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Pro-Ject 2Xperience SB Turntable with Ortofon 2M Blue Cartridge & Dust Cover $1499 Delivered @ Melbourne Hi Fi


This TT reviewed as not quite as good as the Rega RP6 and the Clearaudio Concept MM but close. Now that these are being run out, they are very good value, better than a Planar 3.

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Melbourne Hi Fi

closed Comments

  • Explain to me why itโ€™s worth paying $1,500 to play records like Iโ€™m 5.

    • Snob value mate, I was looking for the USB port and onboard that converts straight to FLAC.

    • To experience the full clarity that is equivalent to 11bit digital files. Obviously they must be converted to FLAC to preserve all that fidelity!

    • +3

      If you have to ask then you don't need to know :) Seriously though, I have a few TTs in my collection worth a heck of a lot more than $1500 and the differences in payback quality from the 'better' TTs can really be amazing… but to be brutally honest (& keeping in mind everything audio is very subjective) I get just as much enjoyment from streaming audio via Bluetooth through an easily affordable Chinese D-Class Amp and out a couple of 30 year old $50 bookshelf speakers. Zero need for a lot of this audio gear but at the same time some of it is pretty incredible too :)

      • Fair enough, had a couple of good B&O turntables in my time, but have to agree my use case is pretty similar. These days most people don't know ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Feel like side grading cause this looks pretty :)

  • +1

    Good price for a nice deck. I think though that a 2M bronze or black would suit this table better than the blue.

    • True, but the blue is a good starting point on the journey. Someone could experiment with cartridge upgrades for years with this tt before feeling like they need to upgrade to another turntable.

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