoramus, and branding anyone who doesn't react as impulsively as you do ignorant and accuse them of burying their head in the sand. That really would be an act typical of your average, reactionary, ignorant "A Currant Affair"-watching Australian.
Argh you have to get back by june 30. If it was another 2 or 3 weeks i would have considered going in uni holidays.
I want to cry that its only that cheap from GC. Why not from Sydney. Whyyyyyyy!?
Japanese tourists fly in to see the heavily promoted Gold Coast. I would like to see J*'s offers extended further, but while they're relying on Japanese tourists to fill planes that won't happen.
Surely flying to Coolangatta for a couple of hundred return is still good value to get the connection to Japan?
Yeah it comes to about $500 cheapest but it's still not cheap enough given hotel and other costs once there. I'm a student after all. It's a shame.
Yeah not as cheap aye. I did Japan from goldy for $550 about 1.5 years ago which at the time was a good deal. Accommodation was cheap at hostels and not horrible. We did 10 days (half of that snowboarding) all up everything (flights, transport, food, accomidation, snowboarding everything) for like $1500. There are deals to be had :)
Go on a "Google Earth" holiday. Much cheaper!
3+ votes for that comment. lol
I hope people aren't putting off visiting Japan due to Fukushima Daiichi. Apart from the exclusion zone, immediate area surrounding it and the coastal villages affected by the tsunami, life goes on pretty much as normal. Sure, Tokyo won't be lit up like a psychedelic Christmas tree due to power shortages but the country is fine to visit.
And your basing this on your in-depth personal knowledge of the current state of the reactor?
and like osaka has been effected? (sarcasm for those who are slow)
it's not like all of japan is…osaka is great to visit too if you're that scared of tokyo…and at this price, i wouldn't mind.
i have a friend from oasaka and he just went back from perth to Osaka. and i asked him how does it go there. and he said everythings is normal. only few companies are affacted by the disaster. other than that everythings is ok he said.
Who the hell really knows how far it travels? I would rather not take the chance, than die in 30 years time (when I am in my 50s).
sickllama wants to feel young (must be 29). Your already acting like someone in their 80s.
Yes. Looking at the current alpha, beta and gamma readings in Tokyo, the level is 0.135 micro sieverts/hour. That's micro as in 1000 micro = 1 milli (the readings the media commonly reports from Fukushima Daiichi). It's at background radiation levels and has been for well over a month. In the first two weeks of the crisis there was genuine problem about radiation levels in Tokyo but it is no longer a concern.
Where people go on their holidays is of course up to them. If they want to venture 200km north/east of Tokyo then that's their decision. Most people would skip that area.
Just as a comparison, flying in a jet during daytime at 40,000 feet gives you an added radiation dose of 6 microsieverts per hour. You're likely to receive more radiation on a 9 hour flight to/from Sydney than in most places in Japan.
then stop using your microwave and eat your food cold. and to add to that, buy those glass purex containers because microwaving/heating the plastic containers aren't good for your body. oh wait, look, pyrex has rubber/plastic covers, let's go buy one of those $50 glass containers.
maybe you should stop using your phone too, the radiation emitted from that could be harmful to your body! ha, how ironic, i'm sure computers emit a little radiation too.
oh and why don't you stop visiting hospitals too? the radiation there is much higher than you think. oh I really think you'd be a lot safer and comfortable sitting at home too in 50 years time suffering from an illness because you're too scared to get an xray/ct scan to find out what's wrong.
And eating a banana has 0.1 micro sieverts/hr.
Here's a good chart which compares radiation levels of various things:
(From xkcd)
Ignore my point, that sounds like an ignorant Australian alright. Yes radiation levels at the moment are low, I get that, your not some bloody genius to grasp that. The point is, the situation is still unstable and radiation levels have the possibility of increasing to dangerous levels suddenly and without warning. Why take the risk? Are you really that cheap that you can't wait a year and lower the risks for you and your love ones?
"Ignore my point, that sounds like an ignorant Australian alright."
A good sign of ignorance is the strength of with which an opinion is expressed, the lack of evidence provided to support it, and other factors like reliance on ad hominems.
"Yes radiation levels at the moment are low, I get that, your not some bloody genius to grasp that."
Genius or not that is 1 more piece of hard data he has provided than you (who are still on 0).
"Why take the risk? Are you really that cheap that you can't wait a year and lower the risks for you and your love ones?"
Provide some evidence to suggest that the situation is so "unstable" that there is an appreciable risk of radiation levels increasing dramatically and without warning to such an extent that it effects, not just the immediate vicinity but the entirety of Japan?
there is so much more to see and do besides tokyo! like osaka or hokkaido up north! but yeah tokyo is pretty awesome :p
burning so bad this deal is in their summer, I want some cheap j-pow!
Miyajima and Hiroshima are worth a visit. Osaka is great and Kyoto has incredible charm. Up north, I really liked Hokkaido during summer. Very picturesque and the only place in Japan where I would strongly recommend hiring a car.
If anyone is considering going anywhere in japan you should rethink. Whatever they are saying about the nuclear reactor / radiation situation assume its 10 times worse.
The seafood is poisened, the grounds would be poisened. I bet half the country is heavily poisened from raidation clouds raising onto the grounds.
Stay away
This sounds like it was written by a LOLcat. I'm on ur grounds, poisening you with raidation clouds.
wow ok relax, I love how they talk about ships off the coast getting exposed to radiation etc, but the levels are so small it is stupid and is just a good ploy to make uneducated people buy news papers. I get exposed to more radiation in my laboratories at uni than their "radio active cabbage" contains. Unless you are living within 100km of the power plant there is nothing to worry about. If you are that scared I hope you don't use a mobile phone.
oh how the media has gotten to this one right ey…
while a nuclear reactor fault is something new and unheard of in this day and age, and definitely sounds scary to the average joe bloggs, doing a little research on how ionizing radiation actually work and their exponential decay over distance will pretty much set all fears to rest…
Seriously, unless you have absolutely NO SKIN on and moreover are naked… then nothing will happen to you - both short and long term…
Japan needs tourism revenue more than ever, they're national debt isn't helping with the recovery efforts :)
Speaking of LOLcats (animals) watch this video, its pretty sad all the abandoned animals in the exclusion zones :(
Its up to anyones decision if they want to go to Japan but dont you think its our duty as Ozbargainers to tell people about the possible dangers? If there was a dodgy seller on here everyone would be on it, but this seems to be taken as a controversy. Anyways thats my 2c
Possible dangers yes, if they are informed. There is still regular news on the Fukushima situation, this guy and PainToad obviously don't follow it as they are spouting alarmist nonsense.
http://atomicpowerreview.blogspot.com/ is an excellent source on the situation in Japan with regular (almost daily updates) from someone that actually knows what they are talking about.
@Evilpotato. Id like to know how you know the levels are so small and how do you know its less than whats in your labs?
The newspapers are deliberately drumming the thing down because its poisoned the whole world and nothing can be done. They are dumping billions of litres of radiated water into the sea still as we speak..
A litre of water equals 1 kilo. 1 billion litres of water is 1 million tonnes. While TEPCO has so far pumped a lot of water onto the reactors, it's in the order of thousands of tonnes. Not millions.
Iodine, Americium and other radioisotopes have been detected as far away as the USA, but by all reports these quantities are extremely small. Our ability to detect quantities of substances down to the millionths of a gram makes for exciting newspaper headlines but no real risk to anyone.
Megafloats not mega enough
TOKYO — Workers began pumping more than 3 million gallons of contaminated water from Japan’s tsunami-ravaged nuclear plant into the Pacific Ocean on Monday, freeing storage space for even more highly radioactive water that has hampered efforts to stabilize the reactors.
That was a month ago. I bet its up to billions now
and i suppose this is just bullcrap too
"The radioactive rain scare is over."
This OzBargain post is about bargain airfares to Japan with Jetstar. I was attempting to counter some of the hysteria and hype that has sadly become very popular recently ("Why would they actually tell us about radiation slowly killing everyone", etc etc). We can play the web link game all evening but the mods are likely to remove all the posts anyway.
Thats where yo are wrong. GE which alot of its money is in nuclear reactora, also owns alot of media outlets in the united states. Why would they actually tell us about radiation slowly killing everyone when its in their benefit not to and they control the media. The levels are high and dangerous but its all being supressed.
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Did you read the blog? That guy in the blog believes that the world is ending soon. Check on the links on the left.
I love how Japan, one of the leading countries in digital modernization, where access to free and uncensored internet is publicly available, is a country being compared to China or N. Korea in its censorship laws (Japan only has few loosely enforced censorship laws against porn (lol) and the illegal stuff like drugs and unanimated child porn).
Information is readily available over the internet for the Japanese… censoring a national event such as this is just a hilarious proposition… but hey if you don't live in Japan you're free to believe whatever you want…
Oh and radiation isn't some airborne flesh eating bacteria that kills you slowly over time, cancer doesn't work like that…
Thats very scary and very true. The silence is deafening. Reason - Because its out of control. Much line the gulf oil spill which they are still pouring millions of litres of chemicals into the ocean to try to clean it up. No media there either
How clueless can you be. We sit here thinking china and north korea are fools for being fed a bunch of lies when in reality we are the fools who believe we get uncensored media when we are even more brainwashed than north korea.
Please all of you please read this before considering going to japan or anywhere in the Northern hemisphere
I guess I should quit trying to cure cancer then… I have no idea what I'm talking about, so I'll leave it at that and admit defeat.
"in reality we are the fools who believe we get uncensored media when we are even more brainwashed than north korea"
If we were worse than North Korea, we wouldn't have free access to youtube videos featuring panic merchants saying we're all going to die from Fukushima Daiichi. If we were worse than North Korea, we wouldn't be able to buy geiger counters and do testing ourselves. And if we really were worse than North Korea, this discussion would be shut down and all involved arrested and placed in labour camps for many years.
Go online and chat to some people in North Korea (good luck finding anyone who has internet access).
Look, NISA still releases daily reports on the situation in Fukushima, just because the general public has the attention span of a gold fish doesn't mean the situation has just gone quiet and they have all gone home.
Sheesh, instead of looking at alarmist postings on public forums, educate yourself if you are concerned.
I've been hanging out for cheap japan airfares, so annoyed that they aren't in the period I need! bugger! Oh well, I'll keep waiting and hoping that some go on sale for late Jan 2012. Anyone know if they have previously had sale fares to japan for the jan-march period? Cheers
AirAsia X now also flies to Tokyo (Haneda). Perhaps that airline may be suitable.
Yes, they have had numerous sales in the Jan-March period. Check back through ozbargain for yourself if you wish to confirm.
I flew over in Feb 2008, and March 2009 for around $420 return each time.
Just wait, you'll be fine.
Cheers mate! Instilled a bit more confidence. I'm too impatient and keep hesitantly almost clicking on the standard return fare that is up for the dates I need, seems to be $1000 return.
I'm having trouble selecting the dates that are available from Perth to Japan. Would be so much simpler if they'd just display which tickets are available rather than pure guesswork
are they flying to Perth to Japan?
Great bargain despite the strict travel times
if you look up Sydney to Tokoyo they are cheap as well I found a $443 return which I thought was really good unfortunately my husband is worried about the power plant situation. I don't think radiation did Godzilla any harm.
Depends how much you value your life/want kids/dislike cancer and radiation poisoning I guess. There's a reason all the gaijin are leaving.
Ok well how about this. Watch this video, tell me you still want to go to Japan and ill give you 10 bucks.
Hi I've watched it and I still want to go to Japan. Do you want my paypal info?
In case of any editing: http://i51.tinypic.com/oa3ldu.png
I've watched a bit. The speaker's opinions are interesting, to say the least. She claims HAARP is the latest weapon of mass destruction, and links it to causing the 9.0 magnitude earthquake that struck Japan.
"What this HAARP system, this new weapon of war, is doing, is it's artificially triggering natural events that release huge amounts of energy that can be used as a destructive force". This quote came from her introduction to the Fukushima disaster as she linked it to HAARP.
I might watch the rest, but I fear my time would be wasted. Not worth watching it to get $10 from lextsy.
It is good to be open minded. Give it a go
So, from the video. HAARP was used to create the earthquake off Japan, to cause the tsunami, to deliberately cause the nuclear disaster, so that North America would be contaminated with radiation (albeit at a very low level, but that doesn't seem to matter), which in turn allows the major bankers to buy up land cheaply from all the bankrupted farmers (she says all will go bankrupt in the USA due to contaminated food), which is the end goal. That's all in the video.
That's one sensational conspiracy theory, with no actual evidence presented. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Just because one person says something must be true doesn't mean it is.
If anyone doubts just how kooky the conspiracy theorists are about Fukushima, watch that video. Fascinating stuff.
lol probably the funniest reply ever
This was a link that was on the front page of OCAU a day or few after the earthquake hit, if anyone's interested. http://xkcd.com/radiation/
Love the comment
HAHAHAH I laughed so hard
No Sydney?…