Was currently looking for a new Sony Camera and this deal popped up. Cheaper than the current 20% off on eBay
Its and older camera but still very capable.
Was currently looking for a new Sony Camera and this deal popped up. Cheaper than the current 20% off on eBay
Its and older camera but still very capable.
Lordy, indeed…… At first glance I assumed it was just the kit lens.
Maybe a clearance price given the release of the 6400, but still this is a bargain.
I would be in shock if the lens itself can be sold for more than $300
Historical "sold" prices suggest $500-600 for this lens in "pre-owned" condition.
Indeed a nice price, same for the OMD EM10 Mk2 with kit lens at $648. Both excellent travel cameras.
Unless I'm mistaken, the much newer mk3 with 4k video recording is around the same price from other sellers:
Also the mk3 has been $500 before after cashback at Harvey Norman and a kit 14-42mm can be found for around $90-130 on eBay:
Very good price . Decent all round len
Is this touch screen?
no, a6400 is
$2 under the Sony listing which is a 2nd/refurb too when the 20% code was on too
why do you tempt me like this op? great price
Omg, I just spent $900 on a 2nd hand G7 and new 14-140mm lens to go with it. Would never have believed this would go so low.
Ouch. I see G7's for around $380 2nd hand on eBay (bit more if they have warranty), and version 1 of the 14-140's for around $200. Version 2 for around $100 more, which is worth it for the weight savings alone and the tiny bit better OIS + sharpness is a nice addition.
$560 after eBay 10% off.
I actually just got a 2nd hand g85 + 12-60mm for $510 and another G85 body only for $490. I bought a 2nd hand 14-140mm for $200 mid last year and sold it with one of the G85s I got for $1k. IBIS makes a huge difference when using my fav 20mm f1.7 pannacake lens, can hand hold 1 second exposures easily and it looks fantastic. The new mechanical shutter of the G85 completely gets rid of shuttershock which plagues the G7 and made me shoot in e-shutter all the time, reducing raw file dynamic range. That said, if you don't shoot raw then shooting with e-shutter on G7 isn't really a problem at all unless you shoot very fast moving objects which may induce rolling shutter.
I'm happy enough with the deal I got, which was a 2nd hand G7 with kit lens for $400 + a brand new 14-140mm for $500. I didn't fancy getting an old mk1 model lens which are an inferior design with no support for dual IS. Just surprised this new deal is so good…
Having used both, the dual IS function doesn't offer any stabilisation advantage over using inbody only on bodies that support dual IS. It's not just conjecture though, it's been tested to find that dual IS offers no advantage over in body stabilisation.
Section is at 5:30 onwards.
Yes, the m1 is inferior to the m2, but by no stretch of the imagination is it worth 2x+, and also buying it new means you lost ~$200 when it comes to resale time.
I saw that deal but didn't want those lenses. Was looking for an all-round travel lens.
Already ave an A6500 and bought this!! Simply cant resist a bargain :) Lens is actually quite good…
Great price!
Even better price now at $898.20 @ https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Sony-A6300-Mirrorless-Camera-PLU…
With ebay code PRINCE10
Great price considering the lens itself sells for $848: