This was posted 5 years 11 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$0 - 2 or 4 Months Access to YouTube Premium for Samsung Galaxy Device Owners


TL;DR version -

  • Galaxy S10, Galaxy Fold and Galaxy Tab S5e - 4 months free.
  • All other Samsung Galaxy device - 2 months free*

Redeem link.

YouTube is giving Samsung Galaxy S10 customers a reason to celebrate by giving the gift of YouTube Premium! Starting today, users can enjoy four months of free, uninterrupted, ad-free access to YouTube, and our new music streaming service, YouTube Music.

Galaxy Fold and Galaxy Tab S5e devices will also come with a 4-month offer once available for purchase. And all other Samsung Galaxy device owners who activate a device between February 20, 2019 - February 29, 2020 will be able to try YouTube Premium for 2 months free*. Both 4- and 2-month offers are available globally where Samsung Galaxy devices and YouTube Premium are available**.

*Standard eligibility applies: Offer only available to customers who are not current YouTube Premium, YouTube Music Premium or Google Play Music subscribers, have not been YouTube Premium, YouTube Music Premium, YouTube Red, or Google Play Music subscribers, nor participated in a YouTube Premium, YouTube Music Premium, Google Play Music, or YouTube Red trial before. At the end of the trial period, users will be automatically charged the standard subscription price unless cancelled before the end of the trial. Offer must be redeemed by March 31, 2020.

**Offer available to participants in the United States, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada (excluding Quebec), Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Portugal, Russia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom.

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closed Comments

  • +5

    I must have had a trial in the past or something, only offering me 30 days free.

  • 1 month for s8 existing account

  • +4

    Ohhhhhh dealbot like dilbert hahaha thats funny.

  • 1 month for me too. Signed up in the past before

  • +50

    Download Youtube Vanced don't pay for this rubbish -

      • +24

        If you really want to support particular creators then it's better to use their patreons.

        • +2

          Many dont have patreons.

          • +2

            @ScruffTheJanitor: Then you should be watching their ads.

            • -3

              @lostn: I don't want to watch ads. Now what?

              • @ScruffTheJanitor: Get in touch with them, and write them a personal cheque.

                With Red, they only gets cents of your money, Google/YT takes the rest, and some are distributed to other youtubers.

                • @lostn: What a ridiculous comment for so many reasons. Like seriously can you seriously not admit you may have been wrong? Getting in contact with them and giving them a cheque? hahahahahahahahhahaha.

                  Facts are YouTube red is the only way to support many YouTubers. I dont give a shit how little it is, me watching an ad gets them next to nothing aswell. They got more money then if I didnt have it. And it turns out a lot of cents from a lot of people = a lot of money

                  • -1


                    What a ridiculous comment for so many reasons. Like seriously can you seriously not admit you may have been wrong? Getting in contact with them and giving them a cheque? hahahahahahahahhahaha.

                    Of course not. You don't want to watch ads, don't want to donate to patreon, want to give them money, so you give money to youtube instead.

                    And it turns out a lot of cents from a lot of people = a lot of money

                    If you're the only recipient of those cents, sure. Guess what? You're not. And Youtube wants some of that dough too.

                    Ads make about $1 for every thousand views. Popular youtubers get thousands per video. There's a lot more viewers than premium subscribers if you haven't figured that out yet. Youtube gets over a billion visits a day. How many of them are subscribed to premium?

                    Write them a cheque, and they will get more money from you than they will from Youtube Premium. Now go find that cheque book.

                    • @lostn: Yes I don't want to watch ads. I would rather pay and give them he same or more money through youtube red.
                      I already said they dont have patreons, never said I didn't want to give them money.
                      I said I dont want to give them cheque because its not the 1800s, many wont give out their address and many wouldnt take a cheque . Never said I didn't want to give them money.

                      Guess what? Youtubers I watch have directly said that watching their videos with youtube red helps them. I think I trust people that actually run a channel over a random YouTube hater that has NFI how any of this works but acts like he does :)

                      Write them a cheque ? Ok grandpa. Do you know what year it is? Most people dont even own a chequ book any more.

                      "There's a lot more viewers than premium subscribers if you haven't figured that out yet. Youtube gets over a billion visits a day. How many of them are subscribed to premium?"
                      And why does that matter to me? I dont care if i'm the only paid viewer watching, if you used that little head of yours you would realize that is IRRELEVANT. All that matters is how much money they get from ME watching their content. If I'm watching the ads v if im paying for youtube red. How much do they get from each method. Thast ALL that mattesr.

                      So Please tell me. You're the one telling me how worthless it is so you must have the numbers, right? You tell me how much revenue they get from a free user watching v a paid user.

      • you'd be naive to see content creator to rely on your premium to survive, those who managed to be on such treatment probably don't need your money, there's crapload of way to earn money there

        • -1

          You'd be naive to think, especially after the ad problems that there arent some creators close to not being able to do this anymore and wouldnt if they lost that youtube red bump.

          • +4

            @ScruffTheJanitor: Haha I was like why is this guy getting down voted then realized I was on ozbargain :^)

    • Thanks.. But the first two non rooted versions seem to be dead links?

    • Can you download YouTube videos via YouTube Vanced?

    • I’m on iPhone, what’s a good alternative to this?

      • Also interested!

      • +1

        There is no simple alternative for iOS unless you jailbreak your device.

      • +1

        Firefox addon maybe?

    • +1

      Try this if the User1488 link's don't work.…

    • +2

      Another free, open source alternative is NewPipe.
      It allows background play and downloading as audio or video.

    • Can you watch youtube originals with Youtube vanced?

    • Cheers man didn't know about this. Works great. Anything like for YouTube music aswell?

    • -1

      While I don’t pay for Youtube Premium I can see the value of ads or having an ad-free subscription service to ensure operational fees are covered and doesn’t run at a loss.

      I don’t think google has ever publicly revealed their upkeep costs or profits but if they are making a profit then good for them. They are offering a good service that is used by almost everyone worldwide.

    • Wondering if someone can help- I know there is a decent app that I can't remember the name of, which blocks all sources of ads on android. It is a bit like ghostery (amazing) on windows desktop. Any suggestions?

    • How do I get this for my Samsung S10+?

  • +1

    One month trial :(

  • Just in time for season two of Cobra Kai

    • +1

      Oh pls tell me there isn't a season 2

    • More importantly to catch season 1 of Wayne!

    • +9

      "Total Cancer."

      Whoa, bit of a overreaction there.

  • +5

    I just signed up for 4 months free with the S10, already cancelled subscription and still have access to premium until end of billing period. They did charge $1.00 to my PayPal account but it was refunded instantly. Thanks OP.

    • Same here

    • I signed up as well. Will it cancel after 4 months or after the first month?

  • Best to get to watch Kobra Kai the karate kid remake

  • -1

    Is the phone free would have to be.

  • +1

    What am I missing? Where in the sign up process does it check if I have a Galaxy device?

  • +4

    I used Youtube Vanced for a long time until it stopped working with my Chromecast for some unknown reason. I then switched to the paying-in-Russian deal that popped up here a few months ago. I pay 199 Rubles per month now, which even after my CBA intl transaction fee, comes to about $4.50 a month. I could not be happier paying that price. I also have Netflix and Stan (my damn kids!) which each cost me over double the $4.50.
    I am unsure if the "hack" still works or if Google found a way to stop it.

  • I got 6 months free with. Google Home Hub. Have not really watched much, as I have more than enough content to watch. Would not pay for it, but it is a nice bonus.

  • so its just ad free? use adblock cough.

    • +6

      ad free
      exclusive videos
      screen off/background playback
      download and cache videos for later
      doubles as a google play music subscription too for all that's worth

      • +1

        Won't let you download some videos and doesn't work when you're overseas

      • oh ty

    • Works a bit differently on mobile.

  • +3

    Nothing for me thru the link

  • Someone say Cobra Kai season 2 was coming out? time to make another Youtube account and get on that 1 month trail…

  • +2

    Would Android emulator work for people without Samsung Galaxy? There is a device emulation setting on most of those emulators. It seems to keep Google Play reasonably happy. Doesn't seem to support emulating S10 yet though.

    • +1

      Disclaimer: Use it at your own risk. I do not recommend you do this.

      The emulator method. You need an Android emulator which can support custom model i.e. MEmu. Install both Chrome and YouTube apps in the Android emulator (if you haven't installed them yet).

      Go to the emulator's Settings (the actual application settings, NOT the Android Settings app) and the section which allows you to pick device info (for MEmu, it is Advanced, Device). choose Custom Device, and enter samsung SM-G973F. Save it and it should ask you to restart the emulator.

      After the restart of the android emulator, open Chrome inside the Android emulator, click on the Redeem link, choose to open it using YouTube app: you get the option of 4 months free trial.

      You don't need a Galaxy S10, just need a PC or a Mac and run an Android emulator. You do need to enter your credit details (or PayPal details) to commence the trial though.

  • +1

    I've got an s10 and it only shows up 1 month for me :(

    • Did you try the redeem link shown in the post? Also, when asked, open it in YouTube app. I used an emulator to emulate S7 Edge and it offered 2-month free trial.

      • +1

        yep, it opened up in the app to offer me a one month trial

        • What's your model number? I tried SM-G973F (just a guess) on my emulator and it offered me 4 months free trial.

          • @netsurfer: yeah, same model number, it's alright though, thanks for helping, I can live with ads :>

  • +3

    Got S10+ but it wants to charge $14.99

  • Only seeing 1 month in S10E :(

  • Would this work on a S3?

  • Galaxy S5e didn't even released yet?

  • +1

    Doesn't work on a note 8. Wants to charge me 1.22 for 1 month

  • +1

    Change the headline to "new Galaxy owners". Might save some confusion.

  • Im currently on the youtube family subscription, if i get this will it stack and extend the expiry date??

  • -3

    Not working

  • working on s7
    1 month

  • Thanks, signed up.
    Would never pay $15pm for this though, and will likely switch to either NewPipe or Youtube Vanced as others have suggested above.

  • Does YouTune premium let me search, vote and comment on videos in limited state?

  • Signed up through website, no phone needed.

    4 months free thanks

    • Using the redeem link in OP?

      • Yes, the link in the body of the post.

    • May I ask what device you have?

  • Not a freebie.

  • Not working for Samsung Note 10+ anyone get this working?

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