Hey guys,
Looking at putting together a mid tier gaming build with a limit of about $1000.
I managed to put together this system https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/prjdhy for $1042.
No need for any additional hard drives atm.
Ryzen 2600 - $230
GTX 1660 6G - $360
G.Skill Ripjaws 3200 2x8GB - $180
ASRock B450M Pro4 - $117
Thermaltake Smart Series RGB LED 600W - $77
Thermaltake View 22 TG $78
TOTAL: $1,042
Any feedback would be great.
Thanks in advance.
Looks fine to me, not much variation to be had when that limited. Also it may be nitpicking, but $1k isn't mid-tier, it's low-end, $2k is mid-tier and $3k is high-end (when we're talking just the case/internals).