This was posted 5 years 11 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[WA] Adopt an Adult Cat for Any Donation @ Cat Haven


We are currently caring for almost 450 cats and we urgently need your help. This year kitten season doesn't seem to be slowing down and yesterday alone we received 60 cats and only 6 were adopted. We are currently having to house cats in staff offices and in dog crates because we simply have no other options for space. We urge anyone who has been considering adopting a cat or kitten to come down this weekend. Some of our adult cats (6 months and over) will be available for adoption for a donation of your choice whether it is $5 or $50. Please share, please adopt, please donate and please help us find loving homes for these beautiful cats and kittens. Thank you so much.

EDIT to answer Punkman: Usual adoption prices are $175 for cats aged 6 months to 11 months and $99 for cats aged 1yr+

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Cat Haven
Cat Haven

closed Comments

  • +13

    Ah,responsible cat owners. Very few and far between.

    • -1

      How about stop treating animals like humans pets? Leave animals free. 450 cats and just receiving 60 in just one facility! This is insane.

      We need bigger pet taxes now, microchipped and a huge fine for abandoning your pet.

      • +11

        Leave animals free.

        So let all the cats out to be free so they can kill native animals?

        • +2

          No, stop breeding them for financial purposes. Stop jailing animals as pets.

          • +8

            @[Deactivated]: stop jailing them as pets?.. domestic cats and dogs are not normal animals. we designed them and made them from other animals. they are a human made thing. we made them to be our pets.

            • -8

              @ego22: I am well aware of that. We should just stop this monstrosity. These animals are not dropping from nowhere, we are still making them.

              It doesn't mean we have to repeat the same mistake because we used to do it.

              And it's not just cats and dogs, humanbeasts are selfishly jailing snakes, birds, rats, lions, pigs, monkeys,… and cats and dogs as pets.

              • +4

                @[Deactivated]: I hope you know that the domestic cat has been bred to be human companions for over 5000 years and the very notion of its existence is to be cuddle buddies for us

                • -2

                  @[Deactivated]: You are having a laugh.

                  Cats should be no longer be bred in Australia and start killing the feral ones we have. Hopefully in 50 years they will be gone.

                  • +3

                    @askme69: I am having a laugh, at your expense

                    You can't just wish all the feral cats away or tell people that they suddenly have to stop liking kittens
                    and suppose you do catch and kill all the ferals in the wild, guess what, people are still shitters who will buy a kitten, realize they're not actually toys and that they're living beings which needs time and money commitments and will abandon them when it's convenient to them
                    This is real life, not Zootopia or any other anthropomorphized Disney movie where wild animals all get along and live like humans in a society. We practically created domesticated cats and dogs, and we'll keep doing it.
                    ""Freedom"" is a concept which is not applicable to animals like it is to us, the kings of the food chain and rulers of the animal kingdom

                  • @askme69: So kill and eliminate all cats?

                    • +1

                      @M-G: that is how ask me made it sounds, what a crazy world their mind must live in

                    • +2

                      @M-G: Lock it in Eddy

      • +8

        The answer is to ensure your pets are fixed. No excuses.

  • -7

    Is this really a bargain, seems like something for facebook

    • +9

      Is this really a bargain


        • +2

          Fixed it just for you

    • Not warm and fuzzy, but very accurate. Not sure why the negs. Posts should be defensible bargains. I note this has been corrected in the post.

  • +17

    Remember, pets are for life.

  • +11

    Broden all 450 of them and become the uber Cat-lady!

    • +9

      Cats can drive Uber?

      • +3

        They can’t be worse than current Uber/taxi drivers.

    • -5

      Just picked up 60 cats, sending them to China tonight for a profit of 10,000 yen!

      • +17

        China’s currency is the Yuan. Yen is Japan’s currency. Also, 10,000 yen is about $128.

  • +7

    Howcome there's never an English Bulldog, Bernese Mountain Dog, Husky, Malamute, Labrador or Golden Retrievers up for adoption???

    • +14

      Because this place is CAT Haven!

    • It's sadly very common for some of those breeds (Huskies and Malamutes in particular) to end up in rescues, because people buy them expecting something fluffy and cute, without realizing how high snow dogs can jump, how much exercise and stimulation they need, and how high their prey-drive can be.

  • +5

    that sucks, not the cats fault. i hope you find ppl to look after them

  • +5

    Purrfect for an immediate cat cafe startup..

  • +2

    Enough cats for me, can hardly handle 1! Don’t know how these guys could possible do it for 450? These guys are amazing, we ozbaraginers should adopt one cat each should make it easier for them and for the cats, then everyone’s happy :)

    But there is one problem they are located in WA… no express shipping sir.

    • -1

      Not a bad idea to expand the adoption pool, stick the cats in an Australia Post express shipping bag. Poke a few holes in it. Problem solved!!

      • +3

        You should poke holes in the bag before you put the cat in.

        • +2

          Schrödinger's adoption cat

  • +8

    Aww that's so sad.

    I'd adopt one if I could, but you're in WA. :(

    I think that if I can I'll adopt a cat from now on.

  • +1

    Absolute best of luck finding them homes. Our two little girls are already a handful. Kitties are great pets, particularly if you have an apartment.

  • +5

    I know you guys chip and neuter those cats you rehome, but do you in any way encourage owners to keep their cats indoors? Our street has seen a very visible illustration of the effect of cats on native wildlife since 3 cat owners moved there in the last few years. So many cat owners put their own convenience or their cat's "happiness" over the lives of native fauna.

    • +3

      Yes, they do actively encourage cat owners to keep them indoors. In particular, if cats have pale colouring, their write ups will say they need a strict indoors only home due to potential sun damage.

      Ultimately though, they can't control what people do what they've finished the adoption process.

    • Most cat rescues want their cats to be adopted out as indoor-only cats. unfortunately they can't ensure that will happen once the cat is adopted :(

  • -7

    my cat kills way more rats and mice and non native birds than it does native birds and therefore is a plus to the environment.

    • +6

      Do you think that you are a plus to this environment?

    • +6

      So you follow it all day, every day to monitor everything it kills and doesn't bring home? Or are you like many cat owners I know and are just deluding yourself?

      • The non insect death toll of my two girls is nil, nada, not a sausage. I admit, they may be killing vermin under my house, but I can almost guarantee there are no native birds flying under there. They have the house and a courtyard garden - they can't get off my property. Maybe your "deluded" cat owner friends just might know more about what their cats do than you - just saying. The damage cats do to the environment is NOTHING compared to the damage wrought by people. If you really want to save the native animals then stop people destroying their habitats. I agree that people need to keep cats confined to their properties but they do keep vermin down, which are also a threat to native animals.

        • Maybe your "deluded" cat owner friends just might know more about what their cats do than you - just saying

          No. One of them showed me the remains of something their cat had brought home and wanted reassured it was a rat. The only vaguely identifiable thing left was the nose and that was distinctly non-rat shaped.

          You might keep a solid track on your cars, but don't assume that others do.

          • @banana365: My car is housed in the garage. I still stand by my comment as you have only shown one incident of something that might not be vermin. However, as indicated, I do agree people should keep their cats on their own properties if only to stop them getting injured.

            • @try2bhelpful: Great, I made zero claims about your cats. What you did was imply that my neighbours know that their cat isn't killing native wildlife. Any cat that is outside their owners property is essentially uncontrolled and untracked. Anybody that thinks their cat is only selecting non-native species to kill in a situation like that is not only deluded but seriously stupid.

              • @banana365: Actually you commented about sa-ozzie’s cats; and I would think he knows more about his cats than you do, as well. Unless you are tracking his cat day and night in which case he has a much bigger problem. In general, I also think a cats owner knows more about their hunting patterns than you do. So far you have provided me with one incident you have extrapolated on and a vague reference. I have already, repeatedly, said that cats should be confined to their own property. My other point was that humans do A LOT more damage to the native animal population than cats. Cats that roam, particularly feral cats, can be a serious problem and I DONT SUPPORT PEOPLE LETTING CATS DO THAT. Then again I also don’t support the rampant use of chainsaws, or housing development, in sensitive habitats.

    • I'm looking for the humour…I'm trying!

  • +3

    I read recently that black cats are unwanted because they don't come out very well in selfies , when their owners takes pics with them ….the world has gone mad.

    • +1

      While it's true that black cats and dogs are harder to adopt it's been an issue since long before social media unfortunately.

      • I suspect that's part of the reason Ragdolls have become such a popular breed in the past 5-ish years. They're an extremely photogenic cat and so many owners set up an Instagram page for them :/

  • If I didn't have a dog I'd take one or even 2. The last 2.5 years is the longest time I have lived without a cat since I was 9 years old.

  • +4

    Please adopt responsibly. Don't do it because it's "cheap" and make sure you can look after a cat before you adopt.

    Also, a lot of the time it's easier to adopt an adult cat as they are toilet trained.

  • +8

    When the council put up a portable billboard in my area that said something along the lines of "checking cat registrations this week, fines apply" all of a sudden the neighborhood was flooded with stray cats. The worst part of it was I found two dead immature magpies on my front nature strip and a third one in my backyard last week.

    People that take on free animals with no intention of properly caring for them after they cease to be "cute" or convenient are human garbage. If you've ever dumped an animal or treated it poorly until it left your home - I'm talking to you.

    Then there's the other pieces of crap who let their cat room the neighborhood for 2-4 weeks with no food, water or shelter because they decided to go on holiday and were too tight and stupid to put it in a shelter or have someone look after it while they were gone.

    Most stray cats would be better off put down in my opinion than cycle through another crappy owner. If you are someone who is going to consider a free cat from this shelter, do not be a selfish piece of human garbage, do not do it on a whim and make sure you can dedicate yourself to the animal for its life. Sounds too hard? don't adopt.

    • +2

      Absolutely agree. If you aren’t a responsible owner you don’t deserve a cat. If you are they are great pets.

    • +2

      You don’t own a cat, the cat owns you.

      • Dogs have owners cats have servants.

  • +2

    We just stopped by and adopted a 5 month old black boy. Kids are still fighting for “Shadow”; however, wife and I are gunning for “Salem”.

    • +2

      Please consider 'Night Hawk'

    • +1

      Your wife's name Sabrina by any chance?

      • +1

        Haha no, but we are both avid fans of the 90’s show & i have an unhealthy obsession with Halloween.

        Good job on making the connection :)

    • +2

      Love both choices. Take it easy and introduce them slowly; don’t let kitty get overwhelmed. Winter is coming, lap warmer all sorted. Congratulations.

  • +1

    I wish i could adopt a cat but due to my living arrangements can not do so. Please consider adopting as companionship and unconditional affection… and whilst still a sign of insanity; someone else to talk to besides yourself/walls :) P.S. please make sure you allow some social time & a SMALL financial outlay for ongoing care etc :)

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