Just announced, has been made backwards compatible, not free just yet.
Update: Free when you go to purchase
Just announced, has been made backwards compatible, not free just yet.
Update: Free when you go to purchase
Thanks only this link work.
I am referring the same link dealbot posted, what you are talking about.
The link OP posted didn't work.
Hmm..that was a strange buying process, but worked and bought for free..I think!!
Thanks OP 👍
Yeah all the Xbox 360 purchases are like this, even with Games with Gold. The site comes up listing the full value then prompts you to sign in twice then asks you to add a payment method then lists your card with a $0 payment. It's really crap.
Such a roundabout way of doing things, with an interface from what feels like 12 years ago. Works in the end though.
Didn't really get the hate surrounding this. I enjoyed it alot when it released
Don't like this game, but a freebie is a freebie.
Thanks OP
Sorry, my purchase cannot be completed at this time. Anyone got the same?
Nah worked first time for me.
Do it again, didn't work the first time for me either
Yep, that's all I get. Just never works… awful interface and really unhelpful message.
Sick, cheers.
I don't own Xbox but got it anyway. Thanks OP
Yay more Crackdown.
Worked like a charm thanks Op
Crackdown is drug like for me, never did play 2 tho, thanks for this.
The first one was the best. 2 is alright still though
Yeah seriously, between Crackdown 2 going free now, Crackdown 3 coming out last month (played through $2 Game Pass) and Crackdown 1 going free awhile ago.
Microsoft has really won over my bargain-gaming wallet.
Thanks OP. God the Microsoft website is shit.
Thanks OP. Never played this one. Loved the first.
Your purchase cannot be completed at this time. Please try again.
Thanks OP
FYI everyone that CRACKDOWN 1 is also FREE.
Also don't forget the crackdown dlc "free for all" & "four play" is free
how come it directs to UK microsoft for the payment update?
Then I have the error when purchase
Your purchase cannot be completed at this time. Please try again."
I get the same thing. I have a card registered for payments in Aus, yet even in an incognito/private window, it still redirects me to UK microsoft for payment, with no choice to change country.
Unfortunately, even after registering a UK card, I just get the same error that purchase can not be completed.
Awesome! Ive had Both Crackdown 1 and 2 and 3 since their launches. Finally Crackdown 2 on backwards and free is awesome!
loved Crackdown got when it was free also!
Love Crackdown 3! happy its getting regular updates and some new content!
Tried Crackdown 3 wrecking zone and i was disgusted with it :( played 5 matches after i finished with it, i deleted wrecking zone from my console.
It made me feel sick playing it. Why did they even bother? Should of focused on 4 player co op,and making single player even more chaotic?
is it backwards compatible with XB1S? (sorry for the dumb question haha)
Yeah, can play on any type of Xbox One.
cheers! :D