Depending on how you value your QFF points and if you're OK to use HelloFresh for 10 weeks, potentially a better deal than the previous $50 off and 15K points.
If you don't want to commit to 10 weeks of HelloFresh, you can try them with a $50 discount via one of the referral links below - their plans start at $69.95/week so $50 off is a great deal!
HelloFresh is a healthy meal-kit delivery service - we deliver quick and easy recipes and fresh pre-portioned ingredients to your door each week so you can create wholesome home-cooked meals from scratch without any of the usual hassle.
Earn up to 20,000 Qantas Points
Simply subscribe to a weekly Classic, Veggie or Family Box and you could earn up to 2,000 points on each of your first 10 HelloFresh boxes.
Use the promo code QANTAS20K and the email address saved in your Qantas Frequent Flyer account to start earning points now.
In my opinion, each box you receive without 50% discount you will lose at least $35.
I hope 20k points is worth more then $350.