Boo bean bag has been further reduced to $79 at eb games.
Snorlax bean bag is still at $99.
Original deal:
Edit: Delivery seems to be $11.95 on both EB games website and eBay.
Boo bean bag has been further reduced to $79 at eb games.
Snorlax bean bag is still at $99.
Original deal:
Edit: Delivery seems to be $11.95 on both EB games website and eBay.
If anyone paid $200 for this they're a bloody idiot. Doubt it even comes with the beans.
I saw one in store that was pre-filled but I wouldn't expect the shipped ones to come that way.
I don't personally have any use for one but to be honest they do look pretty cool, $79 feels ok for what I saw.
I got a snorlax at half price shipped some time ago when my day one Nintendo Switch console had a 50% off on Nintendo merch coupon. It shipped pre filled. I'd assume this is the same. The snorlax doesn't have a zip to allow you to fill yourself. I get the impression the stores hate these particular items given they take up so much space in the store.
They come pre-filled, as there is no zip to put in your beans.
What? That sucks!! Not buying.
But at 80 bucks it's suddenly not a waste of money.
I never said that. But if it does happen to have beans as someone else said then $80 isn't too bad overall.
It does come filled with beans
If I was a huge nerd, these would actually be pretty cool for the price.
Sit cnut
What a shit bean bag.
It stinks
Totally crap.
Poop emoji bean bag $52.35 AUD ($34.99USD) + delivery @ Bed Bath and Beyond US
Not on sale, deal is invalid.
You'd feel right at home sitting in that if you felt the need to drop your guts…
Just picked one up. Thanks.
The Snorlax one looks cool but even at $80 i feel its a bit steep for a beanbag. And you can't even fill them up yourself? How are you going to replenish the beans once they get compacted?
Push comes to shove you could cut it open and sew on a zipper. A pain no doubt but should be easy enough. I'm sure an alterations place could also do it pretty cheaply if sewing isn't your thing.
Already comes with a zipper :)
I only want these beanbags because they're on ozb. Resisting.
When Snorlax is $50, I am in and I'll make a zipper, surely there's a Udemy course on how to sew? I have like 20,000 courses thanks to OzB!
Boo Who?
Draw face on white bean bag
White gets dirty
Omg bought this for 99 on Thursday….. Need to refund
That was $200?! Christ.