Cheapest on Amazon yet! Might be price match of HN (for those who got it), or cheaper shipping or free if you have Prime!
Dont forget Cashrewards/Shopback!
Cheapest on Amazon yet! Might be price match of HN (for those who got it), or cheaper shipping or free if you have Prime!
Dont forget Cashrewards/Shopback!
Where are they available for that price? PC as well?
Is there all inclusive Game + DLC bundle price that includes the Forsaken Annual pass
That was the price on PS Store…
They havn't matched southpark or cod yet but hoping they do. I can get farcry locally but if they match all 3 i'll gladly buy from them.
It would be nice if Amazon Australia created some of their own unique deals instead of simply price matching every different major store.
They do.
I hear it's quite hard to get a game nowadays. Is it possible to play PvE if there aren't any real people around, like with The Division?
There is definitely $5 worth of enjoyment in this game either way. I paid $10 for the Division, never played with another person and thought i got good value for money
Hard to get a game of what ? Destiny is an easy game to hate on but it still has a cult like following. It will never be dead
I have 0 issues getting a game. Quick to get full matches.
War Frame free.
Warframe is a free to play game, it's always available for free.
I think that's what he means. Like when people say why buy BO3, when apex exists.
Does the game even have $5 worth of content, yet?
Do you need online subscription as in xbox game pass or xbox live to play this game? I don’t have either subscription. Was only thinking of single player gaming.
Isn’t this free to play now?
Bought, thanks OP
Do you need to have played the first before jumping into this?
For $5, worth a try.
Nope. Go for it.
Is this playable without Xbox Live Gold? worth it for single player?
You don't need Gold to play it solo, the campaign is pretty short and repetitive but the core shooting gameplay is solid and it has some really pretty graphics.
For anybody whose played it recently, how's the game in it's current state and can it be enjoyed without needing to pay for DLC?
Not owning the DLC locks you out of a large portion of the game features, the game is not really my thing so I never bought the DLC but the base game by itself is good entertainment for a weekend to play through the campaign. For $5 it's okay.
Thanks. I've previously refused to buy it out of principle as i know they've really pushed for the DLC. Valid point though regarding the expectation given the price as I would be happy to get at least a few hours out of it. Purchased.
The new DLC is quite good. Gambit play type is unique and heaps fun. Do yourself a favor.
Should be free gave it away for free for a period lol
I think that was PC only
Plus $29.95 for the three DLCs to get up to current content.