I missed a parcel from logitech and after I tried and failed to locate my parcel online, called AAE to see if i could get it delivered again, and thier first comment was pretty much " you need to come get it at the depot " which is over 35km away, ive looked up threads on whirlpool about delivery standards, and these guys apparently used to drop them off at your local post office. These threads are a bit old, but whats changed? Not at all impressed knowing I could be enjoying my purchases if there were a easier option for those without a car and time to get there during 9 - 5 hours
Australian Air Express

the depot is pretty much at the airport, which is what sucks
I think it depends on the item.. 99% of the time AAE parcels go to the local PO, but twice I've had to drive 20k to pick something up.
AAE is part owned by Austpost. Only couriers that do drop of at the local PO, and thats the usual case. If your's isn't then its strange, but not uncommon.
mine always gets left at the local post office. strange…
just had to pick up something from post office from them too.
as an aside though, I think that they dont even bother ringing the bell. Not just them but any others. Amazing how im never home, yet the time they put on there, there's somebody at home who swears no one rung the bell or knocked. Or im actually at home at the time.
someone's a liar.
It must depend on who is doing your area, the guy who does our area always knocks…
Exact same thing happens to me too. Missed like 3 packages from them, despite someone being home the entire time. Probably just a dodgy driver in our area.
i just hear a van come and check out the window ;)
Any AAE items go to my local Post Office but generally so late in the afternoon that they miss the mail run to advise you via a card in your letterbox. So you get it the next day, which sort of defeats the whole point of Air Express. :S
AAE delivered my logitech order wrongly! Some other person signed for my parcel. DAMN. Why am I so unlucky.
Our AAE (Townsville) always goes to the airport for everything I've ordered. Probably just because the city isn't so big, but still a pain to drive miles further than the local PO.
AAE are very slow and I always try and avoid using AAE as they are terrible to deal with.
Normally here the postie deliveries it or if the tracking says its been delivered it means its waiting at the post office, sometimes I have to make a guess and check at the post office.
I have no problems with other courier companies they deliver to my door quickly and on time.AusPost is part of AAE but they are still separate org.
For AAE to drop the item at AusPost, AAE charges the sender for leaving it at AusPost.
Senders dont pay when they send the item, but it is charged to their account with AAE.As of the arrangement by the sender and AAE is unknown, that is maybe why things are different from before.
Above is my understanding of how they work. not fact
Don't they drop off at the Airport if you are not avaliable?