Community Housing Neighbour Dropping Butts in Courtyard

So I live in a ground floor unit in Community Housing. The building is 3 units tall, so 2 others live above me.

Ever since I moved in my top level neighbour has had a nasty habit of dropping their butts down into my courtyard. I’ve kindly asked them to stop, written a letter asking them to stop - their excuse is the wind… I suggested windproof ashtrays, they said they still get blown over… but I have witnesses who have watched them dump their ashtray over the side of the balcony, which most land where our bins are, but some and blown into my courtyard on their way down. Others have seen her drop the butts over. And to be honest, the frequency it happens, it can’t just be the wind every so often. Regardless, I said if it’s the wind then to please come pick them up each week herself, which she doesn’t do.

I eventually gave up on asking her and reported it to Community Housing. They told me they need specific days and times that it happens… as if I sit at the window and watch for them to fall! Never the less, I’ve sent photos of the days they increase, but today while taking photos one dropped at that exact moment, so I do actually have one photo with the exact time it dropped too.

So far, despite previous emails I’ve sent in with dates and photos, it seems that Community Housing does nothing about it as the problem continues. If after this time they still don’t do anything about it, I’m at a loss as what to do about it… my gardener called me outside when they cleared my backyard, the amount of butts there made it look like I was a chronic smoker. It’s just so disgusting.

As Community Housing is privately owned property the police tell me the problem needs to be resolved with them. So… what to do? I’m stuck. I’m so over it. I have a physical disability which makes it way too hard for me to be constantly picking up these butts off the ground. I have a gardener but it’s only once a month for maintenance of the courtyard. Still, gardener or not, I shouldn’t have to deal with it… I’m worried the synthetic grass I have will either melt or catch fire… the nearby tree drops loads of pine needles & im petrified I’ll wake one night to my whole yard being alight and spreading up the whole side of the property.

If anyone has any suggestions of further steps I can take that may see an end to the cigarette butts being dropped I would be so greatful!

Thank you,


  • For my benefit what is privately owned community housing? I've never heard of such a term. Thanks

  • +5

    I love the subject line..

    • +1

      I must admit it did get excited initially

  • +3

    located in Sunnyvale per chance?

  • +5

    So annoying. I hate smokers. They are selfish and disgusting. Put them in a plastic bag an chuck them back up there. The cigarettes I'd just chuck in the bin ;)

  • Try going to the council, or whoever community housing operates under. Like the government department. Edit - housing registrar as noted below

    • Do people not read OP at all? It hasn't been revised that I can see, and OP says:

      I eventually gave up on asking her and reported it to Community Housing. They told me they need specific days and times that it happens…

      So far, despite previous emails I’ve sent in with dates and photos, it seems that Community Housing does nothing about it as the problem continues.

  • +2

    What happens if I'm not happy with the service or a decision by a community housing organisation?

    All community housing organisations have their own complaints process.

    If you want to make a complaint, you must first try to resolve the complaint with the community housing organisation.

    The community housing organisation has 30 days to resolve a complaint in the first instance.

    If the matter isn't resolved, you have the right to ask the Housing Registrar to investigate the matter.

    Contact your community housing provider for more information and to lodge your complaint.…

  • +1

    Welcome to Ozbargain.

    Find a bargain, innovative ashtray that solves this problem. for example

    Post the bargain on ozbargain, and buy one for your neighbour (If its less than $5, then you are successful).

    Then set up affiliate marketing, and share your link to the ashtray that solves this problem with the community housing department, providing them with the solution. That way you fix the problem and slowly accrue credit through affiliate marketing for something that was once your problem, but now is your patented solution. Do this for all the things that cannot be helped by lodging complaints or starting discussions on problems.

  • +5

    Gather them up (and extras from nearby parks etc), poor water on them and dump them in a soggy pile at their door each week until it stops. Filthy disgusting smokers should have to live in their own separate communities.

    • The problem with this is it invites retaliation. If someone can't work out that throwing cigarette butts into someone else's courtyard is wrong, doing the above is only going to antagonise them rather than make them realise it is a bad idea. It'll make you feel good in the short term but then the neighbour will just do something worse.

  • +1

    Do you own a dashcam that you could leave recording?

  • Hi there welcome to the forum

  • +1

    most land where our bins are

    Leave bin lids open so they fall right in.

    You’re welcome.

  • +2

    Figure out a way to launch poops into her balcony at night. Do it infrequently.

  • +1

    I'd start a small fire on the synthetic grass. The only possible ignition source is the cigarette butts. It's a WHS issue.

    Work through their complaints process. Don't swear or lose your temper but do feel free to get a bit emotional. Emphasise the WHS issues in terms of fire risk, rubbish build up, the potential for injury to yourself if you attempt to pick it up. Dot point the lot. If you can get statements from your neighbours (or at least their willingness to be interviewed by the Housing Cooperative Management to support the claims) then all the better.

    Don't forget to escalate with a polite "It appears you haven't been empowered to deal with this. May I speak to your supervisor?"

  • You could ask them to put the butts in a plastic bag and drop that down and then you'll bin it for them.

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